Stolen Moments By Dr. M ( Alexa’s gift creates a goddess Author's note: I owe a debt of gratitude to the late Eric Stanton for the inspiration behind the story's device. I was a big fan of his work. "Professor!" Dr. Mark Richards sat bolt upright on the barstool and turned his head in the direction of the sexy and sultry voice. "Alexa, always a pleasure." Happy to see the professor at the restaurant bar, Alexa hugged him as vigorously as she could. As she completed the hug, Alexa winced and pulled away. "Did he hit you again?" "I can't lie to you. Adam didn't mean to hurt me. You know how he gets. He was so apologetic afterwards. And the makeup sex was so hot!" Adam Scott was the star middle linebacker for the state university football team. Adam was a terror on (and apparently off) the field. The medical school professor suspected that Adam used steroids and possibly other dangerous drugs to give him an edge. His girlfriend Alexa was the apparent recipient of his occasional rages. Alexa was beautiful in that dark, mysterious way. Whenever Mark looked her way, her eyes seemed to sparkle. He felt like he had a crush on Alexa, even though the college junior was half his age. Mark cared so much about Alexa that he hurt inside when he saw her after one of Adam's bad moods. Alexa already had plenty of other issues. Alexa was a recovering anorexic always teetering on the brink of bodily disaster. Her physician was a colleague of Mark's. He confirmed what Alexa told him herself. Alexa at 5' 0" was on the underside of 100 lb and compulsively exercised away every little weight gain from her supervised prescription diet. Mark was concerned she would never put the disease behind her. He had never seen Alexa with anything more caloric than beer. Most of the restaurant wait staff were always "grazing" on the job, but not Alexa. While he had never seen her in revealing clothing, the affectionate hugs brought his way showed Mark that Alexa was the ultimate hard body. There did not seem to be an ounce of fat anywhere on her body, but she was more than skin and bones. Alexa felt muscular, but had no size, even when flexing. "You can't let him continue to do this to you, no matter how great the sex is with him. I worry about you. I don't want you to get hurt. You deserve so much more from life." Alexa felt flush. Dr. Richards was so sweet to her. She knew he had a crush on her and appreciated the attention. Alexa leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks for caring. What do you think I should do?" "Dump him. I know you are concerned about the loss of prestige, but you deserve better. For your own self esteem, I think you need to turn the tables on him." "Are you crazy? Little me beat the crap out of big old him. What have you been drinking today?" "I want what's best for you. I think some of my research can help you. How would you like to trade places with Adam? I think I can give you the power to even things up, possibly even give you the upper hand. Would that feel good?" "You're serious. You can do that?" "My work tells me I can. I have been doing protein and hormone research. I want to give you the ability to take from Adam what makes him masculine and allow your body to use it to make you stronger. I think I can give you the power to win the next battle. And there's a bonus to this, the end result will banish your anorexia for good." "What do I have to do? Is there a downside?" Mark beckoned to Alexa to lean in closer to him. He whispered in her ear, "I know you love sex. I can give you the ability to turn every blow job into a power boost. I can give you something that will let you take the best from his ejaculate. Adam will love and want you sucking him off. And you will want to do it; his cum will make you stronger. And here's the best part. Your sexual fluids will be filled with the essence that keeps you weak. Get him to eat you out once and he'll be addicted to love. As the cycle grinds through, you become stronger and he becomes weaker. To me, that's the perfect revenge." Alexa's breath got shallow and her nipples started to poke through her blouse. She couldn't believe the arousal she was getting from the thought of being stronger than Adam. Alexa was hot over the thought of being strong. Getting strong while giving and getting orgasms was almost orgasmic in itself. She held onto the professor to steady herself. Alexa leaned her mouth towards Mark's ear and whispered in reply, "Good thing football season is over. I would hate to think that my drive for orgasms would cost the university a championship. Oh God. When can we start?" "Winter break starts after finals end on Friday. We can do the lab work Friday evening and I'll dose you. Then you and Adam shack up for the full weekend. Forty-eight hours of cycling should do the trick. Adam will need you and you will be in charge. Now that's role reversal. As it