Ultra Eighteen, Chapter 2 Eighteen enjoys her strength By Executioner (executioner12@juno.com) As Krellin slowly awakened from his sleep he found himself were he had last been his face firmly pressed in between eighteen's mammoth tits although this was a truly wonderful place to rest so long as you were invited he found he had a rather unfortunate problem. He desperately needed to use the rest room he tried to raze himself up of the mighty android but found his arms were nearly useless against her strength he tried squirming free but found although her grip was gentle she still maintained him firmly squeezed to herself unable to move at all. Not wanting to yell seance it might make her jump which going by there deferences in strengths could be rather unfortunate for him he sighed and began to think. The odds of her over reacting in such a way were truly low but he still did not which to take such a chance. He decided that it would be best to get away from her as fast as he could seance anything that would wake her up would be rather intense he began to power up. As his energy level began to raze he moved his hands as best he could out from under her his hands running over her abs got a slight sigh from the mighty android as he squirmed around his face rubbing against her tits she began to sigh and squirm around a few giggling coming from her sleeping form. Finally he had manage to position his arms and let loose a full blast energy wave attach upon her chest area knowing good and well all the power in his body could do no real damage to her. However he found it had less of a effect then he had even hoped for her arms still rested upon him pinning him down to her with gently yet inconceivable strength. Sighing he layed his head back down and began to think his need to use the rest room was getting all the greater finally a idea hit him. He began to lick the lower parts of eighteen's breast and in between them as high as he could get being pinned down while his hands moved around her body as best they could. He found himself getting a rather large erection he soon had forgotten about his need to use the rest room as he was enjoying licking her tits her arms began to move about moving away from him by now he was to into licking her tits and simply raised up on her chest he began to suck and lick her nipple bighting down upon them as hard as he could her mones growing ever more intense he had to make sure he had a good grip upon her to keep her from throwing him off. Finally she screamed out her screams sending out so much energy that they blew of the roof fortunaly her energy was angled up ward so only the roof was blew of the house as well as a few planets which were facing that particular side of the earth the energy causing a slight earth quake no one was really hurt the planets not being inhabited. Quickly moving down her body licking and sucking as he went krillen kissed her breast her abs her huge arm that came within reach her muscles larger then his head he made it down between her legs and kissed both of her thighs then moving to her pussy he began to kiss and suck her woman hood. Her legs wrapped around his head pinning him to herself instinctively he found he could not escape how ever not wanting to he began to kiss and lick her pussy pushing his tongue up into her after she had been thoroughly ready do to her strength this being the only way. He continued you this actually coming from the acts of this as she came a few times herself covering the bed as his face with her juices he feel back. Finally stirring eighteen looked down at her cum soaked lover a grin upon her lovely face. Smiling eighteen gently took krillen into her arms whispering softly what a nice way that was to wake a girl up he was breathing rather hard while her endless amount of energy left her ready for more she was content to let him rest and just cuddle him. Looking down at Krillens manhood she giggled baby need to use the potty. Realizing he had forgotten why he had woken her up he blushed and shook his head a few times getting up she carried his exhausted body into the bathroom between waking her up and the energy wave he was rather drained holding him while he used the bathroom she kissed and licked him behind the ear as he used the rest room. He had trouble actually getting finished with her playfully molesting him she even help him shake his cock a few times to make sure he was done. Walking back into there bed room she looked down at his exhausted frame giving him a kiss on the forehead she layed back down once again laying Krellin down upon her chest he used her huge breast for a pillow covering back up she wrapped her arms around him once again sighing they both boobs back off Krillen's head snuggled deeply into the sea of flesh that made up her tits. As eighteen woke up she stretched out pointing her toes her leg muscles flared out bulging impressivley she looked up at the large hole she had made in the roof just the night before. Sighing she gently placed the sleeping Krellin on her massive frame. Taking to the air she flew along the coast and found some trees that would suit her needs landing she tore a few of the larger trees up then flew along the lines to home stopping by the rail road she reached down her massive arm bulging as she did gripping some of the old