Mind and Body, by Anterion (anterion@gmx.net) Well, hi everybody. Anterion at the works again. This is another attempt of mine with a superstrength related story. This time I even used a spell checker to make it a little bit more readable. I hope you enjoy it. For this story, I took up the scenario from the "Street Fighter Animated Movie." It takes place several months after Bison was defeated. To me it seemed that Cammy's part in the movie came a little bit short, so I decided to make her the main character in this little fiction. So if you have any comment about this please tell me. My e-mail address is anterion@gmx.net Enjoy. --- The door to the prison cell opened. A large man and a smaller woman stood there. Inside the cell Cammy White could be seen, sitting on the floor, the knees brought up to her chin. Two years ago she had killed an important politician. She had been under a spell then, a spell cast by Bison, the head of Shadowlaw, the greatest criminal organization ever. She had been a deadly fighter then. Now her body had withered, lacking the constant training it was used to. The young woman, Chun Li, stepped into cell. "Cammy, we have a deal for you. We want you to work for us and if you do, your sentence will be nullified. Are you in for it?" She believed to see a short flash of light in Cammy's eyes. Her answer was made off three letters. Only a few minutes later, a black car with dark windows left the prison and headed for an airport. The cloaked figures boarded a plane and took off. Whereto Cammy could not say. When the blindfold was taken off her eyes, she found herself in a large complex with no windows. She was led into a huge room, that was filled with equipment you would expect in a gym or a dojo. "Are you for the training of you life?", Chun Li asked from behind her. --- Under Chun Li's supervision Cammy soon returned to her usual level of fitness. Her muscles regained their slender and firm tone and her mood lit up as well. As much work as was needed on her body, the few was needed on her spirit and fighting skills. Although she hadn't trained for two years, her reflexes and fighting instincts were still impressive. "So, you think she is ready now?" Agent Callahan and Chun Li watched Cammy's training from a window above the underground dojo. "As ready as she can be for this. Her body is in shape as it was two years ago but her mind is even stronger." "Then tell her what this all about now. She still doesn't know, does she?" "Not yet." --- When Cammy stepped out of the shower, Chun Li was sitting in a chair, waiting for her. The Chinese girl had to admit, that she was a little bit envious of Cammy's body. Although she was in great shape herself she lacked the muscular definition which the blond girl had redeveloped lately. Yes, she would be the perfect test subject. "What is it Chun Li?", asked Cammy while she was toweling her long blond hair. "It is time to tell you for what we have brought you here." Cammy let go of her hair and sat down next to Chun Li. "What is it?" Finally, she was going to tell her. She had wondered over the last months why they had taken her out of jail. It seemed most likely to her, that she again would be used as an assassin. Why else had they trained her like this? "Cammy, you are going to be a test subject in a scientific experiment." "I do what?" That was it? All this months and now she was becoming their geniua pig? Cammy began to feel anger dwelling up inside her. That couldn't be. Chun Li noticed Cammy's fists clenching but her face remained expressionless. So she continued. "See, this place here is in, or more precisely under Germany. It was a scientific research center of the Nazis during World War II. When Germany lost, it was to be destroyed, but before the Nazis could blow it up, it was taken over by the allied forces and sealed. Years later Interpol reopened this complex and found out, that the Nazis were searching for a drug that would create nearly invincible soldiers for them. They even succeeded somehow. The effect of the drug was limited to work on women only, and of course "Herr Hitler" had no use for an army of women, even if they had been superior soldiers." The door opened and Agent Callahan entered the room. "Interpol then decided to take up the Nazis work on this drug. Perhaps we will need it soon. With Bison gone Shadowlaw is in a state of chaos, but sooner or later somebody will take his place and then we want to be ready." "Thanks for the introduction Chun Li. I'll take it from here. Ms. White, you agreed to work for us if we got you out of jail. But now, that you know what this is all about, are you still with us?" He offered his hand to her. Seconds later Cammy shook hands with him. "I'm in.", she said. --- Cammy, Chun Li and Agent Callahan entered a large room, that appeared to be some kind of gym or something similar. "As I mentioned before, the drug is limited to work only on women. Even our own scientists couldn't find a way to make it