will be winter break, no one will be at the gym and we can test your strength. We will need to track your changes for my work." Alexa was blown away. Dr. Richards was handing her the keys to a future she had never dreamed possible. Adam was almost her love slave now. Imagine how it would be if he was totally under her control. "How big will I get?" "I don't know. It is the one unknown. It will all depend on how many cycles you can complete on the weekend and basically how macho Adam actually is." "I guess I ought to get the manager to comp tonight's meal." ***** Alexa had only been to Dr. Richards' office once before. When she was applying for internships the previous spring, the professor worked with her on her applications and her resume. Alexa had forgotten how warm and inviting the office appeared to be. She was standing by the window looking out on the serene campus at twilight as Dr. Richards entered the office from his lab. "How are you doing Alexa?" "I am a little nervous, but excited at the same time." Alexa appeared to Mark to be completely focused on the task ahead. She looked serious. For once Alexa was not smiling. However, Mark could see that Alexa was excited. Her nipples were poking through her sweatshirt. Mark's heart was racing. Not only could he change Alexa's life, but he could validate his research. "That's to be expected. Okay, here is what we are going to do. We will do some baseline work first. Then I give you an injection. You will need to hang here for a couple of hours to make sure there are no bad reactions. As long as everything's okay, it'll be time for you to get started on your, um, mission. Did Adam agree to stay home this this weekend?" "I told him I had to finish something at school, but I was horny and it would be one hell of a weekend so we could celebrate the end of school." "Fantastic. What questions do you have?" "How does it work?" "The injection contains three proteins I engineered. The first protein draws out the male essence from the ejaculate you consume. The second protein acts as an antiestrogen driving what estrogen you have into your sexual discharge. The third protein will follow the estrogen into Adam where it will drive testosterone into his ejaculate. The cycle of oral sex will give you the essence of what makes Adam strong and remove what makes you weak. So no intercourse. I just want you to go with the oral sex. That's what makes this work. I don't want you wasting any potential donations. The only thing I cannot do is give you big breasts." "Never had them, so that's not a problem. Will this make me a man?" "Absolutely not. This does not change your genes. It simply throws your hormone balance in one positive direction." "How can you be sure it will work?" "My preliminary tests in animals have shown gender dominance reversal in every case. The female became more aggressive, more assertive, dominant, and...totally horny. I separated each pair after 48 hours and the female maintained everything she gained from the experience." "How strong will I be?" "That's the one thing I cannot tell you. There are so many variables in scaling this up for the first time to a human. You will at least be as strong as Adam is now and Adam will be only as strong as you are now. Where it goes from there I have no idea. But that's why this is perfect. You come back Monday morning and we will go to the gym and test your abilities. It is so great that school is out. It will be just you and me." "Let's get this started!" They walked into the lab together. Mark had turned up the heat in the lab to keep it warm for Alexa. He picked up a clipboard and went through a series of questions to establish a baseline. The questions were pretty simple yes-no or frequency and Alexa answered them with growing anticipation. She spotted a digital camera on the countertop. "What's the camera for?" "If you're game, we can capture before and after pictures for posterity...and research." "That's a great idea." Alexa kicked off her shoes, pulled her sweatshirt over her head, and dropped her pants. Stepping out of the pants, she turned to face the professor in a wife-beater t-shirt and thong panties. Her nipples poked through the t-shirt in excitement. Mark looked on in appreciation as Alexa did a sexy striptease removing first the t-shirt and slowly skimmed the panties down her legs. "How do I look? Have you been dreaming of this? Not too bad for a recovering anorexic, huh?" Alexa pirouetted and bent at different angles trying to entice the professor. "Slow down. You look good. I admire how tight your body looks. There isn't an ounce of fat anywhere. Imagine how much better you'll look on Monday. By the way, I appreciate the shaved look, it becomes you." "Yeah, Adam likes me clean. Makes it easier to get at me. He says it keeps anything from getting in his way." Mark picked up the camera and beckoned Alexa