railing in her hand it had long been abandon she ripped the tracks up. Holding the metal in between her thumb and index finger she crushed it into a thin wire then with her other free hand pulled the metal the rest of the way threw making the wire she would need. Flying back to her home she held the tree up strate then using a small ax cut them into perfect pieces. Placing the wiring into place she went out fixing the lumber into place as well she easily pushed each nail into place with her fingers that done she flew back and looked out how well she did. Seeing that it was rather good work she began to think on what to do today. After the exercise she had gave Krellin last night he would not be waking up any time soon. Tapping her jaw she looked around the area looked nice but she wanted some were new. Grinning that was it she would find them a nice vacation spot. However flying around that was rather hard the z fighters had trashed nearly every good spot there was and any other had to many people. Shrugging she decided if there were none she would just have to make one. Flying to the arctic she flew strate down threw the ice easily tearing threw it she came to the bottom. Taking a hold of a large rock base with good soil on top she she flew up the ice on the land stayed planning to be used for a early fresh water source. Finding a base of a island that had been destroyed she landed on the area and placed its new island on top of the destroyed one. Flying under the water she found several large boulders and placed them along the rim of the base using her energy burst she melted them down then using her strength and speed she moulded the melting rock into place. Flying up she began work on the island tearing huge shards of ice and land of she reshaped the area so that the fresh water would not leave to rapidly but would flow to support plant life on the island. Thinking on were to get the plants them self she took of. Finding a spot of jungle that was about to be clear cut she snatched the plant and animle life away tearing up everything using the rock base to pack it the head of the crew woke up just in time to see the land suddenly shuit up and although far away standing in the center all of this what he could have sword to be a buetiful woman take of with the land he was about to cut down. Flying back to her island eighteen placed the new plant and animle life were it would be most suited not nearly enough to cover it she had underestimated what she would need but it was still a nice start. Getting another idea she hit the sea looking for what she needed however she could not find enough sunken ships thinking about this she flew up out of the water. Coming to a few of the country cost that had yet to join in peace with the others she tore threw a few of the larger war ships letting them sink but slowly and safely allowing the crew to escape. Then taking the large ships she carried one at a time not able to get enough in her hand although the ships weight themselfs was not a challenged she did not want to crush them together for this. Flying back to her new island she placed the large ships along the outside of it in a few years the ships would make some very nice coral reefs once sea life was done with it. Flying back onto the island itself she now needed to make a place for her and her little love to stay finding a few palm trees and a large boulder she smoved the rock out her hands reforming the huge rock like clay she moulded it to how she wanted a base for there new spot. Fixing the trees up she used some of the tricks natives do however some of the acts were simply way beyond even that such as when she could not figure out how something worked she would simply mold a rock or the such into the right shape for the job not wanting to have to do a lot of looking up. She even made a hot tub by ramming her way deep into the earth allowing the hot gasses to stream up she placed a large rock cap over it with the edge open the steam kept it warm making it very large she would have to fill it back up now and then but not to often. Grinning she flew up into the air looking down at her new vacation spot she flew back home to get krellin. As eighteen flew threw the air swooping down and splashing the sea water sending up a cascade all over her flawless body she began to look more closely at her self flexing her arm she noticed her muscle was much larger then even her head while her breast dwarfed even her muscles she giggled likeing how she looked although she did enjoy how she looked before she found this form much more appeling. Her eyes suddenly opened wide as she noticed something she had been so wrapped up in her fun and power as of late she had not relized she had yet to get any close that would fit her now much larger and a foot tallger frame. This shock made her stop watching what she was doing and she plowed into the water sending up huge waves behind her she went under the water and slammed into the ground. Along the beaches of some near by islands suddenly huge waves were found comeing up they slammed into the beaches washing many people into the sea as well as buildings. Popping up eighteen could here the after math of what she had done not wasteing time she flew to every were she herd the screams for help. Dipping down into the water she moved at such