The Project part 12





The tank shell cut through the air leaving a sonic shock wave that rebounded off the canyons of the desert. The sound would make most duck for cover. Not even Kate Hastings was immune to the sound, being after all the first time she had ever been shot with heavy artillery. The shell moved across the desert with pin point accuracy and headed straight for her chest. She was tempted to side step it but knew for certain it wouldn’t kill her. The only question in her mind was would it hurt?.  Wearing her Super Girl out fit, she watched as the shell was right about to smack her square in the out stretched S symbol of her amazing chest. Her eyes shut and her body stiffened. There was no impact. She opened one eye and to her astonishment realized that she had slowed down time to almost a stop. The Shell had already flattened her breast but had not yet detonated.  She smiled wickedly as she moved her hand to the side of her compressed tit and pushed inward on her soft flesh with the palm of her hand. The Shell stopped dead in its tracks as her hand applied far more pressure on her soft flesh then did the shell. The shell compressed a little and then exploded. Kate’s mouth opened in sexual bliss. The experience was overwhelming. Another round fired but this time Kate placed her palms on her hip and pushed her chest out. Her body was engulfed in a delightful explosion. With each round that deflected off her super body Kate became intoxicated with the realization of power.

        Jamieson watched Kate with his binoculars from a safe distance just off the firing range. He couldn’t help get extremely aroused as Kate deflected the Tank shells with her breasts and even one time with her pert ass. He imagined himself feeling that incredible body. Grabbing her tight ass and squeezing her powerful tits, dominating her with his male body. “What are you watching?”. Vojtek caught Jamieson off guard.  Jamieson lowered the binoculars and discreetly covered his crotch area with them. Jamieson ignored Vojteks question and asked one of his own “Are the men assembled?”. “They are” Vojtek replied and the two walked back to the base.  Vojtek leaned against the wall as Smit Terrance Cly and Ed sat patiently awaiting Jamieson’s briefing. Jamieson cleared his throat and then spoke “As you all know you men have been selected for a very special mission. Tomorrow as of 600 hours you will be flown out to our panama station where you will take part in the invasion of Columbia, more specifically Bogotá. You will all receive a custom rifle designed to penetrate the invulnerability of your target”. Jamieson pulled out a picture of Aleesha and showed it to the men. “Endowed with the same capabilities as Kate Hastings it is imperative that we eliminate her from the battle field so that our military can successfully achieve its objective”. Vojtek was not one to back down from a mission but interrupted Jamieson “This is a military insurgency, this isn’t our gig, why isn’t Delta tasked with this?”. Jamieson answered quickly “Because the Delta unit has its own orders specifically to keep you men alive. Each one of you will have four Delta Commando’s watching over you, there orders are to keep you alive at all costs. You will be flown in by Black hawks directly behind the front and in a line formation approximately 2 kilometers away from each other. The drop zone should be clear of all hostiles; our front line will collapse under an expected assault from Aleesha and retreat toward you, with her undoubtedly in pursuit. From that point forward it’s just aim and shoot, Not too sure if you have the right target?, she’ll be the one holding the tank. The code name for this operation is Queens Gambit”. Jamieson paused and waited for any comments but there was none “If there is no further business I wish you all good luck” Jamieson said wrapping up the meeting. Vojtek waited for his men to leave and then confronted Jamieson. “What kind of rifle” He asked. “I have no idea, all I know is what they told me to tell you” Jamieson responded. “And Kate?” Vojtek asked. “What about Kate?”. “She’s not included in any of the missions details”. Jamieson responded the same as before “All I know is what they told me to tell you” Jamieson finished gathering his papers “Good luck” he said and left.

