- Yasmin, Chapter 1 -

By Paul Smith, Sean Porter, Pat Mallon and Pete.
This story is adult in nature - leave now if you're below the age of consent in your country. Otherwise - enjoy!

Yasmin had never had any trouble getting a boyfriend. Her curvaceous 5'6" figure had caused more than a few traffic accidents, her face outclassed any movie star's and her smile could melt any man's heart in seconds.

However, none of this was a surprise - her genetics had been designed in a lab by the world's top scientists. Unfortunately for them, their creation had been far, far stronger than they had imagined - she had escaped as a teenager and her sharp mind quickly allowed her to blend in with society.

"Can I buy you a drink?"

The man was reasonable looking, although clearly not in Yasmin's league. Of course, that didn't matter to Yasmin - she found almost any man attractive. Perhaps it was a mistake or perhaps it was intentional, but for better or worse, Yasmin was a nymphomaniac.

"Sure," she said, smiling sweetly.

She swiveled her barstool toward the stranger, crossing her legs demurely as the bartender filled her glass. Her suitor's eyes involuntary flicked downward, taking in the delectable musculature of her firm thighs and calves. She experienced a brief, pleasurable thrill, as she always did when a man admired her body. There was a reason she dressed so enticingly. She gave another coy smile as he recovered and met her gaze again.

"Thanks," she said, sipping her beer. "So, what's your name?"

“Ah, Ah I’m Bill, Ah Bill Carson”, the gentleman utters with a stuttering tone of voice as he again glances down at Yasmin’s solid muscular legs. And as he raises his head and eyes back up to Yasmin, he offers her his hand, while says to himself, “Those fucking thighs muscles are incredible, I certainly would enjoy an expedition between those legs”.

Yasmin is staring profoundly at the gentlemen with only unadulterated sex on her young mind and she knows she can have anything she desires. And not only is Yasmin very muscular and super strong, she is very intelligent and easily reads the gentleman’s lips and translates every word he said quietly to himself.

“I’m Yasmin” as she shakes the gentleman’s hand, “And I’m glad to meet you. Are you here in town on business”?

The gentleman smiles and replies to Yasmin as he takes a deep swallow, “Yes, I’m here on business, I sell heavy construction equipment”.

Yasmin’s eyes open wide and a sexy smile appears on her face as she reached down with her one hand and slowly pulls her tight skirt several centimeters higher on her thighs, revealing more of her muscular legs.

Bill cannot restrain himself and watches as Yasmin tugs her skirt slowly up her thigh muscles and straightens out her legs. With both of Yasmin’s legs stretched out straight, and reaching for the floor, all the firm muscles in her legs are perfectly defined and she is flaunting her shape and muscles. Yasmin knows the gentleman is watching her legs and takes her left leg, places it inside the lower chrome metal ring that connects the four steel legs of the bar stool. Her left foot leisurely slides against the side of one of the chrome metal legs.

Yasmin commence to straighten her left leg as she flexes her thigh and calf muscles and leans forward towards Bill. Her thigh muscles immediately bend and twist the steel leg of the chair as if it a piece of string and crush the upper steel chrome inward until it breaks the steel welds that attach it to the bar stools legs. Her calf muscles force outward the lower steel ring until it burst open and her foot mangles the lower section of the steel bar stool.

Yasmin leans completely over to Bill and permits him to discover the soft scent of her expensive perfume and places her left hand high on his thigh. She then whispers sexually in his ear, “What type of heavy equipment do you have, oh excuse me, I mean sell”?

It takes Bill a moment to take in what had just happened. Did she really just crush his bar stool with one of her fantastically muscular legs?

"All sorts," he managed, "Everything from JCBs right the way up to cranes and gigantic earthmovers. Why do you ask?"

Bill's stool squealed again as it was Yasmin's turn to be flustered. She swallowed and took a deep, shuddering breath.

"Um... It's just a little hobby of mine. Do you know what would be really wild?" Yasmin's hands wandered across Bill's tense body. "How about we go there now, to where you keep all that equipment? I'm sure I'll find a way to make it worth your while."