speed as she scooped up everything nocked into the water and as quickly as it had happened every one was back on shore the only sign that something had happened was the large buildings laying on there sides as well as the rather large indentations that looked like a pear of breast were eighteen chest had indeed pushed up against them while she was scooping them up out of the water. Eighteen sighed as she flew back home relizeing with this new found power she would have to be more careful then ever before still she needed some new close. Seeing a JC Pennies on her way home she landed and flew into the building. As the clerck looked up he saw the most gorgoues women he had ever seen walking toward him she was buetfil some were around 7 foot and 6,8 she was huge but not in the bad sence she was hugely pure musle. Each arm had to be two times as wide as his head her breast made even her huge arms look small her waste was rather smaller compared to the rest of her but had a incredable eighteen pack her thighs flared out just as large as her upper arms then trimmed down to rather smooth feminen ankles. Her pubic hair was blonde indicating she was a true blonde. As she approached he could no longer see her lower half but could not take his eyes of her breast. A soft chuckling voice suddenly said to him excuse me the conversation is up here looking up he saw a lovely blonde her face framed in some what short but lovely blond hair deep indigo blue eyes and a lovely smile she was gourgous. The clerck studderd a response yes how may i help you. As eighteen grinned she said yes i would like to get some close that might fit me can you help me. The clerck shakeing a bit nodded and took her hand walking out from behind the counter he lid her threw the store trying not to show his erection. As eighteen following him threw the store they first tried to get her some panites and a braw however he found nothing would fit her massive frame. Chuckling some they moved on to pants trying to fit the pants on her her legs were small enough at the start however her massive thighs made this impossble and any stretch pants would be far to loose to fit around her waste if she managed to pull them over her legs ( plus she had never really liked stretch pants). Moveing on they tried the shirt each one was far to small to go around her arms at all not only that but had they made it there was no way they could hope to hide her magnefecent chest. Sighing eighteen relized she would have to get everything special made by all odds. The teller not able to help just looked on as eighteen turned waveing by he could not just let her go and asked her her name. As eighteen took of she yeld out her name eighteen. The clerck upon hereing this froze that was the android he had heard of after the fight with cell people had to know what had happened so she was some what none. Upon hereing this he froze up good lord she was not suppose to look like that. As eighteen made her way home she landed just outside walking inside she walked over to Krellin scooping him up in her huge arms she kissed him until he woke up. Looking up at his huge sweet heart he was greeted by a few more kisses and a cheery good moring. Setting him down Krellin looked to eighteen as she commly said you know sweety i think we have a problem. Krellin not thinking quite wright had not noticed her state of undress and asked what was that. Chuckling eighteen pointed out she was nude Krillen relizeing this blushed all over. Talking it over they decided that they would try to get her some close hower for now she could were one of the saiyjin uniforms which fit just about anything perfectly slipping into it they began to talk about what to do about close especally sence eighteen would need a bikini for there trip to the little paradise she had made for them of course she did not tell him that just yet wanting it to be a surprise. As Krellin set there on the phone he was calling in some spicial make close for eighteen finding that no store supplide the kind she would need with the look she liked. As Krellin made the order eigteen lessoned closely upon hearing the cost her mouth dropped open but Krellin said nothing he just aggreed to pay she had not meant for him to spend that much money on her and yet he did not seam to mind. However she did mind she did not want to be a burden upon anyone let alone the man she loved. Walking to the window she though of how she could make some money. Then giggling she smacked herself upside the forehead how silly she had been to get worried. Walking up behind Krellin she wrapper her huge arms around him giveing him a kiss upon the cheak and nussling his neck she told him she would be going out for a little bit of time and that he would not need to worry as if anything could touch her. Watching eighteen take of he walked back into the bed room and laid down to wate for her. As eighteen flew threw the air she grinned thinking this would be easy. Landing just outside of one of the citys haveing been destroyed dureing the z fighters battle she found the bank. Walking threw the rubble she came to the huge vault one of the few things stronge enough to take the battle going on around it she walked up to the huge safe. Gripping the tough metal in her fingers it gave away with ease tearing away the metal she stepped