A Pretty Good Start By Executioner (executioner12@juno.com) An experiment at S.T.A.R. labs goes even better than expected. As the sun rose up into the sky it appeared to be the same as any other day in metroppollis. Beautiful skies, fresh air, and a very damaging battle between super man and some over powered jerk. As Jonathon looked out his window at S.T.A.R labs he knew this to be true. All of the people of the city heck the planet were always to busy praising that blue spandex wearing idiot. Couldn't they see the harm he had done. Ever sense super man had become the city's and worlds so called protector things had gotten worse and worse for the planet. The villains were getting more and more powerful as time went on and worse yet the fights between the super powered beings always did huge amounts of damage to any city or area they might occur and yet no one ever seemed to mind. Even the few people who had a close encounter with death thanks to this still did not seem to give a care. Of course he did he one day when he was at his house looking over some papers a car came flying strait threw his living room wall nearly taking him with it. Later he found out that over charged idiot super man had threw the car at some monster and nearly killed him. Such carelessness as that is what got on his nerves the most even the police had to answer for it when they made a error such as a high speed chase that injured or worse killed some one and yet that moron did not ever have to answer for a thing. Also the battle were slowly but steadily and surely getting worse with each time. Some how they had went from just bank robbers and a few terrorist to creatures that could throw entire buildings at you. Although there was no direct link it sure seemed to start when all these caped clown started showing up and as it were saving the day. This also had lead to yet another problem. As it was the few times a case came up were it did not seem that normal means could handle it new ones have always be devised. Now however with super man around as well as the rest of the freaks scientist and civilians had became less worried and development of new weapons, devices, and procedures were slow and delayed. This only left people in a yet more life threatening time sense they were not even trying to improve there fighting means the army was always being insulted even though they tried there best they just were not getting the same funds that they once possessed. He should know he was at one time a top military ingener until cut backs and layed him of and he had been moved to star labs with a big pay cut. Of course there were a few fools in the army but most who had any decent rank were actually very intelligent despite the idiot tricker happy look the news media had left them with. Not only that but even the heros did not seem to notice one very important fact. They were not getting any more power just the vlians which meant as time went on there just might come a day that they would have no chance sense all they did is use what they had and not try to improve hardly at all. He wondered to himself if all super beings were really this dum. Lamenting from his line of thought he walked down the hall way into his small office. Walking up to one of the book cases he opened it up and put him hand on the front of the peace of paper. Immediately the wall slid open hundreds of nanites in the paper had red his DNA and brain wave prints and opened up the door for him. Walking into the secret room the large shelf slid back into place once again hiding the room. Sighing he looked around the forgotten room it had belonged to one of the now forgotten so called mad scientist and thus was now forgotten. Walking to the center of the room he leaded up against the tank gazing in he saw her. For months he had been working on her the most beutiful creature in the world in his eyes. He had taken hundreds of DNA samples from various crime and fight scenes having genetic information from nearly every hero and villian that had ever set foot on earth. He looked up at her her eyes were closes a lovely smile upon her face. Long blond hair framed her angelic face. Her eyes were blue he knew this although he had yet to see them. He had been working on her for so long. He had decided to give the world a new protector one that would surpass all others and one that could even increase her power beyond what she would start with. He had been working on her for so long but only now did he feel she was ready. He had given her the same powers thanks to the DNA of so many monsters and heros as well as heroines that he was shocked he did not finish her sooner. The reason he had chose not to is very simple he had never felt she was ready and might not have all the power she might need. Then the parasite had shown up. Able to drain the powers from other life forms and make them his own his only problem was the beast could not keep them. Well she could he had managed to lock anything she copied into herself although the previous owner would eventually regain there strength she would still never loose her always having a perfect copy. Smiling he looked her up and down her perfect face went down to large breast a perfectly flat stomach lovely thighs and leg although her feet were not yet finished still forming in the genetic goop. As he walked over to a counter he placed on a special helmet and the world went black. Immediacy after his vision came back he was assaulted with hugs and kisses each one so gentle but he could tail the arms around him could crush him at any time the owner so chose. Hey stop it Jon yelled come on cut it out Honey lay of i need to talk to you. This of course did not happen for quite some time later. Finally the kisses stopped and he was able to open his eyes she had been kissing him all over his face but now he was looking down into the most beutiful eyes he had even seen. I