Aleesha allowed Arturo to probe her body. Arturo roughly moved his hands up her silky smooth legs and onto her incredible ass. He bit hard on her neck in a futile attempt to pleasure her. There was a knock at the door and General Gonzalez entered. He watched in envy as Arturo embraced Aleesha’s body the best he could. “What is it General” She asked. “If we could have a moment, There are reports of a mass build up in Panama”. Without saying so much as a word to Arturo she left him to join Gonzalez and the other generals. “Get to the point General” Aleesha said with an arrogant tone. There was a nervousness that came from Gonzalez’s tone as he spoke but this time it wasn’t caused by Aleesha’s presence but rather the impending doom she single handedly brought down upon them. Aleesha listened to there reports of a mass US build up in Panama. Gonzalez brought her to a map “We are moving every solider and all equipment from there station points and into Bogotá but that wont be enough”. Aleesha looked at the map “What’s our count?”. “We’ll have 15 000 regulars another 30 000 conscripts, and 16 T80 Russian tanks”. “And our air support?” Aleesha asked. Gonzalez shuddered at the question “The Americans will make certain that they have full air supremacy before they move there units within our borders. By the time we detect an American jet within our air space our fighters will be shot down before they leave the runways. Before our troops can engage any American unit, it will be bombarded by a un relentless air assault. Aleesha wasn’t worried but was uncertain what to do or say. She walked amongst the commanders and approached the oldest. “Stand up” she said to him. The commander did so and she held his chin and looked deep into his eyes. The commander began to shake as his life experiences began to drain from his mind and pour into Aleeshas mind. The commander dropped lifelessly to the floor and Aleesha walked back to the map and pondered. “We will move our infantry into day cares residential buildings and hospitals. Our tanks into schools and the slums and we’ll dig a series tunnels from the hospital to 3 km outside Bogotá”. Gonzalez was afraid to criticize her directive. He knew where she was going with this, if the army was in Schools Hospitals and residential zones the Americans would be reluctant to bomb it but a series of tunnels from the Hospital?. “With all do respect, a tunnel from the hospital to the outskirts of the city would take weeks, we have less then a day”. Aleesha smiled at Gonzalez “After everything I’ve shown you I can do, do you still doubt my power?”. “No, of course not, it’s just that”. “Leave the tunnels to me, you have your orders, so get to it”. The Generals stood up and were leaving when Aleesha called one of them over to her. The General reluctantly came to her. Aleesha walked around him and observed him as the others left. “Stephan is your name isn’t it?”. “Yes” he replied nervously. “Tell me Stephen, do I have the best tits that you have ever laid eyes on?” Aleesha squeezed her firm mounds together making the soft flesh spill out of her tight blue top. Stephen looked down at her irresistible cleavage and replied “yes”. Aleesha smiled politely at him “Your telling the truth, you see I can always tell when people tell me the truth. So now tell me Stephen, are you going to report everything you heard here to an American agent?”. Stephen’s heart went into over drive “Of course not!” he yelled while thinking ‘how could she possibly know’. Aleesha smiled wickedly at him “Now Stephen, you wouldn’t lie to Goddess would you?”. Stephen knew he was dead, it was only a matter of when, with no hesitation he grabbed his side arm and put it to his head. With super speed Aleesha grabbed his hand and squeezed. The weapon was crushed along with his hand. Bone and metal became one and Stephen screamed in pain. “Now why would you want to end our pleasant conversation?” she asked coyly. Stephen was on his knees still screaming. “I could read your mind, but such a thing is not an exact science, valuable information could be lost. So, you let me know when your ready to talk. I’ll just be standing here watching you, take your time”. Aleesha crossed her arms under her generous mounds looked at his feet and two beams shot out from her eyes causing Stephens shoes to burn. Stephen yelled in agony once more as the low concentrated beams worked there way up his legs. “I’ll talk, I’ll tell you everything, please!”.  Aleesha smiled down at the squirming man as he told her everything she needed to know.

