Ultra Eighteen, Chapter 3 By Executioner (executioner12@juno.com) Eighteen faces a new problem. As eighteen woke up she stretched out her arms bulging hugely she tensed her muscles to help herself stretch some. A sudden bang made her jump a bit then she looked to where her hand had been. She had just tore a hole right threw the wall. A slight sigh coming from her a bit annoyed she had done that she began to get up out of bed reaching for one of the bed post to yank herself up. As she leaned up she feel flat on her face her support giving way and not having enough time to react. Looking up she saw she had just broke the top parts of the bed post of. Looking to her hand a very angry look spread on her face now getting annoyed with herself. Placing her hands against the floor her eyes grew very big when her fingers went straight threw the thick carpet and tore threw the hard concrete under neath. Raising herself up off the floor she let out a slight sigh and dropped the remains she had tore up to the floor. Placing her hands on her head she began to think of her problem. Deciding she needed to get out of such a fragile area she chose to head to the training area. However this was easier said then done. As she went to open there bed room door she ripped of the door itself sense the inside was lined with steal. Walking down stares she though to hold the guard rail but she ripped it off of the wall. As she walked down the hall she was getting very aggravated by now finally she made it into the training area after tearing of another weaker door before coming to the main one. Walking to the center of the room she sat down and began to think on her problem and how she might be able to fix it. What was different about her then it was last night? She was stronger and had been training however nothing had made it this hard to control herself she had always had great control over her strength able to be gentle as a kitten if she wanted to be but now it seemed she could not touch anything without tearing it apart. As she leaned on the reinforced floor made to handle 4 millions time normal weight and now that the generator was off it was one of the few things that she could touch without destroying on contact. She knew Krellin would try to help her when he woke up and she silently cursed herself for not waking him up while she was upstarts. Screaming was a no go sense she did not know how much power her voice would pack in that action. As she though on the subject it hit her. She had been learning how to maintain her powered up level just last night. Instead of powering up for a energy wave she was trying to learn how to always hold that level of power so she would be ready for anything and had indeed made some progress. She could now hold half her full battle power at all times this also meant she grew stronger faster sense she worked harder at everything. But how could that cause it after all she had made it up to bed fine although she was rather tired after training that hard. She relized that was it she had been tired as in not up to full strength now that she had rested and her strength and rebuilt itself she was now at full combat power. Now she had a problem she had learned Krellins moves very well and could use them very well even hide most of her power but that was just it she could hide it not reduce it. Sighing she closed her eyes and began to think on the subject. She would have to learn to suppress her power even better then she did now and that would take some help. Laying down she decided she would have to waite for Krellin to wake up so that she could find a way to power down a bit maybe they had some technique that would let her decrease her strength for a time. As she thought about this she relized she might have to even develop her own sense none of them had ever really made such a technique except for one of there enemy and he was dead. This was very irritating to her as she sat there and began to think on just how she was going to fix this.