Penelope - Bad Mood by Mr. BPA Penelope woke up in a bad mood. The mattress caught in her Butt while she was asleep. When she rolled over, she tore the mattress to shreds. This happens occasionally; her immense weight will force the mattress into her cleavage while she sleeps on her Butt. Throughout the night, she will flex and relax her Butt muscles, which will slowly draw the mattress deeper into her Butt. Because it is so powerful, her huge Butt can compact or crush anything that gets into its cleavage, and she has on occasion pulled a tiny pea-sized object out of her Butt that was once an entire mattress. She is a powerful, destructive force even when she’s asleep. This time, it wasn’t the entire bed, but enough to have to get it replaced. She has mattresses custom-built for her to accommodate her incredibly dense body, and they take weeks and sometimes months to build. She would have to order more, she thought. She had destroyed three this past week, and had no more back-ups. This pissed her off the most. She knew that the world better watch out when she feels like this, because something usually will be destroyed and people get hurt. She knew she didn't have time for a full workout, but she always feels better after working her body-so she went over to a set of weights in the corner of the bedroom. She took her ridiculous 25,000,000-pound dumbbells in each hand and began to do alternating dumbbell curls. No one else in the world can lift these dumbbells single-handed. They’re ridiculous because they’re bigger than she is. A combination of lead and steel, they dwarf her muscular body when she uses both of them. She concentrated on strict form to get the maximum from the exercise yet it wasn't until 50 reps that her huge Butt even woke up and started working. At 80 reps her Butt muscles began to bulk up and started to expand. At 100 reps the pace began to slow and she finally felt a decent measure of power flowing from her Butt through her body. She cranked out another 50 reps and felt a pleasurable warm glow in her arms. Her huge Butt began to stretch her shorts. She knew she could do more repetitions with this low weight but she was in a hurry. This small workout would have to suffice for now. She showered and got dressed. The radio had said that it was going to be another hot day, well into the 90's so she put on a tank top and pair of short muscle shorts. She surveyed her body in the mirror. Her dirty blonde hair framed her beautiful face well. It alone could capture a man's attention, if he didn't see her body first that is. Her body was simply the most amazing piece of female musculature the world had ever seen and she was extremely proud of the work and dedication that had gone into it. Her shoulders were broad and muscular. Her arms were solid and nicely muscled. Her chest was spectacular. Her Breasts hung high and firm with no need of support. She rarely wore a bra, preferring to see the impact her chest had on men. Her tank top was specially made, as was her pants, to fit her astounding musculature. She liked to leave her stomach bare, to show off the dense muscles. Her stomach was hard and defined with each muscle group obvious even in their relaxed posture. What made her body even more amazing was that it quickly tapered down to her tiny 22" waist. This made her huge lower measurement stand out even more. Her lower body was nothing more than stupendous. At seventy-two inches relaxed, Penelope’s Butt is the pinnacle of human muscular development. No where on this planet has there ever been a creature that could produce as much physical strength as Penelope can with her gigantic Butt. It will expand to a brain numbing eighty inches when her muscles reach full expansion. It provides the strength necessary for her entire body, and is able to allow her to lift forty-seven million pounds over her head. It is believed no other creature that has ever been on this planet has been anywhere near this strong. With this came invincibility as well. No device or substance has been developed that can injure her body. Penelope has been through countless instances that prove this. She once deliberately dove into a vat of pure hydrofluoric acid. She stayed below the surface for over sixty seconds. Upon launching her body out of the pool, she was stark naked, but not a single hair follicle or skin pore was damaged. Hundreds of thousands of bullets fired from every kind of weapon imaginable over the last fifteen years or so have merely ricocheted off her muscular body. There was also the incident that has really baffled most all scientists. Penelope was coaxed underground under the false pretense of seeing how difficult it would be to break off huge stalactites and stalagmites and bring them to the surface without damaging them. Instead, the reason she was lured into the cave was to kill her. Over a mile deep, a ten-megaton hydrogen bomb lay waiting for her. So as not to arouse suspicion, a brother of a man she had mangled to death agreed to be the human sacrifice and guide her to where these “formations” were to be excavated, when in actuality he was leading her into an ambush. He knew he would perish, but it was deep enough in the Earth that no other damage or fatality would occur…except for Penelope. It is believed the man got her to stand right on top of the bomb before it was detonated. The countryside above shook for miles. Unsuspecting folks thought an earthquake had occurred. In fact, there was quite extensive damage to buildings and roadways because of the blast, but radiation was kept at near non-existent levels, and no one else was hurt. Penelope had been buried under several hundred tons of rock. She claims she never lost consciousness, and began using her unbelievable strength to literally carve her own tunnel through the rock, to the surface. First, she would create at path by punching her fists into solid rock, then as she pulled her body through the broken up rubble, should would use her huge thigh and Butt muscles