into the vault. Looking around she began to scoop up bag of money however this grew old and annoying. Then smacking her forehead a giggle escaped her. She walked out side walking up under the safe she bent down lefting the entire safe up into the air she giggled decideing to just take the hole vault with her. Upon her return Krellin was shocked to see what his love had returned with. Explaining it to him Krillen looked a little odd but aggreed sence no one who notice it missing. Useing the mony Krellin not only bought eighteen her new close but as well as a new home complete with a huge gym actually hireing Bulmas father. The gym was very advance a machine similar to the one goku and vegeta used to train at higher gravity it was around two hundred times as large hidden under the room as well as useing some of the technology gained from android sixteen it was minaturized even more increaseing the abilites another hundred times. Useing the information he also created severl android sixteen type machine each one just as powerful as android sixteen. However they were not affecty be the gravity do to some new parts this makeing them seem much more poweful inside of the room. They had there new home plaed upon the island eighteen had made for them so to allow for privacy the huge home was far bigger then most especally the gym air hanger had lower sealings and less space however this was needed for the mighty android to train. Useing some of the money Krellin bought a great deal of stock in defferent companys as well as put some of the money in a saveings account. There was enough in the account alone that they could live of the interest for the rest of there lifes. Upon finishing this Krellin decided they had not seen the others in such a long time and went to visit. Most were glad to see them execpt vegeta haveing lost now twice to the android. He scolded her and stated all she was is muscle no reall skill. This of course got his tail kicked but not to badly as half way threw it eighteen relized that was indeed true while she had beatin him so easly it was not with skill she had just used her strenth and speed as always.Relizeing this she let up and looked around only to find goku piccolo yanch tn and gohan had been kicking and punching the far out of her trying to get her to stop she had not even felt the blows upon her body. Still to lost in thought the she appraoched the now terrifide Krillen at seeing such power she hugged him and began to cry. She did not like being purely brawn but that was how all androids about it had been built they had not unique skills. This hurt her thinking she was all brawn and no reall skill confideing this into Krellin he tried to comfurt her but could do nothing. Then suddenly Krellin suggest something totally out ragous he would train her. This made all the others nearly go into shock after all she could crush him with just one kick or punch maybe even less still he did have skill he was just that much weaker then her. Eighteen tried to decline but found he would not let her saying he trusted her to be gentle with him. Her face broke into a huge grin and she hugged Krellin to her massive frame showing the top of his head with kisses his head hidden in her cleavage. Leaving a bit soon as eighteen was eager to start her lesson they returned home promiseing to visit the others later Krellin got ready for this would be one truly difficult student she had been able to kill him long ago but now he just hoped she could be as gentle as she normly treated him. As Krellin woke up he slept on his close and began to get ready for his first training session with eighteen. Walking down stares he slept on a special belt that would keep the gravity in the room from taking effect upon any one wearing it thus giving some one who did not wear it a handicap. As he walked into the main room he checked the meter it was set for the max. The prior max being 400 times gravity the new one was much higher do to the machines larger size it was 40,000 then further increased by the advanced technology from the past one it was up another hundred times bringing it to a grand total of 4,000,000 times earth normal gravity. This far out stripped any weight difference yet to be found the equipment in the room had to be special made in fact the weights were not pure metal as most would think. They were small spears you held small machines that protected them self from the gravity while able to increase the power of a field around them another hundred times making the weight on the person using them all the greater. While holding them the weight could be up to 400,000,000 times the normaly gravity of the planet just in such a small area as a arm or even a hand. Of course eighteen was the only one of the z fighters yet to try such a extreme program however do to her careful preparation and all the time she spent in the time chamber she was every bit as capable to do the work outs they offered as to always have them at there max. Eighteen had wanted time to slow in the chamber so she could train longer but that could not be accomplished just yet although she had people working on it using some of the money she had picked up. As Krellin looked around he spotted the mighty eighteen doing some of her warm up routines lifting the weights. He watched as she lifted the small