Penelope was born somewhere near the sprawling city of Chicago,
Illinois. From this day forward, the Earth would never be the same.
No one, including Penelope herself could have possibly dreamed of the
events that were soon to transpire. She had a relatively normal
childhood, with the exception of being labeled a "tomboy" by her male
friends because she loved all types of sports and was usually better at
them than most boys her age. It was not until the onset of puberty
that the slow, miraculous change to her body began. Her increases of
size and strength were barely noticed all through high school. In
retrospect, she does remember being somewhat stronger than her older
brothers but thought nothing of it back then--girls were not supposed
to be stronger than men and she rarely tested herself to find out just
how strong she was. If the need arose to lift something heavy or to
perform any other strenuous task, she automatically asked for help from
a male. It was not until her last year in college that she discovered
she must have some sort of strength advantage over others when I
pointed it out to her.

It was mid December, and she and I had been dating for several months.
We were at the local airport where I had driven her to catch a plane
back to Chicago for Christmas break. The last piece of luggage in my
old Ford station wagon was this huge, leather suitcase which she had
carried with one hand across the back quad and flung into the back of
my car when we loaded up. Expecting it to be somewhat heavy since it
was made of thick cowhide and bulging at the seams, I reached for the
handle and attempted to yank it out of the car in true "macho" fashion.
(I mean this little girl had just tossed it in there, so how could it
possibly be that heavy--right?) Wrong! I nearly threw my back out,
and had I been older, I probably would have been taken to the hospital.
She said, "Christ, it's not that bad, is it?" and proceeded to sling
it onto the luggage cart with one hand as if it were nothing. I
gasped, and stood there in amazement because that was the first time I
had ever seen her flex her Butt muscles. Now, I had witnessed numerous
women do this in the past, (they are all in BPA*) but it never occurred
to me that she might be like one of them--until then.

When we arrived at the ticket counter, I watched as she effortlessly
lifted the huge bag onto the scales when myself, the ticket agent and
Penelope collectively gasped when the scales tipped at 873 pounds!
"These scales must be way off" she exclaimed, yet after further
inspection, they proved to be quite accurate. I looked down at her
Butt which was only 38" of solid muscle at the time (fairly big for a
woman 5'1" tall), and noticed her muscles were still slightly pumped
when she turned around, saw where I was looking, and whispered quietly
"Why are you looking at my Butt?" "Because it is so big and muscular,"
I replied. It would be several months before she accepted the fact
that it was her muscular Buttocks that gave her that strength.

Sometimes merely mentioning to a woman that her Buttocks is the source
of her strength can trigger the area in her brain that permits further
muscle development, and I said this to her before she boarded the
plane. All she did was laugh and told me I was crazy; however,
when she returned after New Year's she was wearing the same jeans she
wore the day she went on break and they were skin-tight, whereas they
were fairly baggy the day she left. She commented that she had gained
some weight over the holidays and vowed to lose that "flab." I think
deep down inside she knew it wasn't flab at all but was too afraid at
the time to admit that it was, indeed, solid muscle, and during our
subsequent sexual encounter I discovered it to be true. For the next
few months, I began to slowly fill her in on an organization of women
who shared the same endowment as her, and that it would benefit her
greatly if she decided to join them. I am speaking, of course, of BPA.
At first, she would refer to her muscular Butt as a curse rather than
a gift, but that opinion quickly changed as she began to experience
rather large increases in strength. Several months later, Penelope
reluctantly contacted BPA to find out more details and what was
necessary to join. Back then, the minimum requirements for admission
were far easier than they are today and if someone tried to gain
admission now with the level of strength Penelope had then, they would
be lucky to get into "Junior" BPA The only requirement for admission
then was to be able to lift a barbell weighing 1000 pounds which she
added an additional 100 pounds to so that at least she would not be
"riding the fence" so to speak. For the first and last time I have
ever seen her
struggle, I watched as she drained every molecule of power from her
Butt just to lift 1100 pounds. She looks back on that day and wonders
why it was so difficult. She walked off the lifting platform, her Butt
muscles still fully bombed, shorts split open and sweating, but she was
happy. That was also the last time I ever saw her sweat. From then
on, both of our lives totally changed. Her big Butt somehow influenced
every thing we did, and every place we went. The bigger and stronger
it got, the more influence it had, and the more dangerous and
intimidating she became. Soon there became a point of no return. A
point where she would become so powerful that nothing would be able to
stop her from doing anything she wanted to do. Tragically, no one
thought of trying to stop her before it was too late, and the result
has been thousands of lives lost and hundreds of millions of dollars
worth of damage. To this, Penelope simply says "too bad!" and slowly
pumps up her enormous Butt. Nowadays, her Butt is so big and her
muscles so strong that nothing and I mean NOTHING can stop her. Every
weapon known to man has been tried on her, all to no avail. Her
muscular body is like a fortress; she can take as much punishment as
she can dish out. I have never seen as much as a scratch or a bruise
on her body even after a nuclear device ten times the power of the
Hiroshima bomb was detonated at her feet.

