Lord Of The Blings part1



It was raining in Metropolis city which made Crystal all the more depressed, She was 23, overweight with short brown hair and wore thick glasses. Never happy, she sat and fantasized about being someone different, anyone but her. Often she would pull out the cheap amulet she had won at the carnival years ago promised to grant the user 6 wishes. Every time she put it on the wishes were different and every time they didn’t come true. She put the Amulet around her neck and strolled out onto her balcony into the pouring rain and watched the people below from her cheap 10th story apartment. After a few moments watching the busy streets she stretched her arms in the air and gave out a yawn when all of a sudden lightning struck her amulet. The amulet which at the time hugged her right sagging small tit instantly was vaporized and Crystal was knocked to the floor with out even realising what had happened. She awoke hours later in a daze, not exactly sure what had happened but immediately felt the throbbing soreness in her right breast, She closed her eyes with the pain being unbearable she massaged her right breast as she thought “I wish the pain would go away” BLING the pain was gone. Crystal looked confused and stood up and began to wonder. After a moment she said out loud “I wish my boobs were bigger” but nothing happened. She knew it was too good to be true. “Nothing but a coincidence” she thought. Not realizing that she was struck by lightning and feeling fine she went back inside and watched TV. As Usual Super Man and Wonder Woman occupied the news, she was so Jealous of them and all the other super heroes out there that she all most hated them. What would she do if she had that kind of power she pondered, would she use it for good or evil. The Thought of having Super mans power was turning her on and she started to massage her right breast again and thought “I Wish I had the powers of Superman” BLING. She stopped rubbing her breast confused as to wear that sound had came from and feeling very strange. But once again thought nothing of it. It was midnight and definitely time for bed she picked up the remote and pressed the power button and the remote shattered. The remote was old and brittle in the first place but her imagination was starting to run away with her, had she gained the powers of Super man?. Pulling her fat ass off the couch she approached the coffee table nervously clenched her fist and after a moment of hesitation dropped her fist down. The coffee table shattered into a million pieces most acting like shrapnel cutting through walls and sticking into the cheap carpet. “No Way!” She thought as she walked into the washroom staring into the mirror. She took off her thick glasses and sure enough her vision was better then fine but the short fat girl with small breasts and terrible hair which was her reflection stared back at her. She bit her lip in preparation as her hand cupped her right breast gently stroking it she said “I wish I was thin and shapely with beautiful long black hair and almost a foot taller” BLING before her eyes she thinned out and grew from 4 11” to 5 8”. She was astounded by the results her body was great and without the fat her face was very beautiful something she was now very proud of as her black ravenous hair came all the way down to her chest which she noticed was very flat. She began to smile as she once again started caressing her right tit “I wish my boobs were large, perky, firm and perfectly proportioned” BLING. She was mesmerized as she watched her breasts burst out of her bra and expanded in her saggy low cut sweater showing cleavage so perfectly proportioned and nipples which protruded at least an inch outwards. They truly were perfection and she knew it as she took off her sweater and stared at them in the mirror. She placed her hands on her hips and thrust her chest outwards closer to the mirror. They were perfect and she couldn’t help but grab hold of them and squeeze them with a force only Super Man could rival. She knew she would never need a bra to support her D cup breasts. She couldn’t wait to show her dominance and beauty to the world she started contemplating on how she would do it but then realized that she wished to have the same strength as Super man surely with his experience if it came down to it she would lose that fight, no she could do better then that. She thought long and hard and then decided. Grabbing her perfect tit she wished that she had three times Super mans powers without his weaknesses and the ability to know her powers, BLING. The information rushed into her mind she now knew what she was capable of and that brought an evil smile to her face. It was almost ready to get started she knew she had one wish left and there was only one thing she needed a sexy indestructible costume and since it was the powers of Super Man she had she thought it would only be fitting……BLING!!. “YES” she said out loud as she looked her self up and down in the mirror. The Big red S Distorting around her huge tits and her red hot pants which hugged every curve of her perfect ass and her red knee high boots which emphasised her perfect legs. She was now ready as she stepped out onto the balcony. Looking down. She started to feel sad thinking that this was way to good to be true, soon she would wake up she thought. One way to find out, Jumping off her balcony backwards she closed her eyes and awaited impact, if this was a dream she didn’t want to live, and then there was a huge crash as she opened her eyes she saw the remains of the car that she landed in. Crystal got back to her feet took one step back and looked at her apartment 10 stories up. Placed her hands on her hips and with a concentrated squint of her beautiful eyes two powerful lasers hit the apartment creating a huge explosion sending debris and what little possessions she had up into brilliant fire and