but incredible heavy weight making her arm flex and muscles bulge hugely however this was from the simple fact that when ever she even moved her arms her muscles flexed in such a way. Really it felt about as much as she normaly did when moving her arms she just knew she had something in her hand. Having trained so long and her body never weakening she only got stronger which meant that although the first few times had been hard she was soon moving it with ease her strength having grew. To her any of the weights in the room might as well have been a five pound ones when she had just been awoken to kill goku which meant a five pound weight to her would be nothing more then a drop of rain or a ant. Why she even bothered with the weights was beyond her she guessed any resistance was better then none. As she was thinking on this she felt the one thing even she would notice no matter what and that was the gently touch of her lovers hand on her massive shoulder. Looking over at krellin she greeted him a good morning and asked him if he was reading. Nodding his head they began Krellin began by going threw the normal exercise routines with her showing her the proper moves. For despite all of her power she had never actually been trained to fight it had always came naturly to the androids. Following his move she practised them easily copying him her body was in even better shape than his was it was just a matter of learning and seeing the move which took her no time at all. As they went threw the work out Krellin found himself constantly staring at her massive muscles as the bulged and flexed with even the slightest of movements her arms bigger then his head he knew she could crush him at any time she so chose. Her speed was as impressive as her power. However this was all weak in comparison to one thing over time as she grew more and more attached to Krellin she had become gentle and gentle to the point that even with all her strength her never need fear her harming him she was just to gentle with him as well as protective. This of course went to his head a bit knowing that no one could harm him not with eighteen around he tended to push vegeta a bit knowing he would not try anything with eighteen there or without for that matter from fear what she might do when she got back. Eighteen chuckled and turns to Krellin asking if he liked what he saw he blushed greatly and nodded his head cuaseing a giggle from eighteen. Bending down she kissed him on the forehead telling him they would play some later but for now train. She wore no close none could survive her learning sessions. As they moved on Krellin was shocked how fast she learned as well. Finally she actually made it to the ka may a may a wave within such a short period of time it was incredible although her first trys to create and control it were of a bit she soon has the basics. Checking the time Krellin realised he had been so in thrilled with watching her work out he had forgot the time. Revealing the time to her eighteen agreed and they went out of the gym out from the house to the little cabin eighteen had made them before they moved here. Relaxing it was nice to get away from reminders of the modern world they cuddled in the hot top. As they did so Krellin could not keep himself from foundling eighteen huge breast knowing full well not only did she not mind she enjoyed it greatly. Krellin began to suck her huge breast as she cuddled his body to hers her hand mess ageing and needing his muclses with ease finding no real resistance in them she was careful not to hurt him. As they made love often as they did Krellin exploring her perfect magnificent body while she cuddled and loved on his much more fragile one. They made love under the stars that night as they often did finding it easier that repearing the roof. Krellin was so tired by the time it was over eighteen had to carry him to bed that night laying down first she snuggled him un top of herself and dozed of. As eighteen was warming up she had woken up much sooner then normal. She was powering up for one of the trade mark energy waves she had learned from Krellin it had been much easier then she had thought it would be. Of course her prime purpose at first was combat so it only made sense she would learn it very quickly. She was currently going up against a group of look alike android 16s the room gravity to its max once again while the machines were protected against the incredible force she was not. She did not bother wearing any close they could never take the extreme speed and power she used with each movement. Although normaly she could fight without tearing her close these opponents within this chamber were far more extreme then any before having the other fighter with such a handicap as the crushing gravity in the room. She even had several mini defenders that could deflect energy they would bounce her own energy waves if they would back at her this made the room a bit more difficult but not truly. The main weakness she found she had was exactly what she was working to fix lack of true skill sense she already had more then enough speed and strength. She was actually holding back around 20% of her full power so as her strength was equal with the other machines sense they were not weakened by the gravity within the room as well as the gaunlets she