Ultra Eighteen A female android becomes incredibly powerful By Executioner (executioner12@juno.com) ( i know i really should continue my first few stories but i just this would be more fun hope no one minds) Android Eighteen flew threw the air heading towards kommies look out. She had over herd goku talking about the hyper bolic time chamber ( a room were you could get a year of training and it be one day to any one outside the room). Normally eighteen was perfectly happy to spend her time with her new husband krillen and did not worry about being the 7th or so strongest warrior in the universe. However vegeta's last action could not be tolerated they had been at a picnic and krillen had let a few words to much sleep vegeta had nearly broke his neck for it in one hit. He had been put into a comma by the hit and now eighteen intended to make vegeta pay. However not now she had to get stronger she had to become better. As she landed just outside commies look out she looked around making sure no one could see her (her power level could not be sensed so she could not be found by anything other then site). She slowly crept to the time chamber slipping in she locked the door. The air was stag net and hot the gravity was actually many times greater then earths and got stronger as you went out. Looking around she decided it was time to begin. Thus she began over the first few days in the chamber minutes to anyone else no change could be seen. However by the second or third weak she could see some more muscle tone forming. By the second month she had improved greatly her leg were becoming thick and strong her body was designed mechanical to stay in proportion at all times. Which meant her body actually grew and became taller as her muscles grew. By the sixth month she had put on a good two hundred fifty pounds of solid shapely muscle her body a organic metal the only way to tell was to go down to the subatomic level. Not needing to sleep or eat she was able to train much harder then any of the others. Her body blossomed after the first year in the chamber. Her biceps became huge solid muscles her thighs became thicker and many times stronger her chest became a very well defined six pac. With these improvements the rest of her body blossomed her in tire body became far more defined dwarfing her smaller simmer body of before. She was careful to remain limber though for strength alone would not be enough. For year after year she continued to train her body not ageing and unlike the others not having the weakness of feeling alone. Except for when she did stop she missed her krillen the one that little bastard vegeta had nearly taken from her not to mention the time he let cell absorb her she would make them pay for all of it. In the mean time Krillen laid in a comma not yet coming out but slowly getting better it took him about a month to recover. This of course had been expected by eighteen which is why she chose now to train in all she had twenty eight years of non stop training. She had made it to the absolute highest gravity level and surpassed it the total gravity 900 billion 230 million 978 thousand 478 time stronger then the normal gravity of earth. Her body adapting to her new power she now stood a total six foot four her muscle were huge her waste slim and cut she had all the right curves in all the right places not at all disproportion. As she prepared to step out of the chamber and taken revenge for her sweety she looked into the mirror she was huge her power was beyond any she had ever seen (which made seance for no being before her had ever achieved such a feat the huge gravity would have even crushed the most powerful super saiyjin). She smiled it was time time to pay them back. As Krellin lade in bed goku gohan trunks vegeta and the hole gang had come to see him. Although vegeta was there more to glote and showed no remorse what so ever. As goku was saying how glad he was he began to say that vegeta did not mean it when vegeta sharply stated hold you tongue kakarot i meant every action i did i mean to kill the little worm no one argues with me. Goku trying to take up for his friend but not wanting to start a fight tried his best but to no avail. Suddenly there was a female voice from behind the door. This muscle head only understand brute force. Came a female voice. As these words were spoken a very annoyed vegeta set up. Who said that show yourself and i will shut you up. OH REALLY a smiling eighteen stepped from behind the door looking to vegeta. As vegeta looked at her oh it is you android it seems you have put on some more mass no matter i will still take you apart. Come on and try it. As goku herd this he tried to intervene come on now guys no need for thi.....A sharp remark from eighteen shut him up as she said no he needs to learn to leave those weaker them him alone. A smirk formed on vegeta face as he said and who is going to do that you android. A grin forming on eighteens face a cold yep came from her but not here to many innocence here. Okay then lets go and settle this. A grin formed on eighteens face of course but first let me do something. Eighteen smiled as she walked over to krillen who had been shaking in fear this hole time although not a cowered he had learned to seance power levels and hers was beyond what he could conceive. Eighteen smiled and bent down to the always shorter then her now all the more love of her live krillen. Softly kissing him on the forehead she spoke softly to him now don't worry sweety i would never hurt you i love you come on now you can watch and then we can have some fun and you can explore all my new body and maybe i will show you some of my new power. A sharp are we going to get going came from vegeta and eighteen turned her head to him of course. Still smiling she bent down picking up krillen she turned to vegea lead the way i want krillen to see this. Smirking vegeta took of finding a island area that suited them they landed. Eighteen Turing to vegeta she sat krillen down behind her then turned to face vegeta. Vegeta wasted no time he wanted to just crush this up start he took of at full speed launching a kick to her face he was amazed when all he got was a sore toe. Eighteen grinned and vegetas febal blows although he was a super saiyjin leve4. As time wore on vegeta launched blow after blow to eighteen lovely new body not faceing her in the least. He soon became flustered and began to use energy attachs finally when