- Yasmin, Chapter 3 -

By Paul Smith, Sean Porter, Pat Mallon and Pete.
This story is adult in nature - leave now if you're below the age of consent in your country. Otherwise - enjoy!

With a deep roar, two M1A1 Abrams main battle tanks burst into life.

"Contain the subject. Pin her between you if necessary."

The two tanks maneuvered to opposite sides of Yasmin and began driving towards her with their turrets facing away from each other. The 70 tonne behemoths smashed through the remains of the building until they were within metres of each other. Then, they hesitated for a moment, as if doubting themselves. By this point, they had Yasmin's full attention as she was eagerly awaiting the moment they would make contact with her.

"Come on! What are you afraid of?" she demanded.

That seemed to jolt the tanks into action and they both gunned their engines and accelerated towards her. To everyone's surprise, there was no horrendous crunch when they collided with Yasmin's body as her breasts absorbed the impact like airbags. She breathed deeply making the tanks move together and apart as her chest swelled and contracted. As the tanks tracks span uselessly against her invulnerable body, her teats began to sink into the armour of the tank in front of her with a brief squeak of protest from the metal.

"Is that it?" she asked, genuinely surprised. The pressure against her body was utterly insignificant to her - even the shears she had so easily overpowered earlier had exerted more force than the tanks had managed. "Oh well, I guess I'll have to come up with other uses for you two."

With that, Yasmin pushed the tanks apart, her arms effortlessly exerting hundreds of tonnes of force, then began to climb up the front of one of them. Unfortunately, the second tank roared back, slamming violently into the first and trapping her slender ankle before she had pulled it out of the way. "Oh please," she sighed, rolling her eyes. With a playful kick, she sent the massive tank flying. It rose into the air, flipped over backwards and landed upside-down with a deafening crash.

Smirking, Yasmin continued climbing up to the hatch of her tank. She took pleasure in denting its armor-plated surface with each touch of her feminine hands and feet. Finally she reached the top and stood upright, one foot planted on each side of the huge, steel-bolted hatch. She bent at the waist, gripping the hatch's edge with one hand, and peeled it back like the lid of a pudding cup. "I hope there are some men in there who know how to please a lady," she called seductively.

On cue, a soldier appeared in the opening and leveled an M-16 rifle at her. "Oh good," she giggled. "There are." The soldier opened fire, spraying bullets at her luscious young body. "Mmmm," she moaned, spreading her legs wider. She lowered herself into a splits position, reaching down to direct the weapon at her needy sex. "Don't stop," she purred. "That feels so good." Bewildered, the soldier could do nothing but keep firing. Yasmin gently pulled the rifle's thick barrel directly into her pussy and let loose with a wild scream as the bullets peppered her G-spot.

Before long she had absorbed the contents of the weapon's clip. "Just like a man," she snapped at the young man accusingly. "Out of ammo before a poor girl even has a chance to enjoy herself." She reached down and grasped his shirt collar. "Now get up here," she said, lifting him bodily out of the mutilated hatch, "and finish what you started."

“My weapon is out of ammo”, said the soldier in a scared voice as Yasmin held him up in the air with her one hand. She took his useless weapon from him, placed it up to her enticing lips and slid the long steel barrel back and forth across her soft sweet lips. The front site at the muzzle end flattened as her sweet lips made the first gentle pass. Then, after she teased the steel barrel for a few seconds with her lips, Yasmin centered the barrel across her lips, opened her mouth, took her tongue, and enclosed it around the steel barrel. With a slow deliberate pull of her tongue back inside her mouth, Yasmin bent the steel barrel completely around 180 degrees. Next, she leisurely closed her lips and smashed the steel barrel in half; the outer section fell on the tank with a metallic “CLANG”.

Yasmin then said to the soldier with a gleam in her eyes and a sexy voice, “Oh what a nice gun you have soldier”, as she let the soldier down.

The soldier, still trembling said, “That’s not a gun you have in your hand, that my weapon”.

Yasmin chuckled as she placed her other hand on this erect cock and replied, “This is the gun I’m referring to young soldier and I’m planning to get it fully loaded and ready of action”.

“Don’t you remember that old saying”, said Yasmin as she held up his weapon in her right hand and stroked his cock with her left hand.

“This is my weapon and this is my gun, one is for shooting and one is for fun”.