wore and used as weight increasing it another hundred times the gravity was a bit higher then 4 million times earth normal gravity and yet she was still holding her own. If she was to quit holding back the fight would become a bit easier but she wanted to learn as well as maybe put on some extra strength. As Krellin crept down stares he looked in to watch eighteen. She was getting stronger he could feel her energy growing and her moves improve with each step perfecting her style. Well in a sense it was his after all he had taught her but good lord she had learned moves that took him years within a day. He new how high the gravity was within the room without looking so he did not bother he knew she always used the max. Not that he could look he was to busy watching her each movement that he could see she moved so darn fast would make her arms and legs bulge with muscle and power he watched as sweet began to role down her body making it glessen her hair was actually damp from her work out including her crotch hair which he found himself staring at rather intently. He could not help but watch her she was just so perfect both in beauty and power although she would probaly develop her technique a bit more should her raw energy never be great enough to accomplish her goals. Still that was highly unlikely she had proven her power again and again but now this was off the scale not even goku stood a chance of suriveing that room just because of the gravity and yet eighteen was fighting at a level that would have done anyone proud even with that handicap. Eighteen was fighting hard she was having to use all the skill she had to prevent from diving into her last bit of power that would have helped her she was having to push it though. Holding on in this fight was very hard the gravity the defender and the power of the other androids as well as there numbers ( there were twenty) made it quite hard for her to hold on during the fight. However this was the best way to master her new moves by using them in actually combat a weak fight would not do she needed a harder one so she had made it as hard as she could even holding back some of her strength. Suddenly she saw a opening she had been on the defensive for a long time now holding her ground but she had finally seen a slip. Firing a energy wave strate into the opening there was no defender there she managed to hit one of the copy sixteens right in his head tearing it from its body. This gave her a opening to move on getting out of the en closer they had her in she was now able to get close to a few defenders. Knowing energy was not good against them she drove her fist threw the machine bashing the machine into pieces. Now free and having thrown her enemy battle plan out of wack she was able to gain a advantage and quickly took apart her enemies using each of there weak points. Sweating and breathing quite hard she had clearly been at this quite some time looking over she heard the door swing open and Krellin walk in wearing his special belt to protect him. Smiling she landed near him and took one of the glasses of water he had brought in one for her and one for him she drunk the hole glass down wiping some of the sweat from her body. Grinning she asked Krellin if he wanted to help her clean of. Walking into the shower room with her he stripped down. Taking the soap he lathered up his hands and began to rub them over eighteen magnificent form. Feeling her super stronger muscles now out of the gravity room they were incredible being pumped by her work out they seemed twice as big as normal. Sopping her up he pinched her nipple as he did cuasieng her to moan and kiss him on the forehead. Getting down he began to lick and kiss her pussy tasting her. Her moan drove him on and he licked faster and harder gripping her tight ass. Eighteen was moaning and realing with pleasure her legs going weak the one thing that could make them do that. As Krellin did this he was suddenly awash in her juices as she came she cum so hard it nearly backed up the drain drenching krellin she scooped him up taking his cock into her mouth she began to suck. Moving her tongue along his cock she sucked him until he came into her mouth sucking until he was nearly dried out laying there exhausted in her arms. Eighteen chuckled and kissed him on his forehead as she could sleep beginning to over take him. He had just got up and yet with en just a few moments of being with her he had been exhausted. She made a note to go easier on him next time and maybe they could have fun longer. Packing him into the living room she set down at the couch placing his head on her lap. She turned the T.V. and began flipping threw the channels just looking around and then she came across one station. It had that over sized idiot hercule on it gloteing about how he had deafeted cell. Her rage was instantly kindled and she began to get even more angered as the program went on that jerk was still claiming victory over cell. Having herd from Krellin what happened she was one of the few that knew he was just a big blow hard. Well if no one else would shut him up she would. Making sure Krellin had dozed of which he had long ago while she gently coddled him she packed him up stares. Placing him in the bed she got dressed. Slipping one some over sized blue jeans although tight