all his power had been ex hosted a still smiling eighteen calmly said is it my turn yet. She calmly waked over to vegeta walked for her her movements nearly to fast for any one else to see she grabbed vegeta up pulling his pants down she gave vegeta but one hard smack. The might saiyjin prince yelled in pain from the blow a giggling eighteen gave him as the other watched on eighteen rained blow after blow to vegeta but reducing the might siayjin into a whimpering baby begging her to let him go. Finally after kicking him into orbit she decided to leave him alone. Walking over to krillen after such a show of power he was nearly wetting himself he was so scared even though he loved her her new power was so great. Eighteen bent down gently kissing krillen she whispered to him what is wrong sweety. Krillen looking at her said i uh just am a little nervous about of your new power. What is wrong don't you like the new me. Oh i love you you are so beautiful but it is just a little scary. Oh is that all a smiling eighteen stated well then. A sigh grin formed on her face as she picked krillen up into her super strong super muscled arms i think i have a way to get you to trust me again. A chuckling eighteen flew of packing krillen in her arms taking him home for some bed time fun as a shattered vegeta picked up what peaces of his pride remained to be found. As eighteen flew threw the air she felt Krillen body gently to her own. She could actually feel him shaking a bit. She knew he had always had a problem with super powerful life forms and now she defiantly flipped that bill. She would have to do something to put him more at ease. When they had reacher there home she slowly flew threw the window she could have made it much sooner but the speed at which she would have moved would have flattened Krellin body against her own. She gently lay Krillen down upon the bed softly kissing him upon the cheek and then his neck a few times. As she did this she slowly undressed herself then reaching down for Krillen she held him to herself slowly undressing him. Krillen would not move it seems he was still shaking although the look in his eyes and the bulge in his pants showed he was enjoying what she was doing. She lay down on the bed and then laying Krillen on top of herself she took him by his hand and began to have him rub his hands all over her new body. Soon he was acting on his own once again so she released his hand and began to hug his comparably soft body to her own. Krillen had relaxed coming to terms that eighteen had no intention of harming him. Krillen took her nipple into his mouth and bit down as hard as he could. He had done this before her strength had always been more then enough to take anything he could offer but now he had to worry about hurting her at all. As he did this eighteen began to moan and squirm. Her hands came up rapping her arms around Krillen she held onto him her bucking down hard enough to throw him of of herself. Relaxing she move krillen as she wanted and inserted his cock into her self while his mouth renewed it attention to her breast. As he suck upon her breast his hands roamed all over her body feeling every inch of her perfectly sculpted body. As he did this eighteen softly kissed him on the cheek and forehead while her hands picked Krillen up by the waste pumping him in and out. Finally after doing this for a while they came together. Krillen shook this time as well but this time he was in extacy. He feel limp onto eighteens body and just laid there slowly he dosed of. As eighteen watched Krillen fall asleep she kissed him on the forehead unlike him she never became tired but she was con tinted. Slowly moving Krillen of her body she looked out the window she now began to wonder how powerful she was she had handled vegeta so easily but how could she test her new powers further. Then the idea came to her that vlian freeza had many units before his death many of which remained that meant she had some play mates she did not have to be gently with. Grinning at this thought she made on last check on Krillen actually she used some of her power to put a barrier around him sense vegeta may try to get back at her by hurting him. She took of must faster then any ship could move she flew threw space looking for her pray. It took a while but she finally came across one of the bases landing she was welcomed by a full troop. A grin formed on her face as they asked her what she wanted and told her to leave they have no idea what they were dealing with. A smirk formed on eighteens face as she calmly said make me her res ponce was greeted by a sharp lazer blast to the head. This merely bounced of striking one of the troopers in the chest it blew him in two. A grin formed on her face and she quickly moved for the other troopers ripping one of there heads of another heart her movements so fast they did not see her they were dead before they knew it. Watching from the camera the immediately shut all defences. Walking up to the heavy door that now blocked her path she reached her hands out for the door. The door was cable of taking a ten mega ton blast focused on one square inch but to this super girl it was not even taffy. Eighteens hand eased threw the metal she did not tear the door from the hinges instead she moved her hands so as to cut a hole in the door. She slipped threw the hole walking into the base several troopers waited grinning she puckered her lips and blew the force of the blast from her lips sent then flying back with such force they were crushed against the wall which was taken out as well. Walking threw the base the troopers that were dum enough to try to stop her was torn apart one by one finally reaching the control room. She began to scream the sure force of the sound wave blew the base apart as if hit by a planet buster. Grinning she looked at her watch noting the time a shocked looked formed on her face Krillen would be up soon and still trapped in that barrier. She quickly took of into the air heading back home knowing if she was late krillen would probly panic. Chuckling a bit at the thought of her silly sweaty she stepped up heading to get him out. ( i will probly make a part two going into more detail what they do Krillen and his new ultra eighteen later on but although pretty good chance as well i will right a sequel to my others before that. Of course i would like for some of you people to tell me what you think and which one you like the most.)