Yasmin's hands brushed across his crotch as she gently nibbled his earlobe. He had never been this turned on in his entire life.

"S-Sure!" he stammered.

Yasmin's slender fingers gently held his hand as he stood up and led her from the bar. Her elegant dress did little to hide her startling curves; her impressive biceps looked even more dramatic as they stepped into the harsh streetlight. Her impossibly pert breasts stretched the fabric of her otherwise respectable clothing and seemed as if they would burst free at any moment.

Bill still couldn't believe his luck - even in his wildest fantasies, he had never imagined being with a woman half as stunning as her.

He opened the door of his pickup truck for her, and she gracefully stepped up into the cab. He quickly hurried around to the driver's side and hopped in. Turning the key, he glanced nervously at his heavenly passenger. She flashed him a warm smile.

"So, uh..." he began nervously as they pulled out of the parking lot, "you got a thing for construction equipment, huh?"

"I guess you could say that," she murmured. "It's kind of a fetish, I suppose. I like big, hard, metal machines." She leaned closer to him, her hand sliding up his thigh. "Especially," she breathed into his ear, "when they put up a good fight."

Bill chuckled uneasily. "Well, we manufacture the biggest and the best," he boasted. "Our products are guaranteed against wear and tear. We use the strongest materials available, no cheap stuff."

Yasmin pressed even closer to him; her left breast was pushing against his shoulder. It seemed amazingly firm. "Good," she purred. Her hand brushed teasingly over his bulging crotch. "It's so HARD to find materials of superior quality these days."

"Here we are," Bill stammered.

He swung the car into a small parking lot, which sat adjacent to a large, fenced-in area. Behind the fence, countless bulldozers, dump trucks, cranes and other impressive machinery could be seen parked in row upon widely spaced row. Yasmin flung open her door before Bill had even brought the truck to a halt. She jumped out, landing nimbly on her stiletto heels, and gazed eagerly at the vast array of yellow and orange vehicles. Bill quickly parked and came to stand beside her. He heard her breath coming in deep, excited gasps. Her sumptuous chest was heaving.

"Let's go," she whispered.

Yasmin holds Bill’s hand, which is now moist from nervous sweat, and escorts him over to the main entrance gate. Bill stumbles as the quick tempo of Yasmin pace is more than he can handle, and he can sense the concrete driveway quiver as each of her powerful leg muscles drive her feet into the concrete as she darts to the gate.

They arrive at the main gate and it’s massive; immense steel poles, triple thick chain link fence, and crisscrossed with steel cables. Nothing could break in or break out of the electronically operated gate. An enormous titanium hooked shaped clamp secures the gate closed and it can only be opened by radio commands from security which cause a massive motor to release the clamp and open the gate.

“Oh what a shame, the little gate is locked,” says Yasmin as she peeps at Bill with a sexy glance and lets go of his hand. She moves her shapely body over to the massive clamp and stands directly in front of the titanium clamp; her large firm breasts are gently caressing the titanium metal. The mere contemplation that she can use her firm young breasts to crush the massive hooked shaped clamp in half causes her nipples to swell and pop through the fabric of her tight dress. Yasmin then turns around to Bill and says in a straight but serious tone of voice, “I think I can open this little gate, would you like me to try”?

Bill is dialing security on his cell phone but hesitates as he stares intently at Yasmin chest. Her pert nipples are extremely evident through her tight dress and as she rolls her shoulders back and thrusts forward her young breasts, the tight fabric of her dress begin to tear open in the center. And with several shakes of her upper body, her breasts split open a large tear in the fabric and her deep tanned cleavage is exposed.

Bill has no problem recognizing that Yasmin has very large firm breasts with deep cleavage and she is not wearing a bra. It’s also obvious to Bill that she doesn’t require a bra, for her upper body muscles and well developed and defined.

Bill doesn’t answer Yasmin question about her opening the gate and continues to dial security, but only gets a message that they are closed for the day. He looks at Yasmin sadly and says. “Security is closed for the day and cannot open the gate, but let me try a special backdoor number and code to open the gate”.

