Three Women Demolition Company



I was amazed at the quote when I saw it.  The firm was a full million dollars less than there closest competitor, not to mention the timing was only one eight-hour day; the next closest firm was three weeks.  I was of course very skeptical, but I decided that if I could get the old factory, the bane of my existence at this point in my life, demolished quickly and cheaply then I could definitely meet the extreme budgetary and chronological constraints that my bosses had set for me.  The new plant had to be constructed from the ground up in less than six-months, unfortunately we weren't even at the ground portion yet.  My bonus, and possibly my job, depended on this project so I figured what the heck.  I haven't got anything to lose by talking to them at least.  So I made the call for an onsite consultation.


Later that same afternoon a metallic blue Maserati sped into the parking lot.  A skinny owl-eyed man stepped out.  He wore a gray pin-striped suit and barely broke five and a half feet.  He pushed his glasses up on his nose and walked over my direction carrying what seemed like a filing cabinet worth of papers under his arm.  He reached up to shake my hand and raised his leg to steady the cascading paper flow.  He handed me a card "Three Women Demolition, Randolph Toomer, Chief Engineer & Head Accountant".  We discussed all the environmental concerns and the requirements of the job.  We couldn't use explosives to implode the buildings due to the past nature of the chemicals held within the buildings.  Randolph assured me I would not disappointed.  I was even more surprised when he said that they could start tomorrow.


The time is now six-o'clock, that's the time the morning announcer on NPR said.  I was finishing off the last of my cup of coffee as I pulled into the impromptu demolition parking lot.  There in the parking lot I saw the familiar Maserati, damn that firm must pay good money, I thought.  There was a yellow Enzo Ferrari and a candy apple red Shelby Mustang Convertible also in the parking lot and a large open bed tractor trailer next to the buildings, I assumed for hauling away the mess, though I wondered how many trips it would take to clean up all five buildings.  Mr. Toomers was standing outside his car looking at some drawings spread out on the hood of his car.  A ballistics plastic blast shield had been erected with three walls and a roof.  I wondered why when the nearest building was at least fifty feet from their location.  Standing next to him was five feet eight inches of pure beauty.  An Asian woman, her long silky black hair dangling in a braid down her back, stood pouring over the drawing as well.  Her perfectly formed legs showed from beneath her black short-shorts.  The muscles on her legs danced and bulged as she shifted her weight from boot to boot.  A blue long-sleeved shirt concealed the rest of her back from my view.  She had the sleeves rolled up to reveal her muscular fore arms.  They were so intent on their final planning they hardly noticed as I walked up.  Randolph greeted me with a hardy handshake he introduced the Asian beauty as Kiko.  When she turned around I felt a stirring in some rather embarrassing places.  She was straight off the pages of a fitness magazine.  Her work shirt hung open to reveal a tightly stretched white midriff tank top.  Her abdominal muscles were perfectly formed as was her hour-glass figure.  The work shirt's sleeves bulged with every movement of her arm.  She had the deepest green eyes I can ever remember seeing.  She smiled politely as she shook my hand...damn she had a firm grip.  It felt like a vice locked around my hand, though it was obvious she was not trying to hurt me.  She apologized when she saw me wince slightly.  About that time the door to the Enzo opened and the most beautiful ebony woman I have ever seen stepped out.  Similarly dressed and just as shapely as Kiko, she walked over toward us.  Her blond shoulder length hair curled gently around her angular cheeks and framed her perfect jaw line.  Her brown eyes sparkled in the early morning sun.  She wasn't as cut as Kiko, but she was obviously as muscular.  More like an amazonian power-lifter, she cleared six feet four inches.  She introduced herself as Leyla, and again my hand felt like it was being ran over by a bulldozer.  Leyla smiled at my reaction, not maliciously, but proud of her power.  A third woman stepped out of the truck.  Short cropped red hair stood in stark contrast to her pale milky skin.  Just as beautiful, and similarly clad, as the other two she, Millie, looked as if she had been carved from marble.  Every muscle bulged like a ripe melon under her five and a half foot frame.  Her work shirt had no sleeves because they could contain her massive arms no more than a corral made of matchsticks could contain a charging bull.  I declined, politely, to shake her hand.