more compatible." Still talking, Chun Li walked over to a baseball bat, took the thicker end in one hand and walked over to Cammy. "It increases strength, stamina and resistance to injury a lot." Her cute face showed a short hint of effort and Cammy saw how the delicate hands of Chun Li noisily crushed the wooden baseball bat. "I was the first test subject in this program and since the treatment, my strength has increased approximately one hundred times." Cammy stared in disbelieve as Chun Li dropped the crushed bat. "Of course, those damn racists hid some kind of genetic key in this drug, so that its full potential will only work on their idea of the superior race. So if you see what it did to my Asian genetics you can imagine how it should affect your more arian genes." "My arian genes?" "The Nazis believed that the Arian Race was the master race, having blond hair and blue eyes." Cammy was still confused of all this happening so quickly. She looked at Chun Li's slim but well trained figure. How was it possible that she was a hundred times stronger than her? Did she want to be as strong as her? The first question she couldn't answer, but the later was definitely a yes. She remembered that under Bison's hypnotic influence her adrenaline level was constantly high to keep her strength at its maximum. And she also remembered how good that had felt. To be so strong. And now the thought of becoming stronger than any person on earth. That was too good to be true. "O.K., where is the catch?" she asked. "There is no..." Agent Callahan was cut short as Chun Li interrupted him. "The treatment is risky. I nearly lost my life back then." "Ahem. That's right but with your genetic background, there should be no trouble." Chun Li looked angrily at him. "We don't know this for sure." Cammy stepped between the two. "Don't argue about this. I'm going to do it, no matter how big the risk is." The Interpol Agent sighed in relief. "Well then, lets get to work." The two girls followed Callahan to another lab. Several scientist in the typical white labcoats awaited them. Cammy was strapped down onto a table. Several medical devices ware attached to her body. Due to fact that she was dressed only in her training leotard the scientists had a lot of skin to use for their equipment. Then finally some syringes were inserted into heir veins. The scientist said that one contained the drug and the others would supply her body with nutritions. The whole process would take about half an hour. Then, the drug entered her body. Cammy saw that Chun Li was standing beside her, taking one of her hands and smiled. --- The pain hit her like a battering ram. Her senses short circuited and she nearly passed out. Every cell in her body seemed to explode and then rebuild. She screamed out loud as a second wave of unbearable pain hit her. Chun Li saw beads of sweat forming on Cammy's forehead. The medical monitors went wild as some of the readings shot off the scale while others totally vanished. Cammy threw her head from side to side, trying to shrug off the pain that assaulted her brain. She was on the verge of going insane. Still the pain was getting worse. Oceans of agony washed through her body. "P.. Pl... Please let me go, let me die!", she whispered between the screams. "LET ME DIE!!!" Her whole body spasmed. Cammy felt how she slowly lost consciousness. Her vision blanked out and she only could hear Chun Li whispering into her ear. "Don't go. Stay with us. You can do it. Ones mind can be stronger than a body will ever be. No matter what happened. Imagine live, imagine strength. Force your body to obey your mind. Think of live, think of strength, health, strength, health..." Then Cammy fell into the darkness. --- She was falling, no she was flying. She flew towards a bright light. A comforting white brightness. Its warm rays felt like a warm summer sun, caressing her body. "Yes.", she thought. "Peace at last. No more worries, no more bad memories, no more pain..." Pain? Wait, she remembered something about pain. Just a second ago, she had been in this lab. Experiencing more pain than it was humanly possible to bear. She remembered a voice. A voice full of sympathy and concern. A voice that told her not to give up. No. In her whole live, she had never given up. Even under Bison's spell a part of her mind had still fought to break free. She had never given up and she wasn't going to do it the first time now. In the distance a new light appeared. A light that grew brighter by the second. Soon it swallowed the first light. Cammy began to fly towards it. She would not give up. She may lose, but then she would go down fighting. Her flight towards the new brightness got faster and faster. The whole time, she felt better and better. It was the right thing to do. Never give up. Fight to the end. Ones spirit IS stronger the a body can ever be! With this thought she dived into the light. Her eyes snapped open. --- Chun Li saw how Cammy awoke. The others had left