A Visit By Executioner (executioner12@juno.com) Note: I'm running out of ideas, so if any one wants to they can use the three girls who I have yet to involve to write a sequel. You can use them seperately or together, but I do ask that you keep the violence low key and don't kill any of the characters I have already introduced. Stacey was humming a song as she flew threw the air. It had been about a week since a group of government agents had showed up and made a pitiful attempt to kidnap her. She had meant to go sooner but when your boyfriend and step father are meeting for the first it is best to keep a eye on them. Especially since her fathers protective nature, he had nearly flipped when he saw her on TV doing a little remake on a local planet. He had wanted to keep them a secret until he new they could not be hurt and she had blew the whole thing. Still, if she could handle heat greater then that any nuclear bomb could make she could probably handle anything on Earth. So it was not all to much of a lost. Not to mention her body had adapted and became stronger thanks to the work out. Although that did leave her sisters a bit jealous since now they had to train harder to catch up with there sister. As she came near the white house what better person to talk to then the commander and chief. She was greeted by four cobra helicopters she had been picked up on the radar long before and since she was not rushing they had no trouble catching up. The first leader gave her a warning however she simply gave him a wink and continued on at her 100 mile per hour pace she was not even at one percent of her full speed so Stacey was indeed taking it easy. Realizing she had to intention of stopping the four helicopters opened fire with their machine guns. They were made from water down plutonium which meant they could melt a tank like butter. However, the only thing this super girl noticed was that it felt like rain. Just about everything that hit harder then rain still felt like it to this super girl. Noticing that it wasn't raining and hearing the noise the bullets and guns made, she turned around to let them hit her front. The constant sensation of the bullets hitting her ample breast sent a tingle of pleasure threw her body. Her nipples grew erect, poking through her thin shirt which was rapidly being shredded by the bullets. She closed her eyes and began to concentrate on this sensation - it made her want to turn back so that she could have a little fun with Mickle. However, she also realized that she needed to have this talk to find out why those agents had been sent. Just then she realized the tingling had stopped as well as she had. The super girl and four helicopters where now simply hovering there. The pilots long since realizing the bullets had no effect had stopped shooting. Although Stacey was a bit disappointed she was also a bit relieved since she doubted that her will was strong enough to resist the temptation to go home and get her needs taken care of. Just as she thought this she was impacted by thirty-two anti-tank missiles, eight from each chopper. Although this did not faze her it did, however, blow her off course and revealed her truly magnificent body. Her broad shoulders and thickly muscled arms tapered down to a waist that seemed too small for the rest of her, but showed of a impressive six pack. Then down to thickly muscled legs with her thick hips and diamond shaped caves looked all the more impressive. Her blonde pubic hair made it plain that she was a natural blonde. Although the loss of her clothes did not bother her she realized that she could not allow this to go on. So not wanting to hurt the crew she flew up to each helicopter grabbing the weapons of each she gently disarmed them. Then continued her journey to the white house at a quicker pace as to avoid further incident. When she got there she was surprised to see the president comely waiting for her. As she entered she found it even more surprising that he invited her to sit down. As she did so she realized how stupid she had been - it was a trap. Before even she could react a energy barrier was around her. Made of highly charged atoms it was a magnetic field far greater the any other known millions of tons of force per square inch at its lowest setting. It also was a hundred times hotter then lightning. Realizing although her body could adapt there was no reassurance it could do it that quickly. As the president left a group of military officials walked in and began to ask her such things as how she was made and were there others. They did not realize there had been any survivors to the doomed project of just a couple years ago. Not wanting to give her family away she did not answer. Then another surprised came as she heard one of them speak. "Very well if she will not help us let us make sure she won't help no one else." With that the barrier began to close in. It burned, filling the room with the sent of singing flesh. She screamed in pain. If it had not been for the field the volume of her screams would have killed everyone in the room and deafened many more. As she felt the field wrap around she began to fight back. Pushing against causing her arms to flex and to expand to 40 inches in diameter all her muscles pushing her muscles expansion was far greater then normal. However even with her mighty strength, her telekinetic abilities and her adrenalin pumping it was a loosing battle. As this went on the room began to go black as the life was crushed from her. As she thought her life was going to be extinguished the horrible pressure seemed to stop. The machine had been turned to its maximum. However this offered little comfort since her body was still expending more energy then it could make. However then the field seemed to weaken. The searing pain slowly decreased becoming less and less until it seemed to be no more then a little sun shine. Realizing her body had adapted she flew into a rage. She grabbed the nearest officer and ripped off his head. As the others began to flee she easily ripped one's heart out. The other two she grabbed the first one she slowly crushed his head to goo. As for the fourth him being the one who had gave the order to kill her. She easily ripped of his fingers the toes. Then tearing of his arms and legs finally stopping and ripping of his neck she let him bleed to death. Upon returning home she expected to hear to the deaths she caused. However nothing had be reported - the whole event had been kept under wraps. The president did not want to reveal such a failure, as well as the fact that he would have had to admit to possessing such a horrific weapon. As she told her father and lover of what she had done, she was in tears. They told her it could not be helped and she shouldn't feel bad. Also, her father James was able to identify the field. It was powered by using gravity and magnifying it. She had to resistt the force of the entire milky way trying to crush her. The odds of a more powerful device was unbelievable as her beating since that was the greatest power ever harnessed - nothing else even came within a thousandth of its power - it was greater than all the stars. However this did little to comfort her. She had still taken lives in anger. Mickle could not stand to see her like this he pointed out how she had spared the pilots and how any one else would have continued the rain of destruction. As James went out Mickle walked up behind stacey. As he did so he whispered you see you are not a bad person you are a wonderful person. So please don't be like this. As he did so he began to kiss the side of her head. Walking to her front he kissed her on the lips. Stacey let at a gasp of pleasure remembering how she felt earlier. Mickle then moved down to her ample breast and began to suck on her nipple. Licking and kissing he made his way down to her pussy. He then began to kiss and lick her womanhood. Finding her clitoris he bit down although this would have been painful to most women it felt wonderful to her as he bit down on clitoris with all his might. The sensation sending wave after wave of pleasure through her. Stacey's pain soon melted away. He then kissed her powerful thighs, working to her calves. He then worked his way back up to her womanhood and resumed his teasing of her clitoris. Next, she scooped Mickle up in her arms and carried him up stares in order to show how grateful she was for his support. When she had placed him gently in the bed she herself laid down pulling him on top of her. The look in her eyes told him that neither of them would be getting any sleep tonight.