The young soldier watched in amazement as Yasmin used her right hand to crinkle up the soldier’s weapon as if it was a gun wrapper. She tossed aside the weapon and said softly to the young soldier, “What’s your name”? The young soldier replied. “Ah, Steve, Sergeant Steve ----”, and before he could finish Yasmin interrupted and replied, “I don’t need to know your last name, I’m only interested in your first name and the caliber of your main gun.

Steve replied “Its 120 millimeter smooth bore, with range finder, auto leveling ----- ”, in a straight tone of voice as he took deep breathes and savored the pleasure as Yasmin stroked his cock.

“WRONG GUN” screeched Yasmin, as she looked intently at the young soldier crotch. Then she saw the main weapon of the army tank and responded, “Allow me to show off my strength to you and hopefully your main gun will become as large and as powerful and your tanks main weapon”.

Yasmin took the young soldier to the front of the turret, jumped down so her legs straddled the main weapon of the tank, and clasped the 120-millimeter weapon with her hands. She pulled the main weapon out of the tank as if it was a dried weed; the metal barrel tore from the tank with a loud shriek as super hard steel twisted, bent, and cleaved. She then placed the barrel over her shoulders and wrapped her hands around the backside of the steel barrel. With a sexy smile and a deep stare into the young soldier’s eyes, Yasmin effortlessly bent the steel barrel around her neck and down between her breasts, the massive barrel of the tank’s main weapon bent and twisted around Yasmin’s body as if it were a fine gold necklace.

Yasmin tucked the two sections of the steel barrels between the breasts, one on top of the other and then folded what remained between her legs.

Yasmin’s again gently grabbed the hard cock of Sergeant Steve with her left hand, slowly stroked it and said to him. “Watch what my sexy young body can do to your main weapon”. She then placed her right hand behind her head and began to flex her upper body muscles. Yasmin large firm breasts immediately thrust outward and slowly compressed the two sections of steel barrels in her cleavage. A slight intake of air by Yasmin was all the steel barrel could withstand and her firm young breasts crushed the steel completely through. Yasmin then rotated her hips to one side, flexed her leg muscles and her powerful thighs flattened and sliced the steel barrels until they were also crushed in half.

“WOW”, yelled Yasmin as she continued to massage Sergeant Steve’s now super hard cock, “Your fucking main gun has got to be way over 120 millimeters, let’s put it into fierce action”.

She pulled the hoop of mangled metal that was wrapped around her neck in half like wet tissue paper and allowed her abs to obliterate the last remnants of the barrel that rested on her tight stomach. Then, she lay back on the top of the tank and she reached over to Steve. She gently lifted him on top of her and allowed his totally erect cock to penetrate deep inside her.

"OOohhh!" she gasped as she felt him deep inside her.

Steve began gyrating his hips back and forth but Yasmin reached out and stopped him.

"Keep still. You may be on top, but I'm still in charge."

Steve wondered how they were going to fuck if he wasn't allowed to move, but his question was quickly answered. Yasmin began to slide her hips backwards (smoothly crumpling the foot thick steel beneath her tight buttocks) so that Steve's cock was almost out of her, then she expertly slipped them forward again. Her sweet juices acted as the perfect lubricant and her sensual motions made her curvaceous muscles pulsate erotically. His body tensed as he almost came, but Yasmin's cunt tightened its grip slightly and held him back.

"Not yet!" gasped Yasmin.

Steve's pleasure continued to increase to levels far beyond what he had thought possible as she continued to stimulate him without allowing him release. As she felt the mounting pressure inside her, Yasmin also began to struggle to contain her arousal. She thrust her hips back once again and began clawing at the helpless metal beneath her in a futile effort to control the ecstacy that jolted through her mighty body.

Steve gaped in awe as her fingers tore through the tank's armor-plating, crumpling huge quantities of steel instantaneously. Even her toes were digging into the thick metal as if it were putty. She threw her head back, her magnificent breasts thrusting skyward, and screamed as indescribable pleasure overwhelmed her senses. The volume of her passionate cries shook the earth and shattered the windows of every vehicle in the parking lot. Her pussy gushed hot juices, drenching the tank below her as she blindly tore it apart. And now, at the peak of her monumental climax, Steve felt the viselike grip on his member loosen. Her hips bucked violently against his, nearly throwing him off like a wild bull, but he clung to her salacious body for all he was worth. Her pussy slid up and down his swollen dick at a million miles an hour, saturating his senses with delicious, pulsating pressure. He let loose a deafening roar of his own, then lost consciousness as he experienced the most intense orgasm possible for a man. Yasmin's powerful cunt expertly milked every drop of semen from his permanently hardened rod. Finally, a serene smile spread over her breathtakingly beautiful face.