forward. "I'll leave the poses and pace to you. Make sure you give me front, side, and back views. Flex as often as you can. Have a good time at it." Alexa got into the mood turning and flexing. With the camera in the way, she could not see the professor's face. She hoped he was appreciative of her body. Too bad he wears loose fitting slacks she thought. I'd like to know if I turn him on or not. "So what do you think?" "I think you are beautiful. All that exercise has been paying off. I keep imagining you with bodybuilder muscles. I think I'm the one getting excited now." Alexa had never felt her nipples this hard. Even her clit seemed to be hardening. That never happened without being touched. Alexa gave him her best double bicep flex. "Not much there, is it?" "Hey, remember, this is the before. I still think you are beautiful. Inside and out. I have enough; you can put everything back on, except the sweatshirt. I have the injection all set for you." Alexa dressed and stepped towards the waiting professor. Grasping her arm gently, Mark swabbed a site with an alcohol prep. He asked her to make a fist, palpating the vein. Mark gently inserted the needle into the vein, making sure not to bruise Alexa. He depressed the plunger, placed a folded gauze over the injection site, and withdrew the syringe. A piece of tape over the gauze and a hug followed. "Let's go in my office and relax. I figure three hours will be enough time to make sure there are no bad reactions to the injection. You can choose the music." As he released Alexa, Mark placed a piece of paper in her hand, grasping her hands in his. "Here's my cellphone and home numbers just in case. Let's relax in the office." Alexa kissed the professor on the cheek, turned, grabbed her sweatshirt, and left the lab for the office. ***** The phone rang. Mark leaned over and reached for the receiver. He looked at the clock as he placed the receiver against his ear. It was 11 PM, Saturday night. Who would call at this hour? "Dr. Richards?" The voice was deep and rich, but tinged with concern. It sounded like Alexa, but different. "Alexa?" "Um, things worked, but, um, too well." "Alexa, are you okay?" "I'm better than okay, but, well, can I come see you?" "Can you get to the lab? I can meet you there and I have all kinds of equipment there. I can be there in five minutes." "I can get there. I'll meet you." What the hell could have happened? I hope it's just jitters. Mark changed into scrubs, threw on a sweatshirt, grabbed his keys and ran out the door. He always thought living down the street from the university was an advantage. Running up the street, Mark cursed how long it was taking him. What if something went wrong? How could I live with that? I really care about Alexa. Mark headed for the medical school research wing back door. As he rounded the corner, he saw the double doors torn off their hinges. What the heck happened? Mark ran down the hall toward his lab. The main lab door was open, the lock broken off. The lab was dark. He reached for the light." "Don't turn on the lights. I don't want to be seen." "Alexa? Talk to me. What's going on?" Sitting on top of the lab bench, Alexa could see Dr. Richards in the light of the hallway. Wait, no, she could see him in the dark. Since when could she see in the dark? Alexa pushed off the bench and walked towards Dr. Richards. "Professor, everything worked just as you said. Only things worked too well. Take a good look. I'm fabulous. Oh, and we won't need to use the gym to test my strength." Mark was rooted to the spot. The body standing in front of him looked like Alexa, only bigger. Alexa looked to be about as tall as the ceiling and as broad as the door. In the dim light of the hallway Mark could see Alexa's enlarged body swelling out of the football jersey and men's sweatpants she was wearing. No projection Mark ever made gave Alexa such a growth pattern. How could he have screwed up good? Alexa looked even more beautiful than the last time they were together. Her upper body was a broad vee tapering to a narrow waist and gently flaring to wider hips. The biceps and triceps stretched the material covering her arms to the limit. It looked like she had melons under her jersey. Mark was equally shocked to see the chest area stretched forward. Pectoral muscle development could not account for such chest development. Where would breasts have come from? How could Alexa go from an A cup to a double D or an E? Breasts aren't muscle. What could account for this? The nipples dented the front of the jersey further forward. They seemed even larger than they had Friday evening. And her hair? Her once short bob cut was now a long luxurious mane reaching halfway down her back. The wide gap between the jersey and the sweat bottom showed off the solid bricks of her abs. It looked like he could stick his finger into the grooves past the first knuckle of