I did not see any equipment and asked when they were going to start.  All three of the women smiled at me.  Kiko answered that they were ready now.  I asked about equipment and in response, Mr. Toomers ushered me behind the shield.  I protested saying that they couldn't use explosives.  Mr. Toomers bade me to hold off judgement for five minutes.  Meanwhile, Leyla walked over to the nearest building, pulled her hair back into two pony tails as she walked, put on a yellow hard hat, for show only I believe, and pressed her hand against the building that had been the front office.  It appeared that she did not strain at all, her muscles barely twitched, but the concrete mortar between the blocks began to crack.  The brick on which she was pressing showed the indentations of her fingers.  A loud cracking sound echoed as the wall caved inward. Bricks bounced harmlessly off of her muscular body. Leyla smiled and dusted her hands.  My jaw hung open in amazement.  "See I told you that you wouldn't be disappointed," Randolph said, "it still amazes me and I've seen it at least a dozen times."


It was Kiko who moved next.  She walked through the newly formed doorway.  Suddenly the far wall bent outward and collapsed in on itself.  Kiko stood in the hole with the document vault hovering on one dainty hand above her head; part of the roof tore away as she walked into the open air, the safe tearing through the wood and shingles as readily as a shark's fin cuts through water.  This was an old plant and a majority of accounting documents had been kept in the vault.  It had likely taken a sizeable crane to place the monstrosity into its, supposedly, permanent resting place.  Kiko looked as if the gigantic metal box weighed no more than a beach ball.  She asked if we wanted to keep it.  Even if we had wanted it I would have told her no just to see what she was planning on doing.  She didn't disappoint.  She reached her free hand up and casually tore the locked door from its hinges.  A door that could easily withstand an earthquake or a blast from dynamite was torn off its hinges like wet tissue paper.  The sound of the wailing steel was nearly unbearable, but the sight of the beautiful Asian girl eviscerating the behemoth metal safe was impossible to ignore.  She casually tossed the safe aside like so much trash.  She then wadded the door up.  It folded and squeezed like aluminum foil in her unstoppable hands.  She pulled her arm back slightly and brought it forward at beyond supersonic speed.  The boom was deafening.  The door-turned-fastball ripped through one of the two remaining walls with a massive thud.  The projectile did not destroy the wall, it traveled too fast through the first wall.  It acted like a hollow-point bullet and spread out tearing huge swaths of destruction through the rest of the office.  The last wall exploded outward as the steel ball tore through the concrete.  I never even saw Kiko move, but there she was on the other side of the building to catch her own projectile. 


The building crumpled in on itself.  Millie picked up the remaining portion of the safe.  She crushed it on her forehead, it put me in mind of a drunken frat boy crushing a tin can.  She jumped into the air double clutching the ruined safe.  She flew even to the height of the tallest building in the lot...Five Stories High!  She slammed the safe into the crumbling building as she came down.  The building exploded into a billion fragments, no piece larger than my head remained.  I almost fainted at the sight of these three powerful angels unleashing their strength on the hapless structure.  Steel and concrete were no match for their otherworldly power.  In less than fifteen minutes they had completely evaporated the structure that other firms were predicting would take two full shifts minimum.  I was also thankful that Mr. Toomers and I were 50 feet away, behind a blast shield.  Rocks and metal pelted the ballistics plastic and scratched deep into its surface.


Millie pulled a massive net out of the back of the truck and laid it out.  The net was at least fifty square yards in area and made of finely woven together aircraft cable.  The three women spread it flat next to the pile of rubble.  Two of them walked behind the pile of rubble.  I could see them purse their lips in an almost pouty way.  Suddenly a blast of wind so strong it could be seen, like a horizontal tornado, flew from their puckered lips.  The pile began to move.  Leyla walked around blasting the moving pile with her own gale force blasts directing the pile like a gigantic leaf blower.  All three working in a glorious harmony of power.  Perfection, that's the only word I could think that could adequately describe the dance these three goddesses performed.  I was mesmerized.  Within fifteen minutes they had completely swept the mess of detritus onto the net.  Millie pulled all of the ends together over the pile and strapped it together using a battleship anchor's chain.  Using the chain she drug the massive trash net over to the truck and flipped it over her shoulder into the back of the truck.  She unhooked the net and pulled it free from the wreckage.  She then proceeded to squeeze arm loads of the debris in impossibly powerful bear hugs.  In a matter of minutes she had compressed the pile into a massively dense block 1/100th of its original size.  I suddenly noticed how aroused this whole ordeal was making me.  Apparently, by the way he was standing, the ever dapper Mr. Randolph Toomers was in a similar state of disarray as well. 


