
Gina Patton was a special girl, even though sometimes she thought i was being kind.when i said so. You see, Gina was 5 ft 6 and almost 200 pounds. And even with what i assumed was a D-cup, she was not very proud of her body. Until one fateful afternoon.

I had lost my job, and Gina suggested that we should go down to the corner bar and throw back a few. I should clarify that Gina and i were only aquaintances at work, or i wouldn't have been surprised a what would happen. Or maybe i would.

Gina is a blonde who i always wanted to see in black. But she was wearing a rather conservative grey blouse and slacks that didn't flatter her figure. I made so comments that she should dress a little flashier but they didn't go over extremely well.

"You don't know what it's like to have a body like mine." Gina wailed. " People watch what you eat, they make rude comments, and that's only the women. I mean i work out, i just dont lose any weight."

My ears perked up. "You work out? At what gym? Maybe i could be a training partner."

Gina patted my belly and said "that's sweet, but i wouldn't want you to feel emasculated."

Jokingly i replied "that's okay, i'm a wimp!"

Gina's eyes narrowed. Then after a moment's reflection asked me why was i interested in a big girl like her.

I said " First off, you're actually nice to me. You've never put me down for having different views or not being mister moneybags. And your body? With ti- i mean a powerful and voluptious body like yours, i can only dream of how comforting it must be to be in your arms.

I thought i might have said too much. Luckily i was wrong. Or was the beer talking- she's on her third already and i'm still on my first. Then again i've been distracted.

Gina sensed my momentary discomfort. Things were quiet for a moment. Then she rolled up her sleeve and flexed. There was a noticeable bicep there. Not rock hard but you could tell she was strong.

Noticing my reaction, Gina gave me a slightly crooked smile and asked "Do you really like my arms?"

"What do you think? Like this is the first time anybody's said that"

A tear came to Gina's eye. She spoke softly " You aren't a wimp. In fact, with that 5 o'clock shadow you look very manly. Besides if you ever needed it i would protect you."

Just then the Spice Girls started playing on the jukebox. "Tell me what you want, what you really want". Gina started to move to the music and became more animated during the song. She rolled up the other sleeve and started to flex again. Boy do i hope i'm sober cause she is starting to look really hot.

Just then 2 guys with waif looking girlfriends spotted gina flexing and said in a voice loud for us to hear " Look, it's chunky spice" .Gina said nothing. And i wasn't looking for a confrontation either. So i ignored them.

"Candy, show them what a real muscle looks like"

Candy, one of the girlfriends flexed and had a surprisngly good amount of muscle in her arms. She couldn't have been more than 110 lbs but she was cute. Not as cute as Gina. But Gina's self confidence had dropped quite a bit in the last few minutes and in a snippy tone asked "are you into stick figures too?"

"No. You're better than her!" Unfortunately i said that too loudly and Candy's boyfriend Clyde took offense.

"Boy, you better apologize to my girl. Especially after picking this fat tub after my supermodel." To demonstrate, Clyde poked Gina in the belly.Gina didn't say anything but you could tell she was angry.

" Aren't you going to defend your woman"

"Your woman?" Gina replied tapping her fingers on the table.

"Watsamatter, pussy boy can't stick up for himself?"

He was right. I was scared, and i thought Gina would be embarassed to be seen with me if i got my ass kicked. So i waited until the last possible moment, stood up, and said in a pathetic trembling voice " Back off."

Unfortunately for me, only being 5-7, i was about a head shorter than Clyde. He pushed me and a staggered back a couple of feet. I pushed him and he barely moved. Clyde threw a left that connected with my jaw and i was out on my feet. Then a right and i hit the floor. Blood was coming from my mouth and chin. I tried to get up but i felt a strong grip holding me down. I panicked and aimed a kick for what i thought was the crotch area.

"Damn it, stay down, I'll take care of this" Gina whispered .

A weak smile crossed my face as i was in no position to argue.