his index finger. The thighs and calves stretched the bottoms wide. Mark thought he could see the definition between the muscles that made up the quadriceps. He felt arousal at the thought of seeing the body in full bloom held against him. "Alexa, you're fantastic, you're beautiful. Do you feel okay?" "I'm better than okay professor. I had to get out of the apartment before I outgrew the apartment. I have no pain, but I am hornier than hell. How long were the cycles supposed to continue? Can I get even bigger?" Alexa stepped forward. Mark could see the hard nipples projecting through the jersey, seemingly further than just moments ago. Was she getting excited? "You are way off the charts. I didn't predict any of this. Something you did put things off the scale. You and Adam together weren't supposed to create a goddess, just a babe." "Goddess...I like that. I'm a goddess. Are you worshipping me? I can feel your arousal. Do you like muscle women Dr. Richards or is it just me?" Alexa took another step forward, slowly closing the distance between them. "It's both. I have been crazy about you since the first day we met. You have always been sexy to me. And I do like women with muscles, but you are far more than anything I could have imagined. What happened to the plan? What's different? Something had to be different." "As I said, everything worked too well. I left here Friday and went straight home. The anticipation of turning the tables on Adam was turning me on. I stretched and worked with light weights while waiting for Adam. That glow I get from pumping iron turns both of us on. I was prepared to pounce on him the minute he walked in the door. Only when the door finally opened, Adam wasn't alone. I hadn't counted on Adam bringing half the defense with him. I was so horny and that asshole wanted a gangbang! Well, I had told him I was horny. So I decided to do all of them. I stripped off my clothes and yelled out that I had to be satisfied first. Eat me out and I will rock your world. And so they did. Some of those boys know just how to get their tongues in the right place. I juiced, the guy lapped and I flipped into a 69 and sucked him into an explosion in my mouth. I swallowed, wiped my chin, and moved on to the next guy. Adam was somewhere in the mix, but I quickly lost track of who I was with. It didn't take much to get them off. I thought guys on 'roids had trouble getting it up, but these boys had no trouble at all. As I cycled through the group their cum started to taste better and better. Along about dawn I started to feel really warm. As the sun came up, the boys went down for the count. I started to get really hot, but I couldn't get a rise out of any of the team, not even Adam. So I took a nap that turned into sleeping all day. When I awoke, just before I called you, this is what greeted me. You like?" Alexa was now within a foot of the professor. Mark could feel the heat of her body at the close distance. She reached out and pulled Mark to her grabbing his butt. Alexa was gently grinding against his body. Mark got an erection and felt faint. Her muscles felt huge and as hard as she was before. Alexa must have unbelievable definition. Her fingers were kneading his butt. Mark could swear that he could feel the separation between the biceps and the clearly defined horseshoe of her triceps muscles as she pulled him tight to her. Now eight inches shorter than Alexa, he tilted his head backwards and looked up into her eyes. They were still as beautiful and sexy as they had ever been. Alexa's cheekbones were sharp, defined, and glowing. Something hard was scraping against his erect penis. It didn't feel like a muscle, what was it? Alexa released him, pushing him away gently. Had that been her clit? "Oh my. I'm sorry. I am so grateful. The last thing I need to do is make you one of my victims. But I'm so horny. The boys were still out cold when I awoke. I will just have to wait until morning to get anything else out of them. And I guess you really like me. I certainly felt the love. But I care so much about you, I have to resist my urges. This is so fantastic. I feel like I can do whatever I want. By the way, that was my clit you felt. Turns out my nipples aren't the only thing that gets hard when I get excited now. My clit isn't much bigger than it was before, but it feels so hard it could dent steel. I feel like I am getting stronger by the moment and it is getting me excited." "I don't know what to say. I'm speechless. You truly are a goddess. I guess a bunch of football players juiced and on growth hormone and clenbuterol and goodness-knows-what can multiply the benefits of the protein injection, but what grew breasts? It's not all pectoral muscle. I just got confirmation of that. And what are you going to do with a harem of football players?" Alexa’s laugh was deep and rich. She grabbed the professor's left hand