Introductions James Johnson turned off the television the blasted new reporter had been going on about aliens for the last hour. Foolish stupid people he thought not a one of them guessed the alleged alien had been newly developed fighters. Of course he was one of the few who new this. He had been one of the top government scientist for three years despite hes age of only 25. He had been sent to area 51 the sight everyone new about just never admitted. He was now working on a genetic enhancement project. DNA had been taken from every human on earth and been combined and engineered to form these clones. Perfect in every way they had the best qualities of every human making them incredibly strong and smart at least a hundred time greater than anyone. Each one was perfect he perceived as he looked at the through the labs six inch thick windows which instead of glass were made of a plastic a strong as iron. The clones were al female since it was a experimental batch and incase there was a weak link the other female chromosome would cancel it out. Each one's breast were pert and large at the very least a d-cup ,blonde hair flowing down to there waste, deep blue eyes, thick ruby red lips,and a perfectly shaped face. However as impressive as there face was there bodies were unbelievable naturally tanned by there genies and although there muscles were huge the are estimated to be 26 inched round un flexed they each had a perfect hour glass figure. Plus each one being six foot four left Johnson with a constant erection. There were ten in all it had taken six months for them to mature to adult hood so they could be programmed artificially. Programmed to be obedient to there superior in the military that is perfect obedience he though proudly he looked at his and the other scientist work. Today would be there first test run out side of the stasis tube. A sudden sliding noise caught hes attention a the mechanical door opened allowing doctor James Jones perhaps the one person Johnson hated. He was responsible for project second wave a group of clones just the same as his but not pre aged like them which meant they were still in the infancy as well as not yet programmed. He had objected fearing it would weaken them also that it may hurt there mines also he did not like the idea of messing with there minds. Well hello James, Johnson sneered it seems my project got out first. I can not wait to see it blow up in your face James replied such fast ageing artificial programming. It is inhuman. Ha Johnson cackled neither are they there just clones after all. buzz There conversation was cut short as the finale alarm went of singling it was time for the first demonstration. Its was a large obstacle course the girls were brought out on. Filled with the best equipment the public was allowed to know about. As the military brass watched the tall naked Amazons march out to the battle field they had to adjust there setting position to relieve there discomfort caused by there growing erections. Then the test began the girls sprang forth destroying everything in there path tanks were tossed and torn apart like paper. The most powerful tank round did little more than propel them through the air do to there light in comparison wait to the shells. However that was not there only weapon they could send out devastating charges of electricity and heat do to the increased activity and power of both there bodies and brains. Suddenly there was a gasp as one of the super girls inserted a rocket inside herself and began using it as a dildo here cut muscle squeezing the missile smaller so to fit inside her then there was a explosion as the rocker blew the closeness to here clitoris causing here to orgasm. Another was thrusting herself against the remains of tank and seemed to enjoy the touch of the cold steal her erect tits slicing through as if it was water. Soon nothing was left of the fifty machines of war. Do to the girl sexual frenzy. Then there was utter panic as the girls then turned there attention to the spectators. One man was imdeatly captured hes in tire body crushed into one of the girls vaginas. As was the seen al through out the stand as the audiences was killed. Johnson and James ran to the emergency weapons locker each one knowing what happened the programming had been faulty turning the girls into mindless killing machines. Johnson expected he's college to glote strangely he did not. He though this as he got into the control room they immediately activated all defences and targeted it on there creations. Instant hundred of automated tanks were sent out amongst other things to kill there creation. A our later the place laid in ruin the girls incinerated. As James sat on the bench lessoning to the other punishment read out he had escaped prosecution since had not been one of the programmes he and he's girls. He smiled as he looked down at three infants the last of a doomed project a slight smile crossing he face. He looked back at he estimate read outs. He had been right ageing them quickly was a mistake it had made them weaker. Six months had past and already he could tell the girls were already a hundred times stronger than the one destroyed which meant in a few days it would be impossible to hurt them of course had the government new this they would surely be killed. No they thought James had told the truth when said he managed to reveres the powers. In fact he had no in tension of killing hes babies no way. The best part now he got to raise and train the most powerful being in the universe. Of course a side benefit being there child like love and obedience to him. Also there aging had increased naturally which meant they would keep there power but be adults within the next 4 years or so he thought then of course stop when they matured at twenty leaving them at there prime. He thought proudly as he kissed each of them on there heads. All three giggling with after. There mines already cable of remembering they now remember hes love and affection as to the cold stacius tude. Guaranteeing there love and obedience. A sigh gren crossed he face as he thought how wonderful it would be when they reached puberty and began to turn into women, he had to readjust he seating do to the growing erection as he remembered how the others looked and they soon would. Like this well if you do or dont pleas give me some feedback at and please don't be too hard it is my first try. Also ideas for a sequel are welcome.