"Look, little man" even though Clyde was taller "I don't believe in fighting. It's barbaric watching little men get off picking on weaker opponents. You probably do this because you have a small dick." Candy attempted to stifle a giggle as this was true.

"Fat ass bitch? Whore? I'll kill you.

With that, Clyde sped over and put his hands on Gina's throat . Gina calmly reached for Clyde's crotch- what there was of it.I thought she was just going to squeeze him, but instead started to lift him. Clyde was so shocked, he let go of Gina's throat. Big mistake. When he let go, she grabbed his neck with one hand- other still on crotch- and did a full body press overhead. He was at least 250 lbs. And she wasn't struggling.

"Bitch, you on 'roids" Mikey, i need help.

I'd forgotten mikey. Gina could handle one but could she take care of 2. At this point, i was seeing 2 so i was no help.

"Apologize to my man, or you will feel my wrath"

"Bitch, i ain't doing nothing". "Mikey,take her down."

Mikey, already surprised at Gina's show of strength, charged and dove at Gina's knees. Gina was not expecting such a chickenshit move and felt a twinge of pain in her left knee.While falling, Gina filpped Clyde backwards over her head- and if there was any proof needed that man could fly, this was it. He must have gone about 20 ft until he hit the wall. Needless to say, he was knocked out.

By now, Mikey was on top of Gina, who was struggling with tears in her eyes. Not from Mikey's punches as they were having no effect. But from her knee which was swelling. Gina's only hope was a ground attack as she could not stand on her own. Mikey, not really paying attention- actually he was trying to catch his breath starting mocking her.

"Fucking marshmallow girl., I'm going to paint a yellow stripe down your boyfriend's back when i'm done with you"

Mikey ripped Gina's pants and went for her panties. I got my first look in quite a while at her thighs and they were full. Not fat, not overly muscular.Looked like she grew up on a farm somewhere. As you can tell, my mind was drifting but i was snapped back to reality by a sickening scream.Seems Gina trapped Mikey's hand between her thighs.

"Freak, you broke my hand" Mikey cried.

Gina didn't care anymore. She was angry. Using her good leg for balance, she wrapped her leg around Mikey's neck, while doing a reverse grapevine and using her arms. Probably the first time a woman's face was near Mikey's crotch- when he didn't have a chance to enjoy it. In desperation, Mikey tried to bite her butt. It didn't do anything except make her madder.

"Make a wish!" thundered Gina.

An audible snap was heard as a couple of things snapped at once. Maybe a femur, a collarbone, i couldn't tell. Mikey wasn't even fighting back anymore but Gina rolled over and threw every type of punch she could think of. Forearm smashes, jabs, hooks, everything she could to get years of pent up frustration out.

"Stop! You'll kill him" i replied.

Gina had a glazed over look in her eyes, but it eventually dawned on her what i had said.

"You were incredible" i gushed.

" Yeah, i guess i was-- but i TOLD you i would protect you. Are you hurt bad?"

"I'll live-- but your leg, is it broken?

"No, i'll be fine, but help me up because i don't know if i can put any weight on it."

Jeez, it was like moving a boulder. Anyway relief came when we got to the car. Until we realized that she lost her keys(as well as her pants) during the scuffle.

"I could pay for a cab, or a locksmith." i said, before i realized i didn't have my wallet either. Gina spotted a steel pipe lying a couple of feet away and hobbled over to get it while i was pacing. I couldn't figure out what she was going to do but she grabbed the bar, bent it in half, tthen pounded the grooved edge till it was flat.

"I've never felt like this before. I could probably do this the easy way and rip the door off, but i can't afford it." Gina said cockily "Instead i'll pick the lock.

"I'm out of control right now, and i need someone. Someone like you. So were going straight to my place, and if you like you can worship my muscles." Gina cooed.

From that day on, things went blissfully well. Gina had torn cartilage in her knee and wasn't able to much initally but her upper body is stronger than it was. But thats another story.