and brought it to the side of her right breast. Pressing his hand against the breast, there was no give to the breast. "Feels like muscle doesn't it? It seems to be very dense. I just think about firming up my breasts and they become solid as steel. Even I have trouble denting them. I think I know where they came from. My breasts feel full and as if I were going to give milk. I think your hormone treatment to rid me of weakness is building up in my chest." "What? Of course, you're right. I just assumed that if you didn't have periods, you wouldn't be capable of lactating. I guess I was wrong. There are a bunch of hormones that develop in pregnant women to produce milk for the baby. The birth of a goddess had produced your own nectar." Alexa was adjusting to the dim light from the hallway. Her vision was clear and sharp. She could see the individual books on the wall shelves and the detail on the wall posters. Suddenly Alexa could see through the wall into the hallway. Okay, this was too weird. First the increase in height, then the muscle, hair growth, and now x-ray vision. Was she becoming a goddess? "Umm, Dr. Richards? I have size, muscle, more hair, and now I have super-vision. I can see right through you or just through your clothes. What's next? Super-breath or super-pheromones? I am adjusting to the light now and my eyes feel more comfortable. You can turn on the lights now. Where's your camera? Time to take the after pictures." The digital camera was next to the clipboard with the questionnaire and Alexa’s file. As Mark grabbed the camera, Alexa stretched and began to remove her clothes. She stepped out of the sandals, dropped the sweatpants and stepped out of them, and lastly pulled the tight fitting football jersey over her breasts and over her head. Even having felt the body up close, Alexa was amazing to look at. Everything was so outsized and firm. And, amazingly enough, Alexa now had large amounts of hair in her genital region and under her arms. “Professor, you can stop staring and start shooting. I am not worried about catching a cold, but I have lots to do tonight.” “Weren’t you clean shaven yesterday?” “Yup, it seems that the hormonal imbalance has thrown hair growth everywhere into overdrive. I am going to have to invest in an industrial strength razor if I want to stay hairless in my special places. Okay let’s shoot some in-between pictures.” “Excuse me?” “Well, I’m not pumped and we definitely need to see how big I can get. I have not done anything tough yet. I mean the doors came off the hinges as if they were made of tissue. Do you have a tape measure in here?” “Okay, let me toss you the tape measure and I have some ideas how you can get that pump. I don’t know if my heart can take it, but we’ll see. Do you remember the poses from yesterday? Can you do those so we can do comparisons.” “You must be a horny little devil. Okay first the poses and then the measuring. I am going to need some hands-on assistance with measurements.” Mark felt his penis lurch. He couldn’t get harder could he? Mark started shooting as Alexa duplicated her posing from Friday. She certainly appeared to getting into it as she emphasized her edges and curves by caressing them. Her nipples leaped out at him and the full breasts barely wobbled. Mark waved at Alexa that he was done. Alexa grinned as she unfurled the tape measure and held it out for him to help her. Holding one end equal to the crown of her head, she let the tape drop, allowing Mark to hold it at the floor to catch her height. “Six feet, eight inches.” “What’s next?” “How about you just keep choosing and I will keep assisting and writing them down?” “Sounds good.” Alexa wrapped the tape around her chest. Mark read off sixty inches. He tried not to look like he was copping a feel, but teasing him, Alexa turned in towards Mark planting her right breast against his face as he leaned in to get the measurement. Her waist was an unbelievable 24 inches and her hips looked slim at 40 inches. Alexa’s thighs came in at 36 inches and her calves at 20 inches. The last measurement to go was the biceps. Leaning over, Alexa lifted Mark from his bent position with the right hand and gently flexed the left presenting the bicep for measurement. Alexa whispered into Mark’s ear. “Okay, the biceps is last. It’s my favorite muscle and I hope it’s yours too.” Mark shuddered for a second and felt faint after hearing the sexy voice in his ear. Her breath was hot and soothing. Grasping around the biceps, the tape end recorded 20 inches. Mark announced it and Alexa hugged him against her body, kissing the top of his head. “Time to get that pump and re-measure. So what was that idea of yours?” “You need to pump up and show your strength. On the back side of campus, the university is renovating an old building it bought and demolishing some smaller structures that block the big building from