She slowly opened her eyes and sat up, tossing Steve's limp body aside. "MMMMMmmm..." she purred. "That was fantastic."

She turned her head to see General Linham standing patiently beside the tank. His helicopter had landed just outside of the demolished warehouse.

"Yasmin," he said kindly, "would you like to come with us now please?" He gently extended his open hand to her. "You know it's for the best," he added.

General Linham also issued a silent order for all his men to turn around and not face Yasmin. For he knew the sight of a hard cock budging out the front of the men’s pants could stimulate Yasmin and set her off on another sex crazed escapade. So he gently took Yasmin’s hand and escorted her to his helicopter, assuring her along the way that all would set proper once she was back at that special base.

Yasmin is still softly purring, her powerful muscular body relaxed and has serene smile on her face.

The general reached for a soft blanket in the front seat of the helicopter and carefully placed it over Yasmin nude body; he made sure he did not touch any part of her powerful feminine body.

“Please step into the front seat Yasmin and buckle your harness, we don’t want you to get injured during your ride home”, said the general in a very soft and comforting tone of voice.

Yasmin obliged as she sat in the front seat, next to the pilot and fastened her 5 point safety belt. The pilot of the helicopter took a deep swallow as he watched Yasmin’s large out stretched breast, even through the blanket; stress the straps of the harness so tight, he could hear the anchor points creak and crack.

General Linham jumped in the back seat of the helicopter and gave the pilot thumbs up. The pilot looked around, took his right hand and increased the throttle, varied the pitch of the rotor blades for lift, and with his left hand pulled the long control stick back to his body and turned the helicopter around 180 degrees.

Yasmin watched the young pilot and as soon as he grabbed that long hard control stick and pulled it back between his legs and into his body, she went insane. Her mouth opened wide, she took a deep breath and screech at the pilot, “That stick in you hands looks just like a super hard cock and that’s what I require”.

Yasmin pushed out her chest and the five point harness snap apart like a cob web; her massive powerful breasts tore the Teflon straps apart and ripped them out of their anchor points. The metal clasp fell into her cleavage and was crushed as she swung her massive breasts around. She pulled the blanket off her body, and as she stepped over towards the pilot, her legs wrenched the seat from the frame of the helicopter. Yasmin’s muscular thighs then chew up the metal seat like a shredder and sent the twisted metal to the floor. She continued around the front of the cockpit, her firm young ass mutilated the instrument panel as she position herself directly in front of the young pilot.

Yasmin spread her long legs, flexed her muscles, as she positioned her hips directly over the control stick. She rotated her hips slowly and sensually, and grabbed the metal buckle of the pilots harness and teased the chrome metal with her fingers until it was mangled apart and the harness fell aside. She used her hands to rip open his uniform and exposed his chest as she continued to lower her hips and accepted the control stick into her hot wet pussy.

Yasmin taunted, teased, and played with the control stick as she raised and lower her curvy hips. The young pilot still had his hands on the lower part of the stick but he had no control, Yasmin powerful body overrode any attempt by the pilot to take control of the helicopter. The helicopter gyrated violently as Yasmin’s hips controlled it every movement. Finally the pilot reduced the throttle and settled the aircraft on the ground.

Yasmin continued to use the control stick to satisfy herself, her hot pussy sunk deep into the control stick, reforming the metal and destroying all the hand controls and grips as her pussy accepted all of the control stick.

Finally she looked at the pilot and said, “I can also do this with your personnel control stick”.

The pilot gasped as she watched Yasmin lower her hips completely down on the entire control stick and excepted it into her hot sexy body.

Yasmin coos, and inhales a deep breath of air as she ripped the pilot’s belt in half and tore open his trousers.

Yasmin doesn’t speak, she just coos as she enjoyed the pleasure of the control stick inside her body.

“TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT, BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP”, echoes through the air as a passing freight train blasted its air horn as it sped past the back of the equipment yard.

Yasmin is startled! She stood straight up, the control stick which is deep inside her body is violent torn out of the base of the helicopter, and she closed her legs and crushed every ounce of the control stick inside her body into a weightless mass of matter.

“That fucking train horn is absolutely annoying. I’m going to use my sexy body to play with that oversized toy and ram those fucking horns into my pussy”, yelled Yasmin as she stared at the freight train with a discussed look on her face.

General Linham immediately gets on the radio and screams, “Plan B, Plan Bravo, Plan B, Plan Bravo”.