As Bill types his special number, Yasmin turns her body back toward the massive titanium clamp and slides her large breasts under the massive clamp. Her firm pert breasts meander into and through the titanium and push aside the steel poles and break the steel cables as it they are cobwebs. Only the roars and the loud whistles of a passing freight train behind the storage yard attenuate the noise of steel of titanium being crushed, mangled, and slaughtered by her large breasts. In addition, the only strength that Yasmin requires to tear open the gate is nothing more than simples flexing of her upper body and chest muscles.

After the huge titanium clasp is destroyed, Yasmin turns to Bill, squeezes her breasts together with her arms and completely crushes out of existance a chunk of steel lodged in her cleavage. She then says to him, “I think you dialed the correct code because that big hard thing disappeared into that hole and the gate is unlocked. Will you help me push the little gate open?”

Utterly in awe, it takes Bill a moment to realise that he should be a gentleman and open the gate for her. He walks forward and begins to press against it but, before he can move it, the 10 inch thick bolt snaps back into position and the gate is locked again.

"Sorry, it's on a timer, I'll type the number again," says Bill as he turns back to the keypad.

"It's ok, I've got my own number," responds Yasmin.

With that, she again turns to face the massively over-engineered gate. Although the huge clamp had been totally defeated, the bolt and the incredibly solid looking mechanism that it slots into are still very much intact. Yasmin places the pinky finger of her left hand on the gate and gently begins to push.

Bill cannot believe his eyes as the massive gate yields to the immense force that Yasmin is so easily exerting. The bolt screams in agony as it is twisted and stretched apart. Within just a few seconds, she has pushed open the gate as far as it is designed to go. She doesn't realise this and continues pushing, tearing apart the foot thick titanium hinges that attach the gate to the fence. She appears not to notice the resistance as her smallest finger exerts literally thousands of tonnes of force against the helpless gate.

As the gate falls from its broken hinges and collapses on the floor, Yasmin takes a stunned Bill by the hand and leads him into the huge parking area. She smiles radiantly as she surveys the impressive machinery in front of her.

"This is going to be a lot of fun!" she breathes.

Bill followed behind Yasmin as she strode confidently through the lot, gazing up at the huge vehicles. His mind swam with desire and disbelief; he now had to cope not only with the sight of her long, alluring legs and her dress-defying cleavage, but the astounding revelation of her staggering, impossible strength. He glanced back again at the battered, warped wreckage of the massive security gate which she had so effortlessly, utterly destroyed. Quickly he turned his eyes back to the goddess before him as she stopped and turned to face one of the vehicles.

"Oh yeah," she moaned seductively. "I'll start with this one."

Bill peered up at the large front-end loader. It was a simple, sturdy vehicle with a huge scoop shovel up front. Its tires measured about eight feet high; the vehicle itself topped 30 feet. He would have guess its weight at about sixty tons.

"Wha...what are you going to do with it?" he stammered.

Yasmin stepped up to the vehicle's huge shovel and leaned against the side of it. "Don't worry," she purred, stroking the cold metal and rubbing her body softly against it. "I'll be gentle. It's just that this metal is so...hard. And strong..."

Her nipples were also becoming extremely hard, once again. She arched her back, thrusting her breasts against the thick iron surface. Her nipples gouged deep grooves in the metal. Her dress tore apart, and fell away to her waist. Bill found himself gazing at her muscular back, his penis swelling urgently.

Yasmin moaned erotically, rubbing a sultry leg up against the loader. A loud, metallic wailing sound began to echo around the lot as her sleekly muscular arms wrapped around the upper half of the shovel and began to squeeze.

Yasmin slowly brings her arms back into her body, flexing her biceps to show Bill more of her fantastic muscles. She taunted and tormented the thick steel of the side of the large shovel as she brought her hands and arms back into her upper body. She turns her head around, and flicked her hair to the side of her shoulders and said to Bill in a soft sexual coo, “This isn’t fair, the cold hard thick steel of this massive machine verses my soft feminine body and shapely muscles.”

Bill stared at Yasmin as she meticulously but deliberately folded her long arms into her chest and crushed a large section of the side of the shovel into her upper body. Yasmin then sexually harassed the crumbled and compressed steel with her large pert breasts and nipples until it was shredded apart into scrap metal.