Kate was getting bored of the tests a lot faster then she thought she would be. There seemed to be no end to the constant bombardment and its pleasure was wearing thin. A round misfired and soared a mile over her head. “I’ll get it” She announced as she ran matching the rounds speed and heading. Jumping to early she missed her target. Still flexing her calves a realization dawned upon her. She was flying. Kate’s first flight could have been called anything but graceful. Her arms were out stretched and she began doing unintentional barrel rolls. She was closing in on a large rocky canyon and in her panic flexed her calves even more. She hit supersonic speed before she hit the canyon. Kate was buried under debris deep within the canyon. She began to giggle; thinking she couldn’t even hurt her self. Kate raised her arms in the air again, the tones of rocks on her body doing little to restrict her petite arm movement. Kate flexed her calves again and she shot through the rocky canyon and up into the air. She was at 10 000 feet when she slowed her ascent. The big S on her chest and the fact that she was 10 000 feet in the air was just a reminder that she truly was Super Girl. Loving the sensation of flight and the cool breeze that caressed her body she turned in a northerly direction. Flexing her calves with all her might she moved much faster then super sonic, much faster then she had ever dreamed and before she knew it she was over the North Pole. She landed gracefully into the snow and admired her power. She had crossed two countries in no more then 10 minutes and was now standing in -45 degree temperatures and not feeling the affects at all in her skimpy super girl costume. She took in the scenery, the glaciers and the frozen tundra and she felt at peace. A polar bear took special attention to Kate and began moving toward her. “And what do you want big guy?” She said to the Bear as it raised itself on it’s hind legs in a threatening manner. “Wanna play?” she asked the bear. The polar bear seeing Kate as a meal rather then a play thing attacked, it’s powerful jaws clamping down on Kate’s breast. Kate laughed at the bear’s efforts as it gnawed at her generous breast without effect “Let me guess you’re a male bear” she joked. Kate wrapped her arms around the bear and fell in the snow with it. The confused bear desperately tried to kick free of Kate’s grasp as she rolled around in the snow playfully with her newly found teddy bear.

        Cam Knieling had been Secretary of defense for 5 years. A position he dreamed of being in for much of his life. A position in which he now wished he had never accepted. It was perhaps his over zealous nature that made him lose sight of the cardinal rule of his position, plausible deniability. He simply knew too much, more then the President would ever want to know. For with each passing administration republican or democrat a secret was left behind. From the successful development of longevity, that could never be revealed to the world due to its impact on the world’s economy and resource output. To Vojtek and his men who successfully cornered the drug market into the US’s hands. But the most disturbing thing he found was the Terror ops. The terror ops were put into motion shortly after the 911 attacks. There goal was to infiltrate a terrorist organization. The plan worked almost too well as an American Muslim patriot became the head of a major Islamic terrorist organization and a sort of conundrum formed. That while Israelis and American soldiers still died at the hands of terrorism attacks it was the United States secretly behind every attack. The attacks brought credibility to the terrorist organization and more and more funds were approved by the senate to counter terrorism. And on the other side hundreds of millions of dollars were donated by extremist Muslims to the terrorist organization which was now controlled by the US. The plan had one major goal; prevent the big one from ever hitting the United States. However, still needing more money to finance the Projects led by Dwight they needed to funnel more money through counter terrorism. A plan was put into motion months ago, the terrorist organization the Americans had control of purchased a nuclear weapon that was to be intercepted by US coastal patrol unit. The patrol unit would find the nuke and America would panic. The Senate would immediately approve billions of dollars to counter terrorism which would be allocated to the Projects and other divisions. The terrorist organization would soon after gain world wide recognition as being the most powerful and dangerous terrorist group in the world. The terrorist group would soon after monopolize all other organizations. The plan, even with Aleesha running a muck in South America was still a go. However, Cam Kneiling made some last minute changes. Instead of it being found by the US coastal guard it would be found by Kate Hasting. And instead of it being delivered it would go off, 500 miles from the US coast. Cam Knieling admired his ingenuity but it was also one more painful ulcer boring through his aged stomach.