There was a crunch and the side of the helicopter buckled in two places. Then, the vehicle was torn apart so rapidly that the General, the pilot and Yasmin all fell to the ground like cutlery when a table cloth is pulled out from underneath it. Even Yasmin was somewhat taken aback.

The two halves of the shredded vehicle were held on either side of the trio for a second, before being discarded with such force that they burned up in the atmosphere. The woman who was revealed was absolutely stunning. She had jet black hair and could have easily been a model. She was wearing a dark grey catsuit that left nothing to the imagination.

Apart from her hair, she was the spitting image of Yasmin.

"Meet Subject 16," said the General.

"I prefer Kaitlin," the girl smiled.

"Aside from some slight changes to make her more compliant, she is genetically identical to you. She is, in effect, your twin sister."

Yasmin smiled back.

"Are you going to come with me or do I have to get rough with you, sis?" asked Kaitlin.

Yasmin stared at the astoundingly beautiful woman. Her eyes traveled down Kaitlin's curvaceous, muscular figure and back up again to her heart-stoppingly sexy face. Yasmin stepped forward, slowly but fearlessly approaching her dark-haired twin. Kaitlin stood patiently motionless.

They looked into each other's eyes. They were exactly the same height, exactly the same build. Kaitlin's breasts protruded exactly as high and far from her chest as Yasmin's, her skintight bodysuit unable to restrain them in the slightest. Yasmin stepped closer; their faces were almost three feet apart, but their nipples were nearly touching. Slowly, Yasmin raised her hand.

Kaitlin mirrored her motion and grasped her hand. Then she raised her other hand as well, and Yasmin responded in like fashion. Their fingers interlocked. They began to push against each other.

General Linham stepped back, watching the two women as they tested each other's strength. They were both utterly motionless, but their insanely powerful muscles swelled and twitched with supreme effort. Beads of sweat formed on their pretty faces and trickled down their rippling arms and backs. Slowly, the same lustful, lecherous smile spread over both their lips.

Yasmin knew that the pressure she was applying would have long ago broken every bone in a normal woman's hands and arms. It would have reduced any of the vehicles in this pathetic junkyard to a greasy smear. But Kaitlin, the most desirable creature Yasmin had ever laid eyes on, was simply taking it, and returning just as much pressure against her. And Yasmin knew, just as Kaitlin did, that only a strength just as great as hers, and a body just as salacious, could ever satisfy her. She would go wherever Kaitlin asked her to.

Yasmin leaned her head in, and just before she pressed her soft lips to Kaitlin's, whispered, "If only they'd made you a man..."

Kaitlin kissed Yasmin hard, then pulled away and whispered back, "You won't want a man after you see what I can do."

“Subject 16, restrain subject 15 and bring her over here, on the double,” yelled General Linham in his authoritative military voice.

“In a minute general, I want to examine subject 15 to determine how strong and powerful her muscles are compared to mine. You never told me I had an identical clone and one so attractive”, said Kaitlin to the general in an arrogant tone of voice.

“I’m not subject 15, please call me Yasmin,” was the response from Kaitlin’s twin as she flexed her right bicep.

Kaitlin’s eyes beamed with delight as she watched her perfectly cloned twin flex her massive muscles with a simple pose of her right arm. Kaitlin reached up with her left hand and placed it against Yasmin’s bicep. Kaitlin hand and fingers could barely span her flexed bicep let alone wrap around her whole arm.

“WOW! Exclaimed Kaitlin, your muscle is rock solid and massive. Can this bicep slice through hardened super dense steel?” inquired Kaitlin.

“Ooh! Let’s determine what a young woman’s muscles can do to hardened super dense steel,” replied Yasmin in a soft tone. “But I don’t think they have any hardened super dense steel in the children’s play ground,” she added as she flexed her other bicep and thrust out her large breasts.

Kaitlin softly cooed as she places her hands on her own breasts and massaged them slowly. She then touched Yasmin’s breasts with the palms her hands and pushed firmly against her chest. “Your breasts are exceptionally firm and I can even feel your swollen nipple”, purred Kaitlin as her hands caressed Yasmin’s breasts.

“I’d like to watch your massive biceps slice and carve their way through thick slabs of solid steel and then crush them in half. Would you do that for me”, asked Kaitlin of Yasmin.

“Of course I would, I enjoy the sound of steel as it’s mangled by my muscles,” replied Yasmin.

Then Kaitlin scanned the equipment yard and saw a massive crane with an enormous counter balance weight attached to the back. It was a meter thick solid mass of steel and two meters high. It extended the entire length of the back of the crane.

