Terry: A Strength Queen, A Party Animal, and a Brawler. Chapter 1 The following day I spoke to one of my buddies who was with us and ask him to call one of Terry's friends to "check her out". He put me on the phone with one of Terry's friends and thus my first interview concerning the "Strength Queen" began. I learned that Terry had broken up with her boyfriend after she caught him on her phone calling another girl that she later found out he was fucking. It was not a pretty scene. Her friend told me that Terry had told her the whole story while in tears but was glad that she dumped him. When Terry's friend saw Terry's ex- boyfriend a day later she noticed that he had suffered quite a bit of physical damage to his body. She asked him " what happened you get hit by a truck?" He replied " I glad to get away from that crazy bitch, she almost killed me". This guy was an ex-football player at 5'10" and about 200 lbs..no small guy. He just walked away, but the friend later called Terry to find out what happened. Terry relayed to her friend that she even surprised herself at what she did to him. Terry said " I just got so pissed that I ripped the phone out of his hand and out of the wall". " He got up and I hit him in the face and knocked him over the couch onto the floor, I thought he was dead but he got up on one knee". " I then picked him up and bounced him off of the wall..and bounced him off of every wall in the living room". Terry told her friend that she literally threw him through the air.the only thing that saved him was the last wall that she threw him into. It was the front door and he took the screen door off the hinges as he went through it and onto the front porch. Terry started to laugh and told her friend "that son of a bitch was bleeding all over the place". "He got up and took a swing at me and hit me right in the stomach, I was so mad I didn't even feel it". " I picked that bastard up off the floor and was going to body slam him on the sidewalk". " But I think the adrenaline kicked in and I pressed him overhead, he felt like a toy, and threw him out to the sidewalk". "I kicked the shit out of him, but I did about fifteen hundred dollars damage to the house, but it was worth it". I ask her friend what Terry's interest were and she told me "men, parties, and an occasional brawls". I ask her friend if she had ever worked out with weights and friend stated no...it was always kind of a joke with the girls that Terry was so big and strong. But to her knowledge Terry had never lifted a weight in her life. I ask if she could recount a particular feat of strength of Terry's. She told me that right before the girls came to the bar where I met Terry, they had been at a picnic. Some of the guys had had a few beers and were playfully slamming their chest into one another to show off for the girls. Terry said " I want to play too"!! The guys thought that she was kidding but she embarrassed them into it. What had started as a playful event for the guys now turned into a challenge of their "man-hood". They had to show this Big Bitch who were the bosses!! Put the broad in her place! Terry's friend told me that the girls had gathered to cheer her on as they knew she was quite powerful. Terry grabbed a beer and looked at the guy, " lets go, I want to try this". The first guy was probably a 150 pounder and he came at Terry with the full intent of knocking her on her ass. Terry met the guys chest head on and NOTHING happened ...she just laughed, took a swig of beer and ask "who's next"? The girls were cheering her on and making fun out of the guys..so the contest heated up. The six guys huddled, and put up their next competitor, and the next and the next. Terry's friend told me that she met all six guys one at a time at least two or three times each. Although no one was hurt ,none of the men could hurt Terry's massive ribcage and pecs. And as I met her later that night, she was suffering no soreness from all of the many impacts to that "brick-wall" chest of hers.