Mind and Body II, by Anterion (anterion@gmx.net) --- Alright then. It's the one and only Anterion again. This is the second part of the Cammy story, although I think it will be more of a Cammy and Chun Li stor y from here on. This is just a short teaser before the plot takes off in the nex t chapters. It contains a little bit of erotic telling (at least I hope it can b e called 'erotic' ^_^), so you have to be at the legal age of your country to re ad it, and so on and so on..... Enough of this. Ikuse! (jap. Let's go.) (P.S. Please send comments to anterion@gmx.net) --- The next weeks went past in a blur. In her new power, Cammy found a new joy of l ife. In tests that went on for hours and hours her enhanced physique was measure d in every way. Strength, resistance to injury, endurance and agility. It showed , that her strength had increased by a factor of two thousand making her capable of lifting several hundred tons of weight. Her punches and kicks were *estimate d* to exert several thousand tons of pressure since there was no equipment that could withstand her assaults. The whole time her friendship with Chun Li grew an d the two of them spent more and more time together. Cammy found out that Chun L i still had still some of her girlish innocence even if she was one of Interpol' s top agents. During the tests she also saw sometimes something in Chun Li's look that could a lmost be called an expression of envy. Is she jealous of my strength? Cammy aske d herself. Since her treatment, Chun Li possessed the strength of a hundred men and was only surpassed by Cammy's increased power by a factor of twenty. Amazing ly Chun Li was still quite more nimble than the blond girl from England. Her fla shing kicks couldn't rival the force of Cammy's unstoppable kicks but she did th ree or four of them while Cammy had just finished one even though Cammy was a wh irlwind of her own. So the training fights between the two often ended up with n o winner and no loser. A few more weeks passed. In the meantime Cammy had got used to her inhuman stren gth. She had adopted it as part of her fighting style relying now more on brute force than before. She had even developed the ability to adjust the force she us ed. She could hold a butterfly in her hand while crushing a steel pipe with the other one. One night Cammy was awake in her small room. Her awesome physique didn't require much sleep at all. One arm behind her head she watched at the ceiling. This und erground complex had been her home for over a year now. She had only been allowe d to leave it on a few occasions. "Allowed." She talked out loud. "As if they co uld hold me here if I didn't want to. The only one that could slow me down would be Chun Li." Cammy closed her eyes. She imagined how it would to just walk out. She saw herself in her fantasy how she would leave a trail of destroyed steel w alls and totally deformed security doors behind her. She almost could feel how s he brushed steel bars aside as other people would do with a curtain. Feeling the nearly unstoppable strength cursing through her every cell, enjoying the sensat ion of cold steel bending under her grip. It was then that she heard herself moa n quietly. As she opened her eyes she saw and felt how her little fantasy had ar oused her body. Her nipples stood erect and could easily be seen through the bla nkets. "My god.", she thought. "Sometimes it seems that I'm not just super stron g, but super horny as well." She threw the blankets aside and stood up, just wea ring her thin night gown. "I better work out some of this tension.", she said wh ile playing a little bit with her left nipple. It felt hard like a nail. A few minutes later she entered the dark gym still dressed in her nightie. She l eft the main lights off. The few lights on standby were enough for her. Quickly she examined the equipment. It had been replaced several times during the last m onths. Non of it could bring her to her limits but the special one hundred ton m achine could give her quite a workout if she trained long enough. "I wonder if I can get even stronger if I work out long enough with this baby." The machine wa s specially designed for her. It used a special set of pulleys and huge weights, to simulate a benchpress with up to one hundred tons. Thick cord that consisted of thin titan ropes connected the pulleys with the massive bar that could withs tand five hundred tons of force before bending. Cammy lay down on the bench and gripped the bar tightly. She had never used it without supervision. With a small grunt she hoisted it up the first time. She was instantly rewarded with the fee ling of power flowing into her arms, fueling her muscles with enough energy to d o the impossible. Slowly she lowered in down to her chest. She pushed it up agai n and felt her muscles radiating with fantastic strength. She did twenty reps mo re before even her superhuman body began to tire. She close her eyes. "Come on. One more. You can do it." Twenty two. "I will not give up." Twenty three. Beads of sweat began to form on her face. Twenty four. Despite the now enormous strain Cammy smiled. Nobody could do what she was just doing. Twenty five. The bar cam e down to her chest. "Now come on!" The bar rose half the way up before Cammy fe lt it stop. Her muscles were failing. "No." She screamed. Eyes closed and teeth clenched she tried to push it further. Then suddenly she felt it getting lighter . As she looked up she saw Chun Li standing above her, adding her own strength t o Cammy's push. It was all Cammy needed. She hoisted the bar back to its rack. B reathing heavy, she sat up. "Thanks for the hand. I think I got a little bit car ried away." "I guess you can say that again." Chun Li's eyes were fixed at Cammy 's chest. Her night gown was soaked with sweat and nearly transparent. Cammy bit her lip as she saw Chun Li staring at her breasts. The Chinese girl also only w ore a silky bathrobe and her excitement was very visible through the thin fabric . "Did you... Did you feel the same way, when your power was new to you." Cammy asked her hesitantly. "No. I feel the same way ever since then." Exhausted Cammy fell back to the bench, smiling. It felt good to experience how her body rechar ged after such a strain. Suddenly she felt a small delicate hand on her left bre ast caressing her through the wet fabric. Shocked she opened her eyes trying to say something but was stopped by Chun Li as she forced her mouth on Cammy's. Par alyzed by the situation Cammy could only feel how her breasts were fondled by ha nds so small, so delicate yet strong as a battering ram. Soon she was infected b y Chun Li's passion and began to feel up the smaller girl's body. To her surpris e she found that Chun Li's breasts were even bigger than her own. That meant she was huge for an Asian girl. Chun Li also seemed to be very experienced in what she was doing. Her long tongue probed Cammy's mouth expertly while her touches n early drove her wild. After what seemed like almost half an hour, Chun Li broke her liplock and whispered into Cammy's ear. "Let me feel you strength. Let me fe el what it is like to have you power. Lift this bar for me." Almost regretting t o take her hands of Chun Li's body Cammy obeyed and gripped the bar once more. H er body felt refreshed and she easily lifted up holding it with her outstretched arms. Chun Li's hands traveled along her sinewy arms teasing the bare skin, sen suously kissing the throbbing biceps. Cammy felt an orgasm explode in her. She c ried out in pleasure totally oblivious to what was around her. As her orgasm faded off, she opened her eyes. Chun Li sat still on her rock hard stomach but she was completely naked. To Cammy's amazement began the Chinese gi rl to giggle. "Just look at you. You are one hell of a woman, warrior." Cammy fo und Chun Li's bathrobe in her right hand torn to rags. It then occurred to her t hat she was holding the one hundred tons with her left hand only. She looked up. Yes. Her left arm was the only support that the bar had. she now felt the weigh t returning and quickly grabbed it with her other hand. Still dazzled she hoiste d it back to the rack. Chun Li had stood up in the meanwhile. Cammy looked at he r. "You knew that this would happen, didn't you?." Chun Li nodded. "I guessed. W hen I had my first man after the treatment I felt my strength soaring to unknown heights." She giggled once more. "You was really a sight to behold. I almost fe ared that you would smash me across the room." Cammy stood up too and looked dow n at her even more soaked gown and then at the naked Chun Li. "You think somebod y will see us?" "I don't think so. Although you made quite some noise they shoul d be all asleep. The two girls left to gym. Then they took different ways. Cammy to her room. Chun Li too, but first she went to the control room. This night's tape of the gym's surveillance cameras was a souvenir she didn't want to miss.