Kaitlin strolled over to the crane and placed one hand on the frame of the crane and her other hand and arm under the massive counter balance weight. She then simply pulled the 25-ton weight off the crane. The 10 large bolts and secured the weight are severed and pop off like balloons bursting. Kaitlin lifted the massive chunk of steel with her one hand as if it weighted a gram. She then picked up the massive crane with her other hand and held both over her head as said, “I can’t tell the difference in their weight”. She then tossed the crane aside, and it collapsed into a pile of junk.

Kaitlin brought the immense weight back to Yasmin, placed it against her own body and tore the massive steel slab in half with a meager pull of her hands. “Ooh!” Exclaimed Yasmin, “I liked the way your breasts crushed into and through that steel as you so gently ripped it apart”.

Kaitlin purred as she requested that Yasmin hold out both her arms, and Yasmin complied and held both of her arms sideways, straight out. Kaitlin picked up one of the slabs of steel and slammed it down onto Yasmin arm, the steel buckled around her arm and Yasmin's arm did not even deflect a micrometer. She did the exact with the other slab of steel to Yasmin’s other arm.

Yasmin blew Kaitlin a kiss as she began to curl and flex her arms and biceps muscles. Then as her arms curled up and over and her biceps swelled to an enormous mountain of muscle, the steel slabs are in a no win situation. Yasmin forearms smash down on the steel and crush it downward, while her biceps rise upward and mangle the thick steel. Finally, the two massive slabs of steel are crushed in half by Yasmin’s arm muscles and fall to the ground as four crushed and mangled chunks of steel.

Kaitlin began to breathe deeply as she watched Yasmin’s muscles slice through the thick steel like its whip cream. Kaitlin then asked Yasmin, “Let’s see what our soft firm succulent breasts can do to these chunks of cheap steel.”

However, before Yasmin could answer the question, the two girls hear General Linham scream to his troops, “Contain and apprehend both girls, that’s an order!”

The squad of men that had surrounded Yasmin and Kaitlin immediately opened fire. Armour piercing rounds ripped through the air, the few that missed throwing up dirt and dust as they hit the ground, or perforating the buildings and vehicles behind the girls. Those that hit their muscles were deflected as if they hit that hardest steel, whereas those that hit their soft breasts or tender lips squashed themselves flat and then fell to the floor.

Very soon, so much dirt and shrapnel had been thrown up that the girls were invisible, but inside the chaos the pair looked at each other proudly. Yasmin playfully showed off to Kaitlin by catching one of the bullets between her teeth, then biting down on it like a peanut. One round zinged between their bodies like a ping pong ball before finally shattering against Kaitlin's skin.

Kaitlin began to direct the bullets towards Yasmin's nipples and cunt, causing Yasmin to suck her breath in involuntarily. Her mighty legs nearly gave was as the stimulation was like nothing else she had experienced.

"NNNnnngg!" she gasped, struggling to control her ecstacy.

"Cease fire!" ordered General Linham, and his troups immediately obeyed.

There was silence as the dust slowly cleared, revealing that both girls were totally unharmed. Yasmin was panting like a wild animal, now desperate for climax, eyeing every man to with lust fuelled stare. Kaitlin's bodysuit now barely covered any of her awesome body as it had been ripped to shreds by the gun fire. Kaitlin stared at Yasmin with the same lusty glare.

Then, their eyes met.

They gazed at each other with such ferocious intensity that Yasmin could almost feel the air between them getting hotter. She licked her full lips. Kaitlin took two long steps toward Yasmin, roughly grabbed the back of her head, and pressed her open mouth against Yasmin's with a thousand tonnes of force. Yasmin moaned eagerly, thrusting her long, powerful tongue down Kaitlin's throat. Kaitlin's tongue, identical in every respect, responded in the same way. Their bodies crushed together, their enormous breasts yielding against each other as they could yield to nothing else on earth. Kaitlin squeezed Yasmin's rock hard ass, lifting her off the ground, as Yasmin wrapped her legs around Kaitlin's narrow waist and squeezed with a million tonnes of force.

Without breaking their savage kiss, Kaitlin bent down and grabbed one of the six ton fragments of mangled steel from the ground. Carelessly lifting it with one hand, she slammed it against Yasmin's muscular back, compressing it and shaping it as best she could while still grinding her body desperately against Yasmin's. In a few moments the massive weight had been compressed into a roughly cylindrical shape. Kaitlin forced it between Yasmin's legs.