A carefully planned assassination attempt, Penelope was lured deep
inside a cavern under the auspices of recovering some exquisite rock
formations that were in danger of being destroyed, and that ordinary
excavation methods would be useless. In other words, her great
strength would be perfect for this operation. After hiking to the
depth of a mile below the surface, she broke the trip wire and there
was this great explosion that could be felt at the surface. Almost
immediately, she was buried under thousands of tons of rubble.
Standing near the mouth of the cave, I thought to myself "This is it.
They finally found a way to stop her. I knew it had to happen sooner
or later." Several minutes later, we were all informed that
aftershocks might occur since the blast mirrored that of a small
earthquake. Sure enough, we heard a succession of progressively louder
and more violent shocks over the course of the next fifteen minutes
that became more thunderous than the original blast. Bystanders began
losing their
footing; falling to the ground, not being able to get on their feet
before the next aftershock would knock them down again. Some began to
scream, fearing that the ground may collapse out from under their feet.
Myself, I was too busy sobbing, thinking that I would never see her
again. Suddenly, Penelope appeared from behind a boulder, and with one
hand, shoved it aside as someone would slide a shower curtain. She was
filthy dirty and completely naked because the blast vaporized her
clothing. Aside from that, she suffered no injury whatsoever.
Whispering to me while shaking dirt out of her hair, she said,
"Paybacks are a bitch, and this
time it's a muscular bitch named Penelope." Still unnoticed by anyone
in the crowd except for myself, she spied an obese man standing nearby.
With beams from her bosom, she lured him over behind the boulder,
grabbed him by the neck and crushed his spine as one would snap a twig
from a tree. He fell over dead; she removed his shirt and pants and
put them on. Even though the waist of his pants was way too big for
her, there still wasn't enough room in the seat to accommodate
Penelope's fully pumped, seventy-two inch monster Butt. She was so
angry that her massive muscles stayed fully pumped throughout the
duration of the "payback."

What ensued was nothing more than gruesome as she mutilated the bodies
of every one present responsible for the explosion. Sixteen people
died that afternoon, all within fifteen minutes. Only then did her
huge Butt muscles begin to relax. She told me later that she had to
literally "swim" through solid rock to get to the surface and in so
doing carved a tunnel a mile deep with her enormous Butt. What
everyone thought were aftershocks was actually Penelope and that
muscular, fully bombed, seventy-two inch weapon punching through nearly
five thousand feet of solid granite.

What Penelope showed to the world on that dreadful day is that there is
absolutely NOTHING that can stop her, except God, which she feels is a
gift from Him, and for everything she does,
there is a reason. A reason why her muscles were allowed to grow to
monstrous proportions, a reason why she has been given the strength of
over thirty-thousand men and is still gaining strength, and a reason
why her body still maintains its feminine appearance, albeit blatantly
magnified. Men still have potent sexual desires for her, despite the
knowledge that they could be crushed to death instantly if she so
desired. She reminds them of a female "Conan The Barbarian"; a comic
book heroine one might find in the pages of an issue of "Heavy Metal"
magazine, except that she is real! To be honest, I cannot recall any
comic book heroine ever being depicted with the voluptuousness and
strength that Penelope possesses. She has even surpassed even the
imaginations of these writers! Penelope is stronger and more powerful
than anyone has ever imagined a human or superhuman being to be!

