Good Mornings As Stacey James walked down the beach her shoulder length blonde hair waving in the breeze. She had to stop and admire the sun rise. She took in a deep breath causing her bikini top to swell to near bursting her double D breast will it to capacity. I was such a wonderful change since they moved away from the city her adopted father and two sisters. It had been terrible having to stay inside since there age changed so quickly they had to stay hidden so it was nice to get out and meet new people. Stacey then herd her name being shouted and turned her head. As she dead Mickle Low her new and as it was only other friend then her family managed to catch up. They had met at hes job in a jewelers shop when Stacey brought in to have appraised. Hew had been amazed at there purity and tried to ask her how she found them(in truth she had just compressed some coal with her strength to the point of crystallization she even had to be careful not to get carried away and crush the diamond) however instead he had gotten lost in her beautiful eyes and ended up asking her to dinner to celebrate such a find. He had been amazed she had said yes at five foot eight brown hair green eyes he was not bad looking but this girl was way out of his league. As he got closer a warm smile crossed Stacies face what up Mickle? Nothing much I was just wondering if you would like to go to get something to eat. He nearly fated when she responded with a positive answer. The a nearby restaurant to get breakfast. As they ate Mikle tried to get Stacey to talk about her past but he could never get more than sketchy details. Hey shrimp Mikle heard a loud voice yell and turned to Ed one of the local muscle head come in. Mickle hated hem every girl he had ever had a chance with he took away. And now it seemed he would do it again. No not this time he decided. As Ed came up he attempted to push Mikle up against the wall. When he rested Ed looked at him got a bit of a back bone A. Well lets make this simple either you scoot or I throw you out. Go fuck yourself Mickle retorted. Eds face turned blood red as he grabbed mikle by the arm and threw hem out of the seat. Then he began to advance on hem to really beat hem when a strong hand gripped his shoulder. Her turned to see the blonde had grabbed his arm. Dam your stacked what say after I beat this little shit we have some fun. Mickle could not belive his ears as Stacy said why not now if you can handle me. Mickle could see Stacey was big much bigger then himself but not nearly as big as Ed. Then without another word Stacey busted hem in the nose causing it to bleed furiously and resulted in Ed heating hes straight in the face. Everyone expected her to go down but instead Ed howled again as it felt like he had hit a still wall. While Stacey continued to grin Ed hit her with everything he had only resulting in hem busting his nuckles. She was like granite the only part of her that was not hard where her huge tits. Then Ed felt a new pain his head felt like it would explode as Stacey used her mind to invade his and cause all hes pain receptors to go of at once. Mickle watched as Ed passed out and then as Stacey made her way toward hem he could not believe how strong she was. He felt strange as she lifted hem into the air and hugged hem to her frame. Pour baby she coed you just can't protect yourself but dont worry ill take care of you. Although this might have damaged some guts egos although he felt small compared to this much lager girl he felt completely safe. Thanks for saving me he replied. It okay baby still since I did you a favor how about you do something for me. What? You will see as she carried hem out. She then cradled hem in her arms and carried hem to a deserted part of the beach. Now close your eyes she whispered. When he finally opened them he was shocked to see she had removed her top. Now you see this nice big tit I want you to suck, kiss, lick and play with it don't worry about hurting me as you just saw that is quite difficult. Mickle could not believe he was sucking Stacey gigantic tit her as he massaged that huge mound of soft warm flesh. Um that feels good Stacey mond but I need something a little more bite my nipple. Hu MIckle looked at her won't I hurt you . I said bite my nipple she stated again increasing the pressure of her arms not enough to hurt but to let hem know who was in control. As he did as she bid her breast began to express huge amounts of milk filling hem he drank hes fill or her milk. Then she had hem begen to kiss and lick her abe and legs she actually had a six pack. Her legs and arms where incredibly cut and soft although he could fill big glass hard muscle under her skin. As he did so she smiled and used one hand first slip of her own pants and his underwear and pants. Then without warning she fell back turned him upside down and began sucking his hard on. As she did so he realized that she wore no panties and began to suck,lick and bit her clitoris. He realized she had quit sucking and instead was moaning quite loud. The she orgasmed her cum coming out like a torrent it cover his face and began to pool around them she cummed at least three gallons of the clear dollishes fluid. Ow what a giving lover she purred let me thank you. She then lifted hem up and guided his shaft into herself. She was incredibly tight and hot her bucking and moving so strong that he simply had to hold on to drive hes shaft into her. She orgasamed several time before he finally came with her then they bough lay basking in each others presence. Then she slipped hem out and gently kissed on the head. You do realize your mine now and you can be with no other woman. Mickle grinned thats okay as long as i am with you who else matters. She then grinned not only that but now I am yours as well and will always protect you. Then they once again commenced there love making until next morning when they both promised to meet again then went home. As Stacey walked she looked at yet another sunset and thout what wonderful morning it had been.