fitting on her they showed of her well defined legs. Slipping on a white t-shirt and a leather vest she then put on some gloves sock and shoes. She thought of putting on some earrings sense she would be on nationle television when she humiliated him she took her ear in her fingers and let loose a slight energy burst from her finger tips. Pearcing her ear this way was the only way she could sense anything else would just brake. Taking on last look at herself she walked over to the night stand and pulled out some pin and paper fighting down on it were she had gone not bothering to say what she was going to do. As she took to the air she flew to the station were hercule was going on flying down threw the roof the audience was shocked to see such a lovely young girl descend onto the main ring were Hercule was taking challengers no one daring challenge the large man also believing he had beaten cell. Landing in the ring eighteen had a rather large grin on her face. Comely walking up to Hercule she was a bit shorter then him but her muscles were larger and she new pound for pound millions of times stronger as well as being much more skilled. As she walked up to him she smugly stated i will take your challenge. This made the large man burst out laughing. Speaking in his normal over loud over boastful way he mocked her asking what a little girl could do to him. A smiling eighteen comely stated just you weght and see what this little girl can do you to flexing a huge arm he was silenced for just a moment seeing the huge muscles but quickly regained himself and went on laughing like a idiot. As the announcer asked eighteen her name she smiled and answered him my name is android eighteen. This of course got a rather strange look at the idea of her being a android which as the announcer asked do you mean to tell me you are a android. A smiling eighteen just said and the most powerful one you will ever meat. Walking over to her corner the announcer was taking Hercule comment as usual he was going on how he would brake her with no trouble but would not try to hurt her to much sense she was a girl. This only got a smug laugh from eighteen as she leaned in her corner. As the announcer left the ring eighteen walked to the corner as hercule jumped out at her punching her as he did. Eighteen just stood there not bothering to move yet as hercule striked her all over her upper body. The announcer was going on about some crap of her being overwhelmed by Hercule speed and strength. when all truth his punches meant nothing to her. Finally yelling out this was his finisher he put all his force into one punch and hit her dead in the face the blow could be herd threw out the ring as well as Hercules scream as the bone in his hand was nearly broken against her face. His punch had done nothing to her her eyes just looking up at the roof in boredom. Eighteen began to walk around the ring as Hercule held his hand in pain walking up to the announcer she just smiled and comely asked him what was that about me being over welmed. She did not get a response as the announcer was to stunned by what he had just seen the mighty Hercule could do nothing to her. As he looked her over he was amazed by her size but she still could not be that stronger she had to be toned beyond belief and in truth she was. This enrageing Hercule her grabbed her by the hair. This was a true mistake as that was one of the few things that made her mad. Her fist sunk into Hercules chest she had to be careful not to kill him but she did put enough into it to go threw his ribs and nearly out his back. As he fell down ribs broken half way dead do to one insignicant nudge from her he could not move at all. Looking down at him she spit upon his body. Comely walking to the center of the ring. She began as you can see this so called fighter is nothing to me and was nothing to cell or any of the z fighters and i am stronger then all of them combined and then some. So unless you want me to start in on you you will follow this orders very carefully. You are to give no more credit to this punk at all if i catch you i will level the station that dares to do that. If you are thinking that my threats deserve retaliation you can find me at this number 870-523-3876 call me if you want to attach me but you better be very series rather then blowing up my home i will meat you and beat you silly there. Finally if you want to know who beat cell it was a combination of the z fighters and goku i would have helped but as of that time i did not have the power while now i do and more. Tapping her cheak she finally grinned and walked over to Hercule taking his champion belt and stated one last thing. Oh yeah i am the new champion so if you want the title just call me. With a slight chuckle eighteen took of flying faster then she could be seen she was soon home leaving a stunned world to think on this and meat her demands wondering if any one was dum enough to challenge her. Returning home she gently picked up Krellin and packed him back down stares so as to hold onto him. Placing his head on her lap she turned back on the television. Watching as the world began to comply Hercule was completely humiliated his lies having blown up in his face he now had a lot of shame and embarrassment to get over as eighteen watched the tv a slight grin upon her face.