A sexy smile came across Yasmin face as she wetted her lips with her tongue and said to Bill, “This turns me on sexually, using my tits and swollen nipples to play with hard steel and iron. I watched and enjoyed the simple flexing of my flawless chest muscles humiliate the heavy metal. However, what really turn me on sexually is using my lower body; now watch this little feat of strength that I can perform with my sexy body.”

Yasmin used her powerful leg to push the lower side of the shovel down inside the massive bucket, her leg and calf muscles barely showed any sign of strain. She then used her hands and arms to also bend down the back side of the bucket and forced the hard thick metal inside the shovel. She walked around to the front of the 4 meter long and 2 meter high shovel, bent down at her waist, kept her legs perfectly straight and grabbed two of the thick massive steel teeth attached to the lower front scoop of the bucket.

Bill takes a gulp of air as he scrutinized Yasmin long muscular legs as they traveled all the way up to the obvious pink thong she was wearing.

Once Yasmin had two of the massive steel teeth in her hands, she lifted up the shovel along with the entire front of the massive front end loader, and with a quick snap of her arms, tore the entire shovel off the front end loader. The steel arms and the hydraulic pistons attached to the shovel are snapped off like dry twigs and fall to the ground. She continued to fold, bend, and crush the massive metal shovel inward; using her arms and legs to manipulate the metal like sheets of paper. Within a minute the entire shovel was a flat slab of metal, 2 meter long, one meter high and half a meter thick. The slab is standing vertical with the 1 meter side up and Yasmin made sure that the steel teeth were on top and pointing upward.

Yasmin straddles the massive slab of steel and iron with her long powerful legs and stared at Bill as she put her hands behind her head as says to him, “Now this will be very pleasurable”.

Ever so slowly, Yasmin began moving her thighs together. At first, the movement was almost imperceptable, and the first thing that alerted Bill to what she was doing was the groaning noises that started to eminate from the huge slab of steel. Then, Bill noticed the metal visibly deforming between her mighty legs and could hear that Yasmin, too, was beginning to groan. However, the noises she made had an entirely different cause. She wasn't struggling in the slightest - in fact, she was purposefully crushing the metal as slowly as she could to make the pleasure last as long as possible.

"Mmmm!" she moaned as the steel collapsed against her tight, young body.

Bill watched in awe as her thighs sunk deeper and deeper into the metal. To his amazement, it seemed to flow like plastercine against her muscles - some of it rose up and pressed against her crotch. Her string-like thong was instantly sliced apart by the tremendous force, but the insane pressure had an altogether different effect on her nether lips.

"Oh!" she gasped as she felt the cold metal against the most sensitive part of her body.

The orgasmic shiver that pulsed through her perfect physique only encouraged her to squeeze her legs together with even more force, effortlessly reshaping the metal to her will. She relaxed her vagina and allowed the metal to enter her. It oozed into her like toothpaste being squeezed from a tube, soon filling her more than any man ever could. The pleasure was now almost overwhelming as she began sweating and gasping for air. Her thighs pressed together with tens of thousands of tonnes of pressure as they sliced through the metal completely and compressed the final huge chunk of metal inside her.

Then, with a sharp intake of breath, she climaxed HARD.

She threw her head back, her firm, spherical breasts thrusting skyward, and let out a deeply erotic scream. Her entire body quivered, every muscle exquisitely flexed to its awe-inspiring utmost. She raked her fingernails over her body, unwittingly tearing away the last shreds of her dress. Bill gaped in lustful admiration of her revealed physique. From her bulging, pulsating legs to her chiseled abs to her swelling, gravity-defying breasts, she was the most devastatingly powerful and enticingly feminine woman he had ever seen or even dreamt of. He felt himself on the verge of cumming in his pants.

Yasmin's knees shook and began to give out as her orgasm continued. She grabbed onto the loader's front grill for balance, unwittingly crumpling it in her grasp. She was nearly hoarse from screaming by the time she began to recover. Her eyes opened slowly, and she turned them seductively toward Bill.