like a drill bit, twisting her body from side to side. Less than thirty minutes after the blast, residents heard what many thought was some sort of aftershock, when in fact it was Penelope muscling her way to the surface. Suddenly, the ground exploded, and Penelope emerged out of a near perfectly carved tunnel, and began quietly brushing rock dust off her huge Butt muscles. She was incredibly pissed off; the perpetrators of this crime would be punished, but she handles her anger differently than she used to. In the old days, she would go into a blind rage, killing anyone in her way, and destroying everything in sight. When she pumped up her huge Butt, nothing was left standing. These days, Penelope is considerably stronger than she was then, and she is still violent if the need arises, but she is much more careful and deliberate. Rather than a blind rage, she will carefully determine which individuals were responsible for crime committed against her, and methodically seek them out and exact the appropriate punishment. Just as the guy who lured her into the cave reached into his pocket and pressed the remote button which detonated the bomb, Penelope realized what was happening, but it was too late. She says that she fired a double platinum bolt from her Breast at the guy just a millisecond after he detonated the bomb. A shot of that much power would have virtually vaporized him, but it is likely no one will ever know if this is true, considering he or what was left of him is buried under hundreds of tons of rock as well. Her clothing was understandably filthy, and her shirt was torn. Penelope was wearing her usual custom-made clothing, which is made of heavily reinforced fabric, but both her shirt and her shorts were in remarkable condition considering what she had just put them through. She had no Earthly idea who was responsible, but she knew all she needed to do was make her presence known throughout the village, and by using her Breast she would be able to detect extreme fear and guilt. People that know who Penelope is and what she is capable of are naturally fearful of her all the time, but for those who have wronged her, the fear can be tenfold. She is very astute to this. She will scan entire sections of cities using her powerful Breasts to locate individuals with a high-level of fear. She may then go to that person to see if indeed he may be the culprit. While sending beams to the brain of the suspect, Penelope will make sure he is able to see her incredible body, and she may flex her Butt muscles at the person and observe his reaction. If the person goes from fear to outright panic, she has a pretty good idea that he’s guilty in some way. Once the ground had settled down and things began to return to some degree of normalcy, Penelope then decided to hunt down the perpetrators. She soon discovered that nearly everyone on the town had some knowledge of the attempted murder, which amazed her. “Everyone in this little burg wanted me dead” she thought. “Well, they’re all going to learn that nothing can stop me, and they’ll all pay for it.” What ensued was this woman with super powerful Butt muscles single-handedly intimidating and humiliating the entire population and virtually flattening this small town of 5000 residents. Aware that this mountainous town had a single road that accessed the outside world, Penelope ran to the south side of the town, and mangled the only bridge leading over the high pass. Using her incredible Butt strength, she ripped the entire bridge out of its foundation with her hands, and threw it down into the gorge. Several witnesses to the event fainted. Some said they knew she was really strong, but had no idea she had that kind of strength. It is estimated that the bridge weighed 1000 tons, which means she would have had to use roughly 5% of her available strength. Then, using her 165 mph running speed, Penelope stretched out her shorts with her massive 72-inch muscle Butt and raced through town to the north end of town, knocking cars and trucks out of her way as if they were pesky gnats. She must have crushed at least thirty cars during the sprint. Once outside of town, she had to decide on a way to prevent any traffic, either vehicular or on foot, to enter or, more importantly, leave the little embattled town. Using her Breasts, she scanned below the surface and discovered there was a cavern 100 feet below ground. Using the awesome strength of the muscles in her 36-inch thighs, Penelope stomped several times on the roadway, until a 500-foot wide by 200-foot deep “crater” formed where the road once was. “This place is almost as cavernous as the cleavage of my Butt.” she said, laughing. After encircling the entire perimeter of the city, she noticed only one possible avenue out. It was a small footpath that snaked its way through a deep gorge and on down to the base of the mountain. Several people were already trying to make a run for freedom, aware of what Penelope was trying to do. She looked at the peak of the mountain range, and spied an outcrop of rock. Using several high-powered beams from her Breast, Penelope slowly began dislodging a group of boulders, which created a massive rockslide. The fifteen or so people on the path were trapped, and were crushed to death before they could get out of the way. With a scan of the city’s electronic infrastructure with her Breast, Penelope learned that one group of telephones poles carried everything (electricity, phones, cable, etc.) up to the little city. She walked into town where each of these electronic utilities gathered. She walked up to the massive high-tension wire substation. Made of steel, weighing hundreds of tons with high-tension wires going in all different directions, the base of the structure was also buried in five thousand cubic yards of concrete. Bending the metal in her hands while forming a grip, she started pumping up her huge Butt. Seconds later, she started to lift the structure. The horrible sounds of metal being twisted could