        “What do you think?” Smit asked Vojtek. Vojtek paused before answering “I think that the army has grossly miscalculated there weapon and that we along with every troop on the front are going to die”. Smit nodded “thanks for sugar coating it buddy, next time ill just ask for the fucking weather forecast”. Vojtek smiled “As much as I bug Kate for doing stupid things, I know how smart she was, and how smart she has become. She told me there was no way she could be harmed, hurt maybe but killed, impossible. And that’s what we’re going up against. You saw how quickly she dealt with us, and were supposedly the elite”. “True, but you did shoot her” Smit replied. “One in a million blind shot, and she gave me the time to do it, this Columbian girl will give us no such luxury”. They paused for a moment and then Smit changed the subject “So, are you and Kate an item?”. “If you are asking if were sleeping together the answer is no”. “Well, I guess I’m asking, could you sleep with her?”. Vojtek laughed at his old friends awkward questions “Maybe, but surviving the experience might be a different issue”. Smit grabbed Vojtek on the shoulder “Well buddy, if you had to choose a way to go, that it would most certainly have to be it”. Vojtek laughed “I never looked at it that way”. “So tomorrow if I see you in Panama instead of a coffin, I’ll be very disappointed”. “Duly noted” Vojtek replied. The two shook hands and departed. Vojtek walked around the base lost in his own thoughts, thinking about more things at one time then he had done before. He was reminded by what John once preached to him back in the day ‘this isn’t the marines, your not volunteering to serve your volunteering to die. Accept that, and you might live’. Vojtek never feared death, most who served with him would say he tempted it and almost dared it. Until he met Kate, he thought of a future with her, marriage kids the whole nine yards. And then she turned herself into something he had no doubt the administration would have no choice but to hunt and kill. Worst yet, something he’d have to hunt and kill. That future was erased and it upset him, she upset him, erasing the future he dreamed about. Or perhaps it was his fault, all of it. He screwed up in Columbia which started a chain of events. But perhaps even worst was that he never once told Kate how he really felt about her. “Boo”. Vojtek snapped out of his thoughts and turned to Kate who had crept up on him. He looked her over and fell in love with her once more. Her long red hair, deep brown eyes, perfect face, amazing lips and truly the most amazing body he had ever laid eyes on. Kate smiled sweetly “whoa, what’s with you. I think that’s the first time since my transformation you’ve looked at me that way”. Kate loved the attention Vojtek’s eyes were giving her and ate it up. Placing her hands behind her hips she pushed out her chest making the red S stretch overtop of her generous mounds. “So, what’s the occasion, do I look better today?” Kate asked. Vojtek politely smiled at her and turned away. Kate used her super speed to be in the way of Vojtek’s turn “What’s wrong?” she asked him. “Nothing” Vojtek replied convincingly. Kate looked into his eyes but like always revealed nothing to her. “I could read your mind, if you want me too” she said playfully. “I’d rather you didn’t” Vojtek replied. “What are you doing tonight?” she asked. “I have no idea”. “Well then why don’t you and I go on a date”. “I thought you weren’t allowed off the base”. Kate grinned “Yeah, show me one person on this base that’s going to stop me”. Vojtek nodded in agreement. “I’m going to find something to wear, but you need to cheer up grumpy” Kate said as she pulled Vojtek into her body and kissed him passionately. Embraced in the kiss she exhaled ever so slightly filling Vojteks lungs with her intoxicating breath. Kate broke off the kiss “See you soon”. Vojtek’s head was spinning from the buzz Kate’s kiss had given him but he managed to remain standing until she had left and then he fell on his ass.