"I see you enjoyed that," she said. His monstrous erection was obvious.

Bill could only nod, overwhelmed by desire and fear.

"Let me see what you have in there," Yasmin said, stepping towards him and reaching for his fly. Bill inhaled the intoxicating scent of her dripping sex as she brushed against him, her heaving breasts pressing gently against his chest. Instead of undoing the zipper of his jeans, she tore it apart, then slowly ripped his jeans completely away. "Oooh, Bill," she purred, taking his long, rigid shaft in one of her soft hands. "You're so big and hard. Do you think little old me can handle a big, strong man like you?"

The thought alone was too much for him to stand, and Bill suddenly ejaculated all over Yasmin's hands. She only chuckled, releasing him and licking his cum from her long fingers. "I guess we'll have to wait a little longer to find out," she commented, walking away from him again. "Let's find another toy to play with first."

“But first let me examine this toy in some detail”, Yasmin said as she walked over and stood beside one of the 8 feet diameter tires of the front end loader whose shovel she had just destroyed and shouted to Bill, “This thing is a child’s play toy and is useless, it does nothing but sit here and occupy space and has weight, sort of”. She then reached out with her left hand and clasped the center drive hub of the tire and sunk her fingers into the solid steel of the drive hub. Yasmin’s long fingers burrowed into the underside of the metal hub as if it a wet sponge and smashed several of the massive hardened bolts like their dandelions. She glanced back at Bill as said, “I hope the next plaything you have in your inventory at least moves and has a powerful engine that can challenges my little muscles and over sexed body.

Yasmin hesitates a second, then flex her body to show off her muscles and raised the entire front end loader over her head with one effortless lift of her hand. She stood there perfectly still with the massive earth moving monster over her head. Then she began to curl her arm and does multi reps with her left arm while holding the massive front end loader.

She glanced at Bill with a sexy glaze from her eyes and says, “Please come over and examine my well-rounded muscles as I use this useless toy for some undemanding exercises. You can begin with the bicep of my left arm, it’s slightly budging from the weight of the equipment I’m lifting, and then proceed to my rounded shoulders. My breasts are extremely firm right now and my swollen nipples will tantalize your tongue. My flat stomach and tight ass will be a delight for the palms of your hands and you can wet my upper thighs muscles with your lips as I flex each leg muscle individually."

Bill shuddered his head around and relied to Yasmin, “Please give me a minute to recover. I cannot believe your strength and what is happening.”

Yasimn replied to Bill as she places the huge piece of equipment back on the ground, “Ok, I’ll let your relax and regain your manhood but make it quick for my body is all worked up.”

With the front end loader on the ground, Yasmin stretched out her hands and grabbed the steel tire rim where it meet the tire, sunk her fingers between the steel rim and the tire and ripped the steel rim from the tire. There was a large “BANG” as the air escaped from the tire. Yasmin closes her arms and uses her hands to crumble the steel rim into her chest. She forces the steel under her breasts and up through her cleavage, where it is extruded like soft bread dough. She then took the tire with her two hands, ripped it in half as if it’s a piece of paper, and tossed it aside. Yasmin then immediately walked forward to the massive frame of the front end loader, her legs massacred the bottom half of the steel tire rim and her thighs muscles flattened the thick drive housing as it was forced between her legs. Once at the massive steel frame of the loader, Yasmin stretched out her arms and places them under the steel frame and lifts the loader up until the top of the frame is under her firm large breasts. She continued to raise her hands and arms and bend the steel frame 180 degrees around her young pert breasts. This completed destroyed the loader and Yasmin tossed it aside as if it weighted a few grams.

“Now please show me a real man’s toy”, Yasmin says to Bill as she rubbed her hands over her nude body. She walked over to Bill, took his hand and they walked past a row various equipment. Finally, Yasmin stopped in front of a monster, a massive piece of equipment that is over 15 meters tall and 10 meters wide and it nothing but thick solid steel.

“What’s this plaything”, Yasmin questioned Bill and Bill enthusiastically replied, “That’s the world largest fork lift. It can lift over 200 tons high in the air. The steel forks can be hydraulically manipulated to any position and it’s driven by a 2000 horse power engine.

