PLEASE HELP ME FIND THIS extreme strength CARTOON!!! I saw this incredible extreme strength cartoon twice, first around 1967 then again around 1977. I think the main characters were bears, but I don't remember for sure. I don't remember their actual names either. If you know the name of this cartoon, the name of the studio that produced it, or any other information about it, please contact me at or post to the Xtreme Strength site. I hope it is not lost forever, though I'm very worried about that since I haven't seen it since 1977. ***** Day Begins. Big Mama Behr and her her tiny but very precocious 3 year old son Ben awake in their apartment. Ben makes up bed perfectly, and it tilts up into the wall perfectly. (It's that kind of space saving bed.) Meanwhile Mama is in the bathroom, where she is trying to get the dripping faucet to stop dripping. But no matter how hard she turns the cold water knob it keeps on dripping. So then she comes out of the bathroom, but the spring loaded swinging bathroom door (which swings out and then back in) hits her in the face. Then she tries to make up her bed. But every time she tucks in one corner, another comes untucked. Finally, she just tilts it up into the wall anyway, but because it wasn't made perfectly, it doesn't fit into the opening, so it bounces back out onto the floor and becomes completely unmade. Clumsy Mama stumbles around the unmade bed anyway. Mama tries to open the blinds, but they don't hold and come right back down again. Then she tries to open the window, but it sticks, then opens at an angle, then sticks there and won't come back. Finally they leave the apartment building and go off to the national park. Out at the park, Ben and Mama eat a marvelous lunch on a wood table. Ben walks off afterwards to play, but is picked up by Wolf, a man standing nearby who is tall, dark, handsome with a handlebar mustache, but very evil looking all the same. Mama rises up to rescue Ben. Her strength increases 10X. But Wolf takes out a bottle of pills from his vest pocket marked "Strength: 100X" and takes one. He then picks up the heavy wood table and bats Mama away with it. She lands somewhere and runs back to the apartment. Now Mama is very weak and winded. Struggling every step of the way, she walks into the bathroom, opens up the medicine cabinet behind the front mirror, and takes out her bottle of strength enhancing syrup. It is marked: Strength: 1,000,000,000 ,000,000,000, ,000,000,000 X (Now that's strength!) Mama picks up a spoon for the syrup. But the spoon seems to be affected by her weakness and it droops, so she can't use it. So then she picks up the bottle and takes a glug instead. Boom! The spoon she is holding instantly becomes straight. Just standing there, Big Mama has become noticeably bigger all over, particularly on top. Now she turns toward side mirror and makes a bicep. It grows higher and higher and wider and wider, and inside it we see a series of images, starting with a fist, then an arrow, then a gun, then larger guns, then a conventional bomb, then a nuclear bomb with its mushroom cloud, her roundly bulging bicep now reaching the very high first floor ceiling and pushing it up a bit, shaking a fat guy in a bathtub on the second floor. Now Mama turns toward the pesky dripping faucet and gives it a twist. Her effortless twist causes the water main pipe for the city to twist into a knot. Sure enough the drip stops. It also stops for a guy on other side of mirror who is trying to pour a cup of water. Next Mama turns toward the spring loaded bathroom door. Now, she gives it a tiny tap, and it vibrates all the way out and back again hitting her extremely strong finger each time. It is vibrating with incredible speed back and forth, reflecting her strength back, not actually staying open. Annoyed, she pushes on the other side of door, where the hinge is, and the entire doorway swings out of the way for her. (Nothing would dare to give her any trouble now!) Seeing her bed, still down on the floor from the morning and increasingly unmade, Mama gives it a tap out of the way, it flies horizontally into the wall, flattening to nothing, then springs back, perfectly made, and to avoid being tapped again, tilts itself up into the wall. Next Mama gets to the window. This time she effortlessly lifts the entire window frame up. It not only opens her window, it lifts the entire wall immediately above it, with 10 other windows in this 10 story building. Two birds perched together on the top of the front facade of the building now find themselves separated. Then Mama attempts to open the outside door, but clumsily pushes on the door frame and as a result the entire apartment building wall pushes out, leaving the door alone unmoved. So she walks around the door and through the opening, and turns around to push the wall of the building back into place, with a finger. She keeps on backing up to see how all the windows are now open, and backs through a delivery van, slicing right through it without noticing, and winding up in the street, with a cable car coming down it straight at her. This is San Francisco. Mama spreads her legs apart, and the whole street comes apart, as does the Cable Car, which splits in half. Each half passes around her. Now, she spins one half of the street with her foot to reach her next stop, the Golden Gate bridge. Now we see that she has not only split apart the street, but the entire earth. We see that there is a similar street in China, with its own trolly car, which has also split in half, and its halves move away from each other as the halves of the earth rotate in opposite directions. Mama gets in front of the bridge and pulling on it pulls the entire Golden Gate closed. Then, still pulling on the roadway, she pulls the flat land beyond the bridge like a rug and it bunches up into hills. Then she is out in the forest. Seeing she is now as far north as she needs to be, she turns to her side and travels a few more miles east in a flash. Now Mama is at the Castle of Wolf. He has a moat around his castle. Not a problem. She simply taps forward with her foot, and the moat closes immediately with a big thunk. The large castle door is held in place with several thick logs, but that isn't a problem either. They snap like toothpicks. Wolf stands up at his huge dinner table. He first throws one chair at Mama, then another, then the whole dinner table. His 100X strength hasn't worn off. Mama raises her arm as the dinner table flies through it, and the wood reforms itself into more dinner chairs. Mama then reaches for the grand staircase behind her, rips the whole thing off with one hand, plunges it into Wolf, pinning him to the floor with enough weight that he can't move. Then she jumps next to him, and tosses him off. He arrives somewhere thousands of miles away on a small uninhabited island. Then, stepping outside the castle, she rips it out of the ground and tosses it and it lands on top of Wolf. He's not getting out from under that. Ben is tied to a log headed for a saw blade in the lumber mill. Just as he is about to hit the saw blade, he screams. Mama hears it, and instantly tears through walls, buildings, trucks, and so on, (we peer through the holes she cuts through everything) to arrive in front of Ben. Part of the saw blade hits Mama and instantly rips off, and she doesn't even notice. Mama picks up Ben. But Ben is still tied to the log which comes up like a big balloon. So Mama puts Ben and the log down, and breaks all the ropes. Ben is now free, and he hops up to hold onto Mama. Mama walks to exit the lumber mill. But she pushes on the wall again instead of the door, which causes the entire building to move out while the door remains in place. So she walks around the door and turns around. Ben jumps off of Mama. Facing the entire building, now moved out several feet, Mama raises her index finger and gives the building a tiny tap. The entire lumber mill goes flying, first off small hill that it is on, crashing into a similar lumber mill on the next hill, then a third lumbermill on a hill after that, and all three lumber mills (which are now crushed together and compacted) crash through a mountain range in the distance, leaving a big hole in it, and continuing away into space. Ben looks up, awestruck. Mama blushes. Ben hops up to sit on Mama's back. Mama walks joyfully into the forest. Looking at Mama from behind, Ben gives us a big smile and winks. The black from his eye enlarges to screen fadeout. ***** THE END ***** I saw this before, during, or after seeing some Woody Woodpecker cartoons, though it could have just been the same channel, or perhaps I saw it after changing the channel. There is a later Woody cartoon which had just a couple similar scenes (the growing bicep and lifting the window frame) but overall was not in the same extreme strength category. Please help me find this cartoon! I wonder if there is a copy of it somewhere. I'd pay dearly for it. Charles