Hello I am Damián this it is one of my first histories I wait that they like sends me their comments and suggestions to dam9992003@yahoo.com

Already previously hey position many pictures of very strong in the gallery

Hello I am Daniela I am a girl I go regularly to the gym but I don't obtain many results, then find out that my boyfriend was collaborating with the I exercise in a project to develop one it formulates that when taking it the fellow's force he multiplies an it determines I number up to now of times according to the fellow they have had a moderate success they have achieved a multiplication of 10x in the fellow's force.

I went to see my boyfriend to the found laboratory of the one in the table that was behind the one there were several rehearsal tubes with it formulates it the one he went to see the result in a computer to the one

another side of the laboratory intones if that the one realized one of the tubes she takes and he stays it in my backpack.

When arriving at my house where I lived with other 3 girls more I went directly to my room

Intone when taking out the tube of my backpack I remembered the pathetic result that I was obtaining in the gym and thought of the strong thing that I would like to be it uncovers the tube and let us take all it formulates it the results they were immediate the muscles of all my body began to grow I felt a great ardour and I faint.

When waking up I was naked on my bed my teats the TOP had destroyed

Sport that I had put when growing and my line my thighs had broken my sport short my measures they had multiplied now several times they were of 180 cm. of chest 60 of waist and 110 of line and also now my stature become of 1,80m to 2, 05 meters high when seeing me to the mirror of complete body in which no longer entered

all my new body saw that now I had become muscle goodness.

When getting off my bed my head didn't hit the roof of my room for 1cm.

Then take the old metal alarm clock that I had toward many years I closed my fingers

and it squashes it completely inside her the resistance that he offered the metal it was insignificant but me success very much grabs the chain and the padlock of my bicycle

That they were to side of my bed then the chain had 1 inch of thickness it stretches it with my two hands and I broke it almost effortlessly this me success still but then I began to masturbate breaking the chain sustaining it on one hand with a hand and for the other one when pressing it inside my pussy delicious mmmmmmmmmm, I introduced the one

Padlock of steel of 2.5 inches that he went reducing their thickness when going entered inside my when being completely inside this it was flat until the point that the steel of this you evaporates taking place in my an enormous orgasm.

Let us recover of this after 30 minutes I love notices that my force after having taken the serum had increased in 100x and after the orgasm my force had increased 1000x I left my room pulling up the wooden door of its hinges and breaking it then in dozens of pieces was in the common dining room I went to the cooler and I put a part of the serum in the dispenser of water my apartment partners they became this way also amazons strong super, I went until the entrance door I put on a raincoat that you grieve it hid my spectacular one physical.

When leaving to the corridor of our building of apartments I went toward the stairways to the entrance of the stairways is the extinguisher for fires and an axe grabs the extinguisher that had the form of a can of giant soda tosses of metal of half inch of thickness

position it so that each one of my hands it was in one of the ends of this in an instant the palms of my hands they were played the it had squashed with my hands but easy that any person squashes a can soda

Take the axe and with this it hits strong against my teats these they deformed the leaf of the axe making that where was the edge of this it was curved toward inside on the contour of my teats mmmm besides being very strong also have a high grade of invulnerability, when lowering of the I remove floor where it was until to the floor at the level of the floor the metal handrails that it was in the wall during all the one on the way to descent starts up easily.

I left to the street it was already at night in front my I see a column of light 5 meters high and half diameter meter was it tosses so at the beginning of metal I proved putting a hand on her I notices that my fingers deformed effortlessly then completely the metal the outburst of the lifted floor a cement block in the inferior end

That it assured it to the floor of but or meno of 100 kilos broke the column in the part that united with the cement block as if outside of paper keeping at the beginning in my alone hands the cement block push the block against my abdominal ones in the block appeared small many crack and this I explode in hundred of pieces I takes an of the pieces with a hand and I checked that the cement in my hands behaved as if sand went when passing my fingers on the and when closing my hand on the he became powdered.

Then I thought would go to the laboratory where my boyfriend that was a secret project in a near university worked he would obtain the it formulates and he would make but serum this it was to 12 kilometres of my apartment I began to he runs and arrive in 3 minutes.

In the entrance there was SUV lincon navigator in front of the entrance of this I decided to play with this before entering I put my foot on one of their wheels and you grieve precione it explodes

The tire continues pressed now on the aluminium rim this he is flattened and I bury him in the street with minimum resistance I make the same thing with the other three wheels.

Next simply I put a hand in the roof and one in floor of the SUV

Those join in the process I squash for the means a side of the SUV the volume for the flat part and I proceed to break it in two I make it with an easiness that astonishes me it had just broken up in two SUV with my hands and it was as easy as to break a paper leaf then in two one of the halves takes of this it wrinkles it until forming a ball with the same easiness that can wrinkle a paper leaf to form a ball which I crush inside the palm of my hand until the metal slips among my fingers.

I realize that the cars vans and trucks go to make of my favourite toys.