smoke. Crystal began laughing which rattled the windows around her. “I’m Unstoppable” she screamed shattering windows for almost a square block. “We shall see about that” Crystal turned around only to see wonder woman with her arms folded compressing her generous tits, Crystal in a blinding burst of speed appeared behind Wonder Woman who with perfect agility which surprised even Crystal flipped in the air and at the same time threw her magic lasso so quick Crystal in all her might could not dodge it. Wonder Woman tightened the rope around Crystal which was fastened securely around her shoulders and squeezing around her breasts. Wonder Woman approached Crystal with absolute confidence “The lasso is indestructible don’t waste your time struggling, You will tell me who you are and what you want” Crystal suppressed a smile as she noticed even Wonder Woman couldn’t help but stare at her perfect tits in a costume so impossibly tight it could be considered a second layer of skin. Its been said that the Lasso had special powers which made the captive tell the truth well Crystal already knew this didn’t work on her. “Well I guess I would be Super Crystal and I want to feel your tits” Wonder Woman looked confused as she stood next to the roped woman. Her confusion turned to horror as Super Crystal thrust her chest out and took a deep breath of air swelling her super tits. The magic lasso did not stand a chance as it snapped and Wonder Woman stared in awe at the sheer might that was this young girls chest. In Wonder Woman’s Confusion Super Crystal had an ease of a time taking wonder woman’s top off in less then a second and gently feeling wonder woman’s left tit, and then with a fraction of her powers began squeezing it. Wonder Woman let out a scream and started pummelling Super Crystals boobs, they bounced from left to right jiggling to every blow but Super Crystal just simply closed her eyes and moaned slightly. The pain was too great for wonder woman who started to plead for mercy, “Awwww what’s the matter Wonder Boobs had enough already” Crystal lifted her shirt so both her breasts were outside her costume c’mon give them your best shot”, “Do you mind if I give it a try?” Superman said, he had been watching for a moment and was infuriated with this cocky woman. Super crystal turned to him with her tits still hanging out, she felt nervous, she pulled down her shirt covering her mounds and put her hands her hips and thrust out her chest “I don’t know super man, do you have the balls?”. After what Super man observed he knew that a little heat vision wouldn’t kill this woman but he wanted to humiliate this girl as she had done to wonder woman. With Super Crystal’s chest still thrusted outward super man fired beams of light at her chest, Crystal looked down at her chest as the beams struck, it felt nice and warm but to a mere mortal it would have been fatal. Super Crystal giggled “Is that the best you got?”. Super man smiled as he crossed his arms and then with all his might unleashed the full fury of his heat vision on the woman’s chest. Super Crystal was still smiling from his first attack when the second attack came taking her completely off guard. Her breasts were compressed from the sheer force of the attack and they began to reach impossibly high temperatures as they glowed a bright white. Super Crystal was in ecstasy, she looked down at her tits with eyes wide with joy and pleasure then noticed her breasts were getting bigger. With her tits diamond hard having absorbed so much power Crystal fell to her knees. Super man was relieved that she was not dead as he watched the poor girl hold her breasts which were glowing white hot. Crystal completely removed her super Shirt and then stood up pointing her breasts at Super man she grabbed her nipples with her thumb and index fingers and squeezed, two white hot lasers fired out of her tits into super mans chest sending him flying back through the nearest building behind him. Super Crystal walked over to a barrel containing cold rain water hoisted above her head and poured it on her super heated tits, she was engulfed in steam. As she walked out of a cloud of smoke she looked for super mans body which to her surprise was not there. Super man at full speed attacked her from behind launching his hardest kick he could muster at the girls petite tight ass hoping to send her into orbit. CLANK!! Super Crystal hardly moved as Super mans foot of steel broke on something much firmer. Super Crystal adjusted her hot pants and turned around “well there you are, I was looking all over for you!”. Never in super mans life had he broke any bones everything else was simply much softer then him everything but this girls ass that is. Super crystal picked up super man by the back of his pants “You know I was going to use you as a dildo after you got me so hot but I figured the pleasure would be all yours, but I will give you something to remember me by”. Super crystal grabbed Super mans hands and forced them up to her tits and then she started compressing Super mans hands into them at first they were soft and then there was no movement. Super mans hands started snapping and he started screaming “I’m going to do what I want, when I want ,whenever I want, consider this a warning or next time it will be your face inside my tits!” and with that she let him go and he fell to his knees cradling his hand. She walked behind him and wound up and unleashed a furious kick into super mans ass sending him into orbit. Super Crystal picked up her tight blue shirt and put it on and reflected on what just the few minutes had been like and pondered what to do next. She remembered a bar she went to a few weeks ago that didn’t let her in because of a dress code but she new it was because she was fat and ugly, well it was most certainly pay back time as the Dark haired beauty jumped into the air and started flying towards her next target.