Yasmin's eyes opened wide as the red hot steel penetrated her tightly clenched vagina. No man or machine could have parted her powerful lips when they were so overstimulated, but Kaitlin's incomprehensible strength forced the superdense steel deep inside her without warning. There was a deafening hissing sound as the burning metal vaporized gallons of her copious juices. Yasmin reveled in the delicious sensation. The rod was so heavy and dense that it withstood her arousal for several seconds before it was finally compressed out of existence inside her. She closed her eyes again as a massive orgasm pulsed through her powerful body. Kaitlin held her tightly, stroking her breasts and kissing her neck until the intense pleasure subsided.

Yasmin opened her eyes again, and smiled at Kaitlin. Without a word, she reached down and picked up one of the remaining three chunks of steel. Then she lifted the second, and finally the third as well. With a sexy smile, she began to crush and compress them together.

Yasmin’s rock hard flat stomach served as the perfect platform to compress the solid steel. Her super powerful muscles changed the molecular structure of the steel into elements outside the periodic table. The steel became super dense and incredible hard. However, Yasmin had no difficulty, for her strength compressed and flattened the steel as if it was soft cookie dough.

After all three, meter thick slabs of steel, were compressed down to a more workable thickness of about half a meter thick by Yasmin’s stomach, hands and arms, she asked Kaitlin to lay flat on the ground face up. Yasmin then placed the block of super dense metal on Kaitlin flat stomach and Yasmin straddle Kaitlin’s hips with her long legs. Yasmin leaned forward with her arms at her side and squeezed and compressed the metal between their waists, stomachs, and chests.

Yasmin slowly leaned forward until their soft sensitive nipples touched. Yasmin swirled her breasts, rubbing her nipples back and forth across Kaitlin’s breasts and at the same time their bodies kneaded the dense metal wedged between them.

After a few minutes of teasing Kaitlin’s nipples, Yasmin pressed her breasts deep into Kaitlin’s breasts and began rocking her hips and waist. The super dense metal that was being further compressed between their bodies had no place to expand except between the deep cleavage of the two super girl’s breasts. The metal was forced to extrude between the perfectly round and firm shaped cleavages of the two girls. Each pump and sway of Yasmin’s hips forced more and more of the metal between their cleavages and the metal extruded in the form of a cylindrical rod 10 centimeters thick.

Both girls’ giggles as they watched the hot solid metal slowly spurt from between their breasts and the girls took turns as they licked and kissed the long metal rod with their moist tongue and lips. The sound of water instantly being vaporized permeated the air. Finally, most of the super dense metal was squeezed through their cleavages and Yasmin grabbed the long hot rod with her hand and smiled at Kaitlin.

“A little play toy for the girls”, Yasmin said to Kaitlin as she sat up and massaged the long hot rod across her breasts and teased Kaitlin’s nipples until they were fully aroused. Yasmin also tantalized Kaitlin’s lips and mouth as she caressed her lips and watched as Kaitlin flicked her tongue at the long steel rod. Her long tongue reshaped the metal from a blunt flat end to a more curved shape.

Yasmin next swung her legs off of Kaitlin and she sat next to the stunning young girl. She then took the super hard steel rod and began to caress her long legs and thigh muscles. After a short time of teasing her leg muscles, Yasmin began to massage Kaitlin’s pussy, slowly at first with Kaitlin purring softly. However, after a minute of soft teasing, Kaitlin spread her legs wide, grabbed the solid metal rod and directed the rod into her body. Deep screams of pleasure from Kaitlin were heard for miles as she accepted the metal rod into her body and Yasmin assisted with the constant throbbing of the metal rod in and out of Kaitlin’s body.

Several soldiers did not understand the thunderous screams of pleasure from Kaitlin and concluded that Yasmin was hurting the young girl, so they rushed over to the girls with their bayonets fixed to their rifles.

Yasmin didn't even notice as their blades hit her body. Some were deflected by her impenetrable skin, others broke or bend against it. One got wedged between her butt cheeks as they pulsated in time to her movement. That gun was effortlessly pulled from its owner's grasp as Yasmin adjusted her position. Her buttocks squeezed together with some casual pressure, obliterating the metal between them and allowing the remainder of the bayonet to fall to the ground.

The soldier walked over to it and picked it up in wonder - the end had been squished to an edge far sharper than it ever could have been before. Kaitlin noticed the man's fascination both with their glistening bodies and with what Yasmin's strength had done. She brushed aside all the other soldiers and turned to him.

<< Chapter 2 Chapter 4 >>