The maintenance bay was the next target, steel supports surrounded by corrugated half inch plate steel on top of a twenty feet thick block of rebar fastened concrete.  The entire structure towered three stories into the air.  Catwalks criss-crossed the open air around the light fixtures near the ceiling.  The building was massively oversized, but impressive.  Millie and Leyla walked into the front of the building and grabbed the edges of the first massive A-frame I-beam structure.  They walked in opposite directions bending the walls out.  Concrete shattered, and the ground plowed up as the beams, buried ten feet into the ground was pulled free.  The huge frame tore away from the structure dropping plates from thirty feet to crash to the ground with a metallic clang.  I watched in utter disbelief as the two women straightened the wishbone of the building.  They continued to walk away from each other, the I-beams failing to offer any resistance, I could see the tell-tale signs of structural failure as the ductile-metal beams began to neck down.  Finally, after thirty seconds of tortured cries the beam tore in half.  Millie held the larger half.  She waved it around and smiled at Leyla.  Leyla frowned and proceeded to crush the beam she was holding in-upon itself.  The internal stress produced so much heat from the friction and the compression of the crystalline molecular structure that the steel began to glow cherry red.  When she finished the thirty feet tall beam had been crushed to the size of a football.  She grinned and dropped the football size I-beam.  A reverberating boom accompanied the super-punt.  The missile launched so fast and hard that fire blazed off of it.  As the friction from its journey through the atmosphere heated the surface to nearly molten levels.  I lost sight of the object in a matter of seconds, even with the use of binoculars.  I imagined that some alien in a far distant galaxy would be receiving a souvenir from this job in a few years.  Not to be out done Millie took the edge of the beam half she was holding and began to rub it against he impeccably chiseled abs.  The beam squealed as it deformed, mushrooming, against her unbelievably hard muscles.  She squealed her delight as the beam began to drip, heated past its melting point by the simple act of her rubbing the beam against herself.  She stood in a puddle of molten steel.  She threw her hip to the side put one hand on her hip threw the other in the air and said, "Tada," she then looked at Leyla and stuck her tongue out playfully. 


Kiko shook her head at her two subordinates in mock disdain.  She picked up one of the pieces of plate that had fallen from the roof.  Even this amazed me.  The plate had to weigh three hundred pounds and she carried it like a piece of notebook paper.  The plate was too large for her to grab on both sides, so she simply folded it, again reminding me of a piece of notebook paper.  She pulled the plate against her chest.  Her 36-C breasts didn't flatten at all, instead the steel deformed around her proud breasts.  Thank God for binoculars I thought as I watched the spectacle from afar.  I watched as her nipples deformed the outside of the metal.  The metal, unable to continue to deform her breasts tore through the the steel, and her tank top.  She grabbed the edge of the ruined plate with her left hand and placed her index finger from her right between the palm of her left hand and the steel plate.  She then proceeded to pull the plate toward her with her left hand as she extended her right.  Her index finger cut through the steel with laser like efficiency.  She smiled and wadded the steel plate, once again like notebook paper. 


The game of one-up-womanship continued until the steel structure was nothing more than a pile of scrap.  A nuclear warhead could not have done as much damage as these women.  They pulled out the chain net and repeated their earlier cleaning process. 


All that was left was the concrete slab.  Kiko reared back and punched the ground next to the slab.  A massive rain of dirt erupted into the air.  A massive crater remained at the impact site.  Leyla dropped into the crater and spun like a top burrowing like a drill into the loam.  Down, down she tunneled until she reached the bottom of the slab.  Millie dropped the anchor chain down the hole to her.  I saw the block lift up six feet and knew Leyla must have lifted it above her head.  A few seconds later the earth erupted in a spray of dirt and Leyla jumped out of the hole carrying the end of the chain.  Unbelievable, she must have lifted the slab with one hand and finger walked it over her head while she carried the massively thick ship chain with the other.  Kiko grabbed both ends of the chain from her.  She pulled on the chain.  The block tilted, but unearthed.  I watched as the fifty by fifty by twenty block of steel and concrete ripped free of the ground in nearly one piece.  Millie picked up the block and placed it on the truck.  I could hear the groan from the suspension from my safe haven some eighty feet away.  Millie got into the driver's seat and drove the wreckage away.  Two buildings down in less than an hour and a half, unreal. 