I enter collapsing it the door of metal external road inside for the corridor until she enters her then of laboratory in I introduce my fingers between the door and the mark both facts of first metal I deform the door sinking it on if same it stops then to sink the mark in the wall.

I enter I see some samples of it formulates it the volume I will look for the one it formulates that you in she finds in a safe in the wall this she has a door 1 inch of steel but in you see of breaking up the door with my hands use my nipples that have 2 inches long it stops first with these I produce 2 holes pressing my nipples against door of the safe I move them toward the sides so that short the front of the alone safe using my nipples I finish and this she falls to the floor grasp it formulates it and I leave I take the necessary things to make it formulates in my apartment that now goes to be easy to make since for my the serum non single increase my force and the size of my muscles but also my intelligence now has 220 of IQ I can learn or to make any thing easily.

When also returning to my apartment encounter to my partners transformed into super amazons in the room of it exercised that they destroyed all the weights and you scheme of

To make exercised they tell me the three to the unison your you are also super and suit many things to make many but small super then answers me then you were your responsible for our transformation we love it.

I count them my plan of having a city full women strong super she answers me we would love to help you we relax ourselves in the room we see our body mutually but sensual and strong of the whole city and like we are the four bi we decide to have an orgy lesbian that lasts the whole night it is the night but it heats of our lives.

A morning we wake up all meetings in a destroyed room in such a way that the wall that they are made of bricks even has omens and a this collapsed toward the room of one of my apartment partners that is also it sexual.

I take out the things that I brought of the laboratory I modify the it formulates even that alone it works in the women and I distribute him a bottle of to each one to begin with phase 1 of my plan me and each one of them goes to a secondary and we empty this in the tank that stores the drinkable water we return to our apartment and after the noon when all the girls already took water of the drinking troughs and they ate the food of the cafeteria we see in the newscast like all the girls of 4 high schools became amazons strong super the report it finishes saying that the causes is ignored.

On the following day to the evening we leave to give a turn for ours area that where were the schools you would second and we see the damages that caused hundred of schoolgirls strong super some they are still here other they went to other part of to the city to make any thing that they want then even see girl 15 ears breaking up cars in two with their hands you leave it very amusing other pulling up the illumination columns and tying joins them in bun form we go to the commercial centre

To the entrance of commercial centre finds the door and the steel curtain


Inside we find many schoolgirls strong super.

In a sport store of articles a girl this

Flat among their legs all that finds balls of soccer basketball the box inspector and making tress all the clothes in their hands

We see in the store electronic apparatuses a girl breaking up everything with different parts of their body, my partners love to see as this girl it crushes the DVD reproducers and common videos among their teats while it destroys teams of audio when stepping them smoothly. I pass the time seeing another girl in the local of together that it is a local of electric tools this girl this breaking up the chain chainshaw in two with their nipples and flat with their ass you scheme it of electric welding

We all sit down in a bench in the means of the commercial centre and we continue some girls that are simply breaking in pieces the disks of weights seeing

Of a gym as easily as they were paper leaves it stops then to pass to the rest of you scheme them of exercise and to transform them into scrap when walking through them or to squash them until informing them in the floor with their asses.

These girls continue walking toward the local of together their beautiful bodies

They convert the powdered walls to cross them then after crossing the walls of 10 local they arrive there is a concessionaire cars deluxe graces BMW Aston martin corvets but we and they love what come a blond 2 meters high with measures of 150 60 110 that she would have 19 or 20 years of age compressing the front of graces with their hands until leaving it the sufficiently fine thing as to be introduced the front of the car in their vagina and she begins to masturbate using the car like a giant dildo we can see as each you see she goes pushing the car but he penetrate his until the car disappears completely inside her being in an enormous orgasm during which he leaves a crater in the floor.

When we already go leaving we see some girls pulling up them of the wall an automatic cashiers and crushing them with their hands and their legs taking the money for if some day they want something and they don't want to get the attention a lot for what we see a time it will happen before these girls want to pass unnoticed.

We leave to our apartment seeing diverse girls in the road transforming into scrap the cars that are parked in the street.

When arriving to our apartment we see the news in our new screen of plasm of 100 inches one of my apartment partners she had the good idea of bringing

In her we can see as the girls they expanded for the whole city

In the following weeks everything follows the girls equally they still continue making what they want in different parts of the city.

With the difference that we already begin the phase 2 of the plan we take hundred of litters of it formulates it we go to deposit of drinkable water of the city we empty the it formulates in this.

All the women of to the entity city 12 and 30 ears become super amazons

Alone in this age range because the range in that it programs the it formulates so that it worked me and my partners we are 24 years old.

In this point the city this completely dominated by thousands and thousands of girls with it was her like to convert the alone powdered concrete using their hands or to squash until evaporating the steel among their teats

We leave to a city of 15 million inhabitants one of those but big of the country to already begin a totally new phase of the plan in route to fill the whole country with super girls

The end for the time being