long ago. "Nihao, warrior.", she said smiling. "It seems that you won your greatest battle." Cammy smiled back. Than she noticed Chun Li's bandaged hand. "What happened to your hand." "You broke it." "I did what?" "Seconds after you lost consciousness your grip tightened around my hand and broke several bones before I could pull free." Cammy tried to get up. "No wait," Chun Li said "not yet, she tried to push Cammy down, but was pushed back instead. If it hadn't been for her acrobatic skills she would have fallen back by the force. Cammy got up, realizing that she was naked. Her body had changed a little bit. She looked slightly more sinewy and some freckles had vanished from her skin. Also did her breasts sit higher on her chest. They had been firm before, but now the totally seemed to defy gravity. She was still a large C Cup but due to their new firmness her breasts looked more like a D size. Chun Li still marveled at the sight before her. Chun Li looked like a goddess. Well, in her own right she was now. "You teared your leotard apart in the process.", she said. "How? I was strapped down, don't tell me I..." "Yes you did. Several man tried to hold you down... Some of them aren't out of the infirmary yet. And it has been two days." "You mean that I've slept two days?" The Chinese girl nodded. "This mean it worked, doesn't it?" Chun Li nodded again with a big smile. "You wouldn't believe how well it worked. Do you feel different?" Now that Chun Li mentioned it Cammy became aware of some things. Although she stood on her feet, she barely felt own weight on them. And as she moved she found her every movement absolutely effortless and more fluid than ever. Had she moved like a dancer before, she now defined the word grace new. Chun Li helped her to put a labcoat on and couldn't resist to feel at Cammy's arms. They felt like there was a soft layer of skin above fluid yet steel hard metal. Cammy's every movement let the muscles dance beneath the skin. "Well then. Lets see about the new you.", she said. Cammy smiled. Yes, a new me. I can't wait to find out... She hurried to the door, awaiting that it opened automatically, like all others did. I didn't, so Cammy crashed into it, deforming the door, the frame and even part of the walls. Amazed, she took a few steps back. The other girl stood beside her, smiling. "Now you see of what you are capable of. The door was electronically locked." Her grin widened. "Either you get us out of here or they will have to cut a whole into the metal." Still amazed, Cammy took a fighting stance. That metal looks rather thick. I think I will have to use some kicks to get through that. She lowered her point of balance, then whirled around on he left toes, slamming her right foot into the steel. She awaited the impact to stop her foot and braced herself against the recoil. She nearly lost her balance when her foot went right through the metal, punching a large hole into it. But Cammy wouldn't have been a great fighter if she couldn't handle such things. She quickly regained her orientation, pulled her foot back and brought it rather forcefully down to steady her balance. It embedded itself deep into the floor. Behind her she heard Chun Li laugh. It surprised Cammy, because it sounded like the laugh of a young school girl and not like it belonged to one of the deadliest fighters of the world. She turned around. Chun Li tried to catch her breath. "Ha... Ha... Happened to me too at the first time. You will have to work a little bit on your technique to get accustomed to that new strength of yours. I suggest you just tear that hole open with you hands." "My hands? Hmmm.." She placed her hands on the rough edges, closed her eyes and pulled. The deafening sound of tortured metal could be heard as Cammy ripped the metal open. Soon she stood in a diamond shaped hole. "Know that was amazing.", she said. "You can say that again." Now she saw Agent Callahan down the corridor accompanied by some men with welders. "We were about to cut you out of there, when we saw your foot smashing through it. At first we supposed that the deformed door was Chun Li's work but now I think we can say, that the experiment was a success." "You bet it was.", said Cammy and made a muscle. It filled the labcoat quite nicely and she felt fantastic strength and energy flowing through it. She wished Bison wasn't dead. Now she would give him the fight of his live. --- Somewhere in the mountains of Thailand a inhuman laugh could be heard. It seemed to come from everywhere at first, then slowly the figure of a huge man in a red uniform appeared and solidified. Again Bison laughed and red translucent energy whirled around his body. He was a creature of mystical energy. It took more, than just an energy blast to permanently kill him. It had taken him two years to regain physical form but now he was back. And he would take revenge on the two man who defeated him. He had planned it all in this two years. Yes, he would get his revenge.