It took Millie twenty minutes to empty the load and drive back.  During that time I had a chance to chat with Leyla and Kiko.  Kiko changed out of her ruined shirt, much to my dismay, and into a halter top, much to my pleasure.  I found out that Kiko was originally from Tokyo, Leyla was from Indianapolis, and Millie was from Dublin.  They met at a tournament for ultras and each one of them had been defeated during the tournament by Gigawoman, the current champion of the UWF, Ultra Wrestling Federation, they loved the destruction in the fully functioning city fightscape, but none of them cherished the thought of facing Gigawoman again.  Kiko thought of how they could make money, get a good workout, showoff their extraordinary power, and enjoy themselves all at the same time.  People were willing to pay a lot of money to have things torn down, and if they didn't have to worry about equipment then they could undercut the hell out of their competition.  Not only that they could do it faster, much faster.  And thus the birth of Three Women Demolition.  They hired Randolph because none of them truly

understood finances or environmental codes and regulations.  Plus he was good at figuring strategies.  They tried not to divulge their methods prior to the job due to clients trying to negotiate lower prices since nearly all of the women's pay was profit.


Millie returned and the women turned their attention to the three remaining buildings, plant 1, plant 2, and plant 3.  Each woman went to the base of their nearly identical plant.  The plants were very similar to the maintenance bay, only much bigger.  They stood five stories tall and the footprint of the buildings were 100 by 100.  The slab was at least thirty feet deep.  Leyla took plant 1, Millie plant 2, and Kiko plant 3. 


Leyla tore the front wall down, she turned around and winked at me.  She had torn the wall down so that I could get a good look at what she was going to do.  She walked into the middle of the plant stood right next to a support beam and stomped the ground.  The cracks in the concrete  spider-webbed out from her foot.  The support beam collapsed as did half a dozen others that were engulfed in the womanmade earthquake.  The entire structure collapsed on top of her.  I gasped thinking she had been injured, but Mr. Toomers assured me she was alright.  The pile started moving and Leyla emerged unscathed.  She busied herself with bending the plates and I-beams into smaller and smaller pieces. 


Millie swung her massive chain above her head.  Around and around it went building momentum with each revolution.  Whup, whup, sounded like a helicopter taking off.  suddenly she released the chain catching it by the last link.  Simultaneously she launched toward the structure at unbelievable speeds.  The chain cut through the building at three different levels.  The structure collapsed as the middle section fell to the west and the other two sections fell to the east.  She pushed the sections aside exposing the concrete slab below.  She formed her hand into a spike shape. She pressed her hand into the concrete.  The block began to fracture slightly.  She then lifted the entire slab, minus the amount of material that crumbled off, with one hand.  She dropped the slab on the truck.  The suspension groaned loudly.  She then began tidying up the sections of the building that had collapsed.


Kiko dug into the earth next to her plant.  She spun like a drill bit and burrowed quickly downward.  The entire structure slab and all raised into the air six feet.  It stayed there for a few minutes.  The building dipped slightly, then suddenly launched into the air.  Up it climbed, ten feet, thirty feet, sixty feet, one hundred feet into the air.  Kiko was carrying the plant on her back as she jumped out of the hole.  She twisted her body at the apex and brought the building back down under her body.  The plant crashed into the massive hole it had until recently occupied.  The structure crumpled and folded into a massive trash pile.


The clean up took a little while longer than the first two buildings.  Millie made five trips.  Even with the clean up and lunch the entire job took less than six hours.  I made certain that the firm was paid for a full eight hours.  I asked Kiko if they did construction as well.  She smiled and said no, but she gave me the number of a friend of hers that did.  I was ecstatic over the results and was certain we could make our goals thanks to these wonderful women.