“Can you start the motor and operate this little plaything”, Yasmin said to Bill as she started to get all excited. “Yes I can operate this machine”, answered Bill, “I’m certified and this fork lift is not a plaything or a toy, it’s a real machine”.

Yasmin giggled as she moistened her lips with her tongue and declared to Bill, “Start this toy up and use those big steel forks to fool around, fondle, and tease with my sexy body and my firm muscles, then we will determine if this is a real machine”.

Bill enthusiastically ran over to the machine, climbed up the ladder to the seat and started it up. The engine burst into life with a thunderous roar - it seemed impossible that Yasmin was more powerful than the enormous beast that now towered over her.

"First," she suggested, "a test of strength."

Yasmin walked over to a huge dump truck. It was used in quarries to haul loads weighing hundreds of tonnes up 1 in 3 slopes. It, too, was an enormous, incredibly powerful machine weighing hundreds of tonnes. She grasped a corner of it so tightly that the solid steel buckled and then easily lifted it completely off the ground with just a slight movement of her wrist. Placing it back down, she gestured to Bill.

"Your turn."

Bill confidently drove the forklift over to the dump truck and slid the prongs underneath the vehicle. Then, he engaged the lift motors. He could hear them struggling as they took the strain. Alarms sounded in the cabin as the maximum lift weight was exceeded. Still, with immense difficulty, the machine was just about able to lift the truck a few inches off the ground.

"Pathetic!" said Yasmin.

Bill nearly fell from his seat as the forklift rocked violently. He clambered over to the window and looked down. Incredibly, Yasmin was now holding both the forklift and dump truck overhead with just one hand. She brushed the dump truck off the prongs with a swipe of her free hand, sending it tumbling through the air before crashing to the ground 50 metres away.

Then, holding one of the prongs in her hands, Yasmin sat down and spread her legs. She gently massaged the steel down until its tip was small enough to fit inside her. Bill looked on in awe as she used it to part her nether lips, her insane strength seemingly uneffected by the immense weight of the forklift that was still attached to the other end. Bill had to hold on for dear life as Yasmin begin sliding the prong in and out of her magnificent body - gently at first, but more and more rapid as her arousal began to overwhelm her again.

As Bill clung to the sides of the cabin for dear life, he watched Yasmin lay back in the dirt and close her eyes. Her enormous breasts were thrust outward and clenched together; her legs were spread wide apart. Both of her hands now gripped the long, narrow prong of the forklift and were savagely driving it in and out of her. Her thrusts were growing steadily harder, deeper and faster. At first he wondered how her body could withstand such brutal punishment, but the expression of total sexual bliss on her divine face made it clear that she didn't feel anything but pleasure. He soon began to wonder instead how much longer the forklift could tolerate the force of her body. The prong was being deformed and compacted by her insanely powerful vagina, and her thighs soon began to close around the actual forklift itself. It was at this point that Yasmin's eyes opened again.

She peered up at Bill through the glass windows of the cockpit, her dazzlingly beautiful eyes hypnotizing him as her tongue slid over her perfect teeth. He was still at least 20 feet above her, but that was about to change. She reached up a powerful arm and grabbed a handful of the thick metal which formed the body of the machine. Pulling it toward her, she instantly crumpled several tons of metal against her rigid, sweating body. She reached up again, and pulled him still closer. Several cubic feet of solid steel was instantly compressed into vapor between her legs and against her flexed abdominals. Bill felt himself being jerked downwards, the vehicle being demolished beneath him. One more tug, and he was within her reach.

Yasmin growled with desire, and sunk her fingers into the metal again. With an effortless flourish, she tore away the front of the cockpit, sending shards of glass flying. Bill hung helplessly from a door handle, dangling above the amazonian goddess. He gazed down at her, intoxicated with lust but fearing for his life. She smiled sweetly and said, "No more excuses. This time, you're mine!"

She wrapped her hands around his waist and pulled him towards her. He was powerless to resist.

There's more... Chapter 2 >>