the street. I was thinking that you could get your pump by gutting the big building and get a little strength demonstration by doing the demolition yourself. I figure that you are now at least 10 times stronger than anyone on the whole defense, which would be 100 times stronger than little old me.” “What a great idea. Hope I can keep my hands off you when I am done.” “Could you put your clothes back on first?” “Wow, you are so modest.” ***** Mark chose a route to the renovation site that avoided lights. Able to see in the dark without strain, Alexa grabbed his hand and guided him through the dark of the night. Four small buildings, each the size of a three-car garage and one to two stories tall, stood in front of a larger building. The big building was five stories high and as wide as the four smaller buildings with the space between them included. “What a perfect place. So thoughtful of the university. Where should I start?” “The choice is yours. Just remember to leave the shell of the big building intact and you can do whatever you want to the smaller buildings.” Alexa waded into the first small building smashing through the wide front access doors. She proceeded to use her fists to demolish the door frame and front wall. Alexa got a good grip on the edge of the side wall and pulled it down toward the center. Without support, the roof fell. Alexa caught the side of the roof and ripped it off the top of the two remaining walls. Balancing it on its end she spun the roof around and around, before tossing it into the air. As the roof fell towards her, Alexa started rapid fire punches neatly dividing the solid metal roof into smaller pieces. Alexa then took out the two remaining walls with a few well-placed punches. “I am starting to feel that glow from starting a pump. Take a look at this expansion.” Alexa flexed her biceps, ripping the sleeves on the football jersey. The biceps looked to have grown to at least 30 inches. Mark was speechless. Picking up major portions of wall, Alexa began to do standing chest flyes. Her back started to widen, making the vee shape angles even more dramatic. The breasts appeared to float as the pectorals pumped and firmed up. This caused the front of the jersey to split and tent forward, the edges caught on her nipples. Looking Mark direct in the eyes with blazing sexiness, she laughed deeply. “Your eyes are glazing over. I don’t know how much more of this you can take. Legs are next. Manage to get through this and we’ll call it a night. Don’t want to rouse campus security. Might have to do some real damage.” Alexa walked over to the second small building. Leaning back she brought her right thigh up and cocked her foot. Letting go, the kick knocked the right door off its supports and into the building. Moving to her left she repeated the forward action with the other leg, knocking in the left door. Moving to the side wall she turned her back to the building. Alexa proceeded to mule kick the wall, first with her right, then with her left leg. The wall wavered, and then fell in. As Alexa stepped back to admire her work, Mark could see that the sweatpants were stretched out at the seams. The roof started to fall. Alexa caught the solid one-piece metal roof on its edge and started to fold it in half and then in half again. Alexa dropped to the ground on her side and put the folds between her legs. Squeezing her thighs she completed the folds of the metal roof smashing the roof into flat sheets. She continued until the roof was a small manageable, but heavy sheet. Alexa’s sweatpants let loose at the seams leaving her with short shorts glued to her impressive butt. “Two walls to go. You hanging in there professor?” “I’m willing to chance it. Go get ‘em girl.” Feeling indestructible Alexa walked towards the center of the bigger of the two walls. Mark was aghast as Alexa never stopped. The goddess walked right through the wall taking out the center section. Alexa turned back and faced the wall. Reaching out with each hand, she grabbed a different section of wall and pushed forward forcing those sections to fall into the building and to the ground. “Got to work those triceps, don’t you know.” Walking behind the last wall, Alexa leaned in and simply pushed the wall down. Her work complete, she turned to face Mark. Sweat dampened what remained of the jersey and sweatpants. Walking towards Mark, Alexa had a broad smile on her face and a gleam in her eyes. “Professor, we are going back to your lab now. It’s time for you to see how the goddess truly performs. I am not sure if you will survive, but at least you’ll die happy.” Alexa walked up to Mark, picked him up, and cradled him as one would a child against her chest. She started to walk in the direction of the medical school building. Alexa started to chuckle and Mark could feel the breasts wobble against his side. “Oh yeah. At least you’ll die happy.”