Darlene By Terry R "Tell me your fantasy", Darlene demanded huskily. "You'll laugh", I replied. "Tell me!" This time with more urgency. "I can give you what you want!", she purred. She hovered over me. Her feminine yet imposing body dangling on two modestly robust arms, cushioned by the mattress of her double bed. Her filmy white negligee clinging to 43D cups that were at once softly inviting and menacing. "Well," I thought. "she's got the body for it, maybe she'll be willing to play along." "All my life, " I began with trepidation, "I have fantasized about a super powerful woman, very large breasts..." "Don't want to scare her off here!", I'm thinking, "...hour glass figure, incredibly beautiful face..." "I get the picture." she chimes with an impish smile. "Brace yourself!" She whispers giggling. "It's not a fantasy anymore," while sliding her right hand under my buttocks, she gracefully raises me off the mattress. Startled, I clutch her back! She chuckles without the slightest tremor in her arms. "I've waited all my life for someone to want my indescribable strength.", She breathes. With that she slips off the bed, still cradling me tenderly, slips her gentle fingers under my crotch and slowly, with feminine grace and ease, raises me up over her head. Her touch is so soft and gentle yet so powerful that I feel no pressure on my genitals at all. In fact she begins sensually carressing me with the same awesomely soft, slender, tremendously powerful fingers holding me aloft. My mind is wildly adrift. This is ecstatically absurd. Reading my thoughts, "just enjoy!" she murmurs. Lowering me to eye level, she continues to support me easily with just the one hand. "Now watch this!" She whispers. Her cheeks and nose narrow, ever so slightly. Her eyes brighten to a vibrant green, complimenting her luxuriously long, auburn hair. Her full, partially pouty lips part into a dazzling smile! My throat tightens! She is so beautiful!! My God! I realize, I have never been so turned on! Tonguing her finger she traces her throat and neck. Beckoned, my eyes follow. I gasp!. Her breasts are swelling! "Tell me when," she teases. "Samson's mane was the source of his strength...", she trails off, unable to contain an infectious giggle. She is so tiny! Standing 4' 10". When I finally said "when", her breasts had grown over 60", effortlessly defying gravity with a 20" waist, 36" hips and perfect 22" thighs. Her whole body so soft and feminine but bristling with unbridled physical strength. Realizing I'm near climax she wraps my legs around her torso, taunts my manhood with her cavernous cleavage then with a sweetness man never deserved takes my mons full into her mouth, washing me with an indescribable pleasure. Sliding my pleasantly exhausted body down her waist, she draws my head into her fantastic orbs. Sensually massaging my scalp with her finger tips, she nevertheless smothers me effortlessly in her magnificient, giant, yet bouyant breasts with her casually sensuous fingertip caress. Her stupendously powerful fingers are velvety steel. I knew without a doubt she could crush any object with infinite ease. Keeping my head pressed into her monstrous, soft breasts, she reaches down beside the bed and removes a bowling ball from its bag. Positioning my head on her mighty left breast facing her irrepressibly powerful right one, she raises the bowling ball to her right breast. With an exaggerated nonchalance, she crushes the bowling ball into her all powerful right breast. Her silky steel fingers nor her breast suffer any stain or discomfort whatsoever.The bowling ball disolves into powder, crushed by several tones of force. Not even a hint of her true power. I can't move my head a brief millimeter. I'm forced to observe this awesome spectacle of infinite physical strength, yet so gentle and controlled. My mind, my body are exploding in the ecstasy of my utter helplessness. I'm weaker than the tiniest infant compared to her immeasurable physical power. At 220 pounds my weight is a mere cottonwood seedling adrift in the autumn wind. Laying me back in the bed and lying down beside me, she continues her caresses now including my entire body as she allows me to drink the necter of her stupifying might, her wonderfully smothering physical strength. Once again I'm held captive by the gentlest graze of her toying fingertips. No part of my body can move an iota. She taunts me to resist her. My mind is blown away. What unimaginable strength must she possess to hold my entire, considerable body literally paralyzed by her casual feminine fingertips. "My physical strength is far more than you can imagine," she coos." I could fight off an entire army, all the while caressing you uninterrupted." Feeling my need again, she draws me into her, guiding my free hand to her silky smooth buttocks. I knead her her awesomely rounded backside. Her flawless ass explored by my desirous hands. Overwelmed with the knowledge my single insignificant hand is grasping enough physical power to crush mountains casually, I exploded again with orgasmic pleasure, this time coinciding with her monstrous pleasure. I would have surely been crushed had she not total control over her unmatchable strength.