        Kate changed out of her super girl costume all except the tight invulnerable red panties and put on her pink t shirt. She grabbed her credit card from her purse and was about to leave when a sergeant knocked at her door. Not really feeling like giving anyone an explanation as to where she had disappeared to she simply walked through the wall and leaped into the air and left the base. Kate landed gracefully but indiscreetly on a packed strip near the Paris hotel. On lookers watched in shock, believing there eyes must have somehow deceived them. She continued walking by the stores of the hotel ignoring men’s gawking eyes until she found the right one. She looked through the store and was surprisingly shocked at her choice. She never dressed too provocatively even when she was younger but tonight she would have fun with her new body. Picking out a very tight pair of hip hugger blue jeans and extra small v line green cotton top she took the clothes to the change room. First she put on the hip huggers and it was a perfect fit, her super panties could be seen clinging on to her upper hips and the jeans filled the contours of her rounded pert ass very nicely. Next Kate put on the green v line top, it barley made it over her chest leaving most of her abdomen exposed. Wondering if the top was perhaps too small she took in a deep breath and her chest rose and her shirt stretched but to her delight the top did not rip. She took one last look in the mirror and thought ‘Damn I’m hot!’. Picking out a pair of high heels she walked to the counter with the tags of the clothes she was wearing. The female clerk looked at her in amazement and envy as she scanned the tags and then told her that it came out to 577 dollars. Kate gave the clerk her credit card and then left the store. Kate made her way to a pay phone where she called and left a message on Vojteks cell letting him know where she was at. Hours later Vojtek met her and they went to a restaurant. Vojtek walked with Kate and wasn’t completely immune to the stares both he and her got. Vojtek was a fit good looking 29 year old man but it didn’t matter if he was a super model people would still ask why would she be with that guy. Kate was a Goddess, she didn’t need to blow a hurricane out of her mouth, nor deflect bullets off those incredible tits to prove it. All she had to do was stand there and look the way she did. Kate who at first was a little apprehensive about her new looks, was eating it up now as she walked hand in hand with Vojtek. They arrived at the restaurant and Kate practically ordered the entire menu. Not worried about gaining weight, she was certain her metabolism would keep her form lean and sexy for decades if not centuries to come. After moments of idol chit chat “They think they can kill the Columbian” Vojtek said. “Is that what they think?” Kate replied. “Some sort of rifle, powerful enough to cut through her”. Kate smiled “I assure you Vojtek, no rifle can penetrate my skin”. “Are you certain Kate?, or is your ego impairing your normal thought patterns?”. Kate was raised her brow at Vojtek in irritation. Vojtek shook his head “I’m sorry I didn’t mean any disrespect, I just have to know, and you’re the only person who can tell me”. “Yes Vojtek I’m certain”. The two finished their meals then booked and entered there hotel room. “Your nervous about tomorrow?, aren’t you” Kate asked. “I’ve been up against stiff odds before. And I’ve beaten those odds every time because I knew what to expect. Now, me my men and the entire United States military are going up against one teenage girl. The odds this time around seem ridiculously bent into my favor, which makes me very nervous for tomorrow”. “Well, don’t over concern yourself. Ill be there to protect you” Kate reassured. Vojtek looked at her curiously “That’s another thing; you weren’t involved in the battle plan”. Kate gave him a confident smile “Well, not that they told you. But I assure you sweetie, I’ll be there, now you need to relax and I think I know exactly how to relax you”. Kate grabbed the back of Vojtek’s head and began kissing him passionately. Vojtek moved his hand up Kate’s hip across her ribs and onto the fullness of her left breast. Holding Vojtek tightly, Kate fell backwards and only inches before she hit the ground she came to a dead stop. Vojtek broke off the kiss and looked at Kate curiously as he lay on top of her body that floated a foot off the ground. “I can fly” she whispered delicately into his ear “tonight your not with Kate, your with Super Woman”. Vojtek smiled and continued kissing and feeling Kate’s incredible body.



Sunday Oct 6th 0100hrs


Cam Kneiling lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply. He had quit smoking over 20 years ago but as he felt the buzz overwhelm his body it sent his mind at ease. He walked into the war room “Situation report?” he asked. “Sir, we have lost contact with all of our intelligence on the ground. Satellite images are showing a mass military build up in Bogotá. However our contacts outside Bogotá have reported a rebel build up moving towards the capital”. “Hostile to our efforts?” Cam asked. “More then likely”. “Contact Admiral Horner at our Panama station, Queens Gambit is a go”. Not soon after the order a fleet of F15’s F22’s A10’s and raptor class fighters along with a fleet of heavy bombers left there station ports and moved into Columbia. One of the men monitoring the mass wave entering Columbia commented “we’re going to kick the shit out them”.