MISSED YOU the girl squilled with delight and gave him a very ferm hug. Laughing Jonathon stated and i have missed you as well my dear. Aa could you please place me down. As the smiling girl complied he looked back at her. Looking around he liked this world they were not in the reall world of course but instead inside of Honey's mind. He had not made the mistake of just giving her a body and great powers right away. First he had met with her in her mind itself and talked to her getting to know her. Time was faster in this world moving at the speed of her thoughts so while he had only spent a month or two in this reality to the outside world in truth in the mind he had been there with her for many centuries. Talking to her getting to know her. At first this was meant to make sure she would be a good protector kind and sweet but as time had went on he had began to fall for her. She was so kind and sweet how could he not? Much to his surprise she had returned the affection although he told her that she may want to look around once her body was ready in here she could see some ones heart and even though on the outside he could apper could and hateful his intent was always good and he was loving and kind not only that but she felt his love for her and had returned it not only like wise but ten folds greater. Smiling he began well it will not be long until you are free of this place and able to move around and act in the true world. A huge smile formed on her face and she gave him yet another hug. REALLY really what to do I like what else do i need. Smiling he told her your right foot just has to form and you will be completely formed you will be able to go into the world and do what you have always dreamed. Although it was his dream to give the world a protector and she did aggree with it and wanted to do just that this was not her main dream. She wanted to really hug him to really hold him and make sure he was safe in her arms. After centuries of being with him she had became very attached and also learned how to hold humans and not brake them with her strength. A sudden flash of light and he was out. Looking to the tank he saw the last part fall into place. Her foot was formed and she was ready to be free into the world. Walking to the control console he pushed the button. Slowly the tank emptied slideing to the bottom her eyes flashed open. Before the tank glass could even be shut she burst right threw the super strong glass and wrapper her arms around her creature and lover. John's eyes were open very wide she had just broken threw a special material not quite class it was a synthetic diamond hundreds of thousands of times stronger then normly diamond it would have been enough to hold even super man for a good eighteen hours of none stop punching before it broke and she had just went threw it like air. We was braught out of his musing by the gentle preasure of her arms wrapped around him. Her arms were so soft and with her holding him by the waste he had a rather eager erection his hips being squeezed into her incredably soft breast. He had chosen this form a femaly seeming less threatening as well as normly being far gentler then the average male and more carying. Feeling his penis inbetween her breast Honey's face gained a very large smiling looking up into his eyes as she held him she finally asked him can we can we do it now. John's face turned a bright red at her question he had not yet been with her and had not intended to for quite some time to give her a chance to adapt. He did love her but he thought she might some one would might make her happier so he had prevented himself from any such acts. Umm Umm maybe a sudden explotion got both there attention though. Thank god her murmered the blue idiot was once again tearing up the city in some fight normly this angered him but this time it had saved him from a very akwared posotion trying to turn down the girl you loved who was not only the most beutiful woman you had ever seen but probly the most powerful life form in the universe. Hearing this as well she set him down her face getting curius. What was that? Jonathon Looked at her lets check the news as he turned on the T.V sure enough there was Lois laine with some huge battle going on behind her. It was super man and metallo great John sighed those two were about the same strength and always did horrible damage to the city. Looking at him Honey saw the worried look on his face relizeing this must be one of the villian she decided she would stop it right now. Giving Jonathon another quick kiss she smiled tailing him not to worry and took of. As she was gone in a flash he sighed he knew she would be fine and maybe now he could find a excuse. The next second he looked up at the screan before he could even see what was going on super man and metallo lay in the street appering behind him again. Jonathon spun around to see Honey blushing. UUUuu i did not know which one was evil. Bursting into laughter he smiled that is okay no one will really care they will both be fine. She would not have killed them after all it was not in her nature having been taught nothing but kindness for so long. Smiling he quided her out of the lab back into his office. Reaching into his desk he started to get out a special out fit he had made for her. Honey smiled walking up behind him she scooped him up oo that is okay that can wate but for now how about he have sex. Jonathon's eyes got very big he had hoped she would have forgotten but he should have known better and there was no way another fight was going to brake out to get him out of this one. Turning bright red he began............. ( Well i have always wanted to put my idea girl into words and here she is I will probly right more on this later. If any one has any ideas please send them in also i relize i have now started three seperate stories and i will try to give some time to each.)