A Gift To The World By Executioner (executioner12@juno.com) Note: I'm running out of ideas, so if any one wants to they can use the three girls who I have yet to involve to write a sequel. You can use them seperately or together, but I do ask that you keep the violence low key and don't kill any of the characters I have already introduced. As Mickle Low watched the TV he could not believe what he saw. It had started with hem and his new girlfriend watching a Documentary on the discovery channel. It had been on if Mars could be made to support life. He had said no and she disagreed like a idiot. Now it was all over the news as NASA broadcast the seen though out the world. As Stacey flew threw the blackness of space a slight grin crossed her face. It had taken a little getting use to the cold and lack of oxygen. However thanks to her genetically injured brain she could cause herself to evolve on a scale never seen before. Her body was actually three hundred percent efficiency which she meant no longer needed to breve eat or sleep. In fact she made more energy the she could use. Now that that was out of the way she was going to prove her boyfriend wrong. A sudden flash caught her eye as one of the satellites caught up with her they newly developed spy satellites that could move through space. She grinned and flew up to. The controller nearly peed in his pants afraid she might brake the billion dollar piece of equipment instead she gave it a kiss and strike a pose causing all of her muscle to spring to life. Dam Mickle though she probably made hath of America cum in their pants. Stacey la fed softly at what she had done and speed up. She finally saw her destination. Saturn she quickly descended to the surface and begin the first face of her plan. She began to inhale the gas and melting metal and the planet surface. She nearly choked do to the sudden pain she felt. She had not prepared for the heat of the gasses and it was burning her inside. The world watched intently as the super woman squirmed in pain. Then she stopped Stacey let out a slight side her body had once again adapted she now felt no pain. She had strengthened even further do to the adaptation. A smile crossed her face on with the work she flew back to Mars and the first thing she did was let loose a stream of liquid metal. She forced it out at such a rate to make it to the planets core then used her mind to make it into a spear. The extra metal would make it even with Earths gravity. Then she found a point a got the planet spinning at a rate closer to Earths. After which she released the gas remembering to put more than Earths in since it was further away from the sun and needed extra insulation. She then few quickly to Pluto and using the extra power she now made cut a section of. Flying back she melted the huge chunk of ice and drank it. Mickle could not believe what he just saw she had just drunk for ocean worth the liquid. Stacey was using her body to remove the not wanted particles in the liquid in effect causing her to once again adapt gaining more strength and powers. She quickly let the pure water loose. Effectively creating a ecosystem very similar to Earth's. Next, she flew back to Earth taking a huge Section of jungle from Hawaii and a coral reef she paid by letting lose the gold she had kept stored in side herself creating a ocean of gold. Then she transferred a steady stream of her own power to the animals keeping them alive. Once placed she watched and scanned there bodies for the first thirty minutes seeing they were fine she left them to their new ecosystem. A second Earth. Once home she walked up to Mickle smiling triumphantly. Her clothes had been burned off by the heat how ever this meant little to her. "Now I do believe I won our bet, so I'm here to claim my prize," she said smiling. Mickle smiled as he said "Yes mam!" and began licking her pussy. She moaned with pleasure and as she felt his tongue enter her she immediately clammed down with her pussy muscles not enough to hurt just so he could not free himself. Mickle struggled to free himself then herd Stacey giggling. "Okay," Stacey said, "you can quit," - although she new he was trapped. "What's the matter?" she chirped, "Need some help?" Mickle tried to say something but due to his tongue being trapped could not. "What is the matter?" Stacey asked, "Pussy cat got your tongue?" She put extra emphasis on the pussy. Then, she released him and scooped him up with her powerful arms and took him to her bedroom. With a flourish she tore off his clothes. That night he worshiped his goddess's muscle, kissing her pretty toes first, then her legs, moving to the inner thigh he kissed all over then her pussy lips inserting his tongue and licking her clit. She came quickly - the force equal to a super soaker - covering him in cum. Then he moved to her tits kissing and sucking each nipple until she came. Then finally he got to her lips when they kissed passionately as she gripping his dick and ever so gently inserted his hard on into herself. As she did so he reached behind and began to squeeze her firm ass with one hand as he caressed what little he could of her tit, whilst drinking the huge amount of milk she expressed. They made love like this nearly a hour, her coming many times before they came together him falling asleep as she scooped him up cooing softly to him. As she rocked him to sleep he no longer needed it. The next morning as she was fixing breakfast a sudden though invaded her mind. She had detected a dark thought. Then, listening closely, she heard people outside: (ON THE COUNT OF THREE WE BREAK IN AND USING THE TRANQUILIZER STUN HER - THEN TAKE HER BACK TO THE LAB.) Not wanting her father's home totaled she went outside and asked them sweatily: "May I help you?" They turned and shot her with the tranquilizer. It bounced off, even though it was been diamond tipped. One officer fired a grenade brought in case of emergency, but the explosion only served to kick up some dust. Then as they watched in amazement after her saying she did need something spicy for breakfast she swallowed the remaining grenades in the gun. The only evidence of there detention a muffled thump. They looked on stunned. She finally broke the silence by comely stating: "I would advise you to leave but first I want to know who sent you and where did you get those weapons?" Like a bolt they took off, however she was instantly back in front of them. She grabbed the leader and calmly stated as she set him down in her lap: "Now, who sent you." "I will never talk!" the obstinate male stated. "Very well then I will simply make you talk." "What are you going to do?" he said trembling with fear. "You will see." He suddenly doubled over in pain as she began to scan his mind - trying to fight her only made it worse. In desperation he grabbed her huge tit unfortunately it was on the inside causing her super breasts to clamp together, crushing his hand and causing her to moan with the sudden pleasure. By now she had the information she wanted so she let him go to nurse his wounded body and ego. Mickle came out shortly after asking what she was doing outside half naked - her clothes having been blown off by the grenade. "Oh, nothing honey. Lets go up stairs - suddenly i feel a little horny." She scooped him up in her powerful arms and he began sucking her tit as she carried him inside. As she did so she thought: "Well if they want me that bad, I am just going to have to pay those government boys a visit."