be heard, as Penelope slowly began to tear the structure from its concrete base. Maybe two other BPA women have the strength to dislodge this structure, but only Penelope can do it effortlessly. At this point, her Butt is delivering nearly 60% of full power, which is more than twice the power of the next strongest BPA girl. This all occurs less than sixty minutes after a nuclear weapon failed to even make Penelope lose consciousness. Her Butt is so powerful that she is not even affected by the detonation of a hydrogen bomb at her feet. As the structure starts to rise, the huge muscles in her massive 36 inch thighs start to bulge. With this much of Penelope involved in the lift, there is no way the structure will survive. This is an absolute: No structure on this Earth can withstand the strength of Penelope’s Butt. I found out something that is downright obscene about BPA women. When they commit about 50% or more of their strength to any given task, it becomes a sexual experience for them. They are actually sexually aroused when their Butt pumps tremendous amounts of power. So not only are these women wreaking havoc with their powerful Butt muscles, they’re getting off while they do it. Since this lift is requiring better than 50%, Penelope is not only crippling the city, but she’s hardly aware of what she’s doing because she’s about to have an orgasm. Soon the structure is over her head, and she moans loudly as she comes. Opening her eyes, she immediately re-gathers her wits about her, and slashes this huge structure through the air, snapping the cables off like rubber bands. The city falls into a blackout, with no telephone or any other form of communication. Then purely for her own entertainment, she swings the giant structure low to the ground, and swipes an automobile with the pole as one would strike a golf ball with a club. “Fore.” Penelope yells as the car hurtles skyward, landing nearly a quarter-mile away. Finished with the huge object, she throws it into a building, causing the structure to collapse. Scanning the city for people with battery-powered Ham and CB radios, she identifies their location, and sends a photon beam from her powerful Breast to each radio, overloading the circuits, causing it to explode. In less than 45 minutes, the city was hers, and there was absolutely nothing anyone could do about it. She stood there quietly with her eyes closed. She started thinking about the incident that prompted all this. She thought about how lopsided this contest would be; that it would be no contest at all. She suddenly felt sorry for these people, for they can’t defend themselves against her vast strength. She has the strength of forty thousand men these days, and she is still getting stronger. She was almost at the point of giving up and returning the city to its inhabitants when she remembered the heinous crime that was just committed. “They tried to kill me with a hydrogen bomb.” she thought. “They know the extent of my strength, yet they still risked everything to see if I could be killed.” A few seconds later, the full extent of what they were trying to do to her finally sunk in, which enraged her. She adjusted her shorts, then started pumping up her Butt to full power causing it to grow to 80 inches. Soon her shorts barely clung to the huge muscles of her mighty Butt when she said, “This town and the world needs to be taught a lesson. I cannot be stopped.” Fresh from a visit to the tropics, Penelope’s entire body was deeply tanned. No matter how much sun she receives she can never be sunburned, as it is impossible to damage her body. Naturally, she sunbathes in the nude, so there is never a tan line. Her big Breasts have pulled her T-shirt out of her shorts, exposing her washboard abdominal muscles. As with all other BPA women, Penelope never breaks a sweat, but her skin glistens, which really emphasizes all of her exposed muscles. Her massive thigh muscles pump and relax as she shifts her weight. The sounds of fabric stretching was still being heard as her huge Butt continued to adjust to its mammoth proportions. Deep in concentration, Penelope readies her tremendously powerful body to totally obliterate this small town and it residents. As it has grown to its fully bombed size, Penelope’s Butt has also amassed a staggering amount of volatile muscle power. This is the same pure muscle energy that builds up inside her Butt each and every day, except when she pumps or worse, bombs her Butt muscles, that buildup is immense and virtually instantaneous. The energy is volatile because it will stay inside her Butt for only a very short period of time. She has a choice: either she releases it in a controlled fashion, or it will release itself in an extremely violent manner. She satisfies her normal daily buildup with strenuous exercise; the volume of power when she pumps or bombs her Butt muscles is usually ten to one hundred times greater, and requires far more drastic discharge measures. With her nominal strength increasing at a dizzyingly fast pace over the last nine years, her pumped-up strength has increased at the same rate. This poses challenges for Penelope on how to properly utilize this superhuman strength. Just several minutes ago, she calmly pumped her huge Butt, and was able to effortlessly lift a thousand-ton structure over her head, and swing it as if it were a baseball bat. This time, her Butt is fully bombed, eighty inches of mighty muscle, and nearly ten times stronger than when she just pumps her Butt. It is unlikely now that there is anything that the inhabitants of this small town can do or say to Penelope that may prevent her from totally erasing their existence from this planet. “I felt the power of their biggest weapon, that puny hydrogen bomb” Penelope says with rugged determination, “Now let them feel the wrath of my Butt.” With the city itself virtually in ruin already, Penelope’s goal now was to corral the townsfolk together, and severely punish everyone involved in the plot to kill her.