The physical strength of BPA women can be measured thousands of ways,
and it was deemed necessary several years ago that there be one
defining test. The amazing ability of a BPA woman's Buttocks to direct
all available power to any muscle or group of muscles in the entire
body greatly has greatly simplified strength testing. Now all that was
needed was a weightlifting technique that isolated a group of muscles
that would not involve the legs in any way, since the legs muscles are
the only areas of her body that she develops separately. After a brief
analysis, the bench press was unanimously agreed upon since the
standing position utilizes the legs and the sitting position uses the
Buttocks itself. Sheer size does not necessarily constitute strength,
and the larger women could have an unfair advantage. Months of testing
surrounded the construction of the apparatus, which involved 100,000
and 500,000 pound blocks of lead placed in 1000 foot deep wells on
either side of the bench, and elaborate cabling and cantilevering
systems installed to accommodate and move the tremendous weight. The
bench itself had to be able to hold the combined weight of the contents
of both wells, which totaled ten million pounds, and had to be
adjustable to accommodate the size of the woman's Buttocks using the
apparatus! The reigning strength champion, Becky was the first woman
strong enough to need such a thing, but it wasn't until Penelope went
huge that BPA deemed it necessary to build one.

Penelope also uses it more often than any other member, partly because
it is one of the only devices that bears enough weight to allow others
to observe her growth; she also has one of her own at home. Due to its
massive size and weight, a special room had to be built in the basement
of her house, and when she is lifting, the sound of the metal plates
colliding with one another as she lowers the weight shakes the entire
building. This ominous sound can be heard several miles away! As of
this writing, Penelope can lift 13,000,000 pounds with a fair amount of
ease. Let me repeat: thirteen million pounds or six thousand five
hundred TONS! To put in perspective, the average tractor-trailer
weighs roughly 100,000 pounds fully loaded: she could lift one hundred
thirty of them at one time! That is one powerful Butt.

After seeing my jaw drop once again to the floor as she completes a
fifty repetition set at that weight, she stands up, turns around so I
can see her gigantic Buttocks, pumps up those enormous muscles, a look
down to watch her shorts split wide open and begins laughing
hysterically saying, "Nothing can stop my ferocious Butt! Absolutely
NOTHING!!!" Feeling horny as she always does after a workout, she
"summons" me over to her. I use that term because she is giving a
"command" in a nice sort of way. If one were to receive a "summons" to
appear in court, it's done nicely and politely, and without force; BUT,
if you fail to appear, the authorities can get angry very quickly and
force you to appear. If you fail to respond to one of Penelope's
wishes (and usually immediately), she may use any one of many ways to,
in fact, force you to do it. Put aside for a moment her virtually
limitless muscle power; her "upstairs" weapons have countless numbers
of ways to bring any man to her every beck and call. The most
intimidating has to be the "tractor beam." Penelope directs a beam
from her big breast that covers one's entire body, and she actually
"pulls you toward her. Many men have tried to fight it, including
myself, all to no avail. When you are in that beam, you go "nowhere
but closer to her. She can also use a version of that beam to create a
force field around her so that you "can't get but so close. Period.
The tractor beam is only painful if you resist, but the humiliation is
so great that once you become its victim, you never "ever want it to
happen again.

Not too many other BPA members enjoy the benefit of a powerful bosom
along with their muscular Buttocks; however Penelope also uses the same
intimidation technique that her colleagues use. It's really very
simple; all that is needed is to give the person a quick reminder as to
just how strong she is, and to show the muscles that give her that
strength. On this day, Penelope opted for the Obvious. I had just
witnessed her bench-press seven million pounds, fifty times. She then
lifted her huge, muscular body off the bench, turned around to reach
for a towel to wipe the chalk off her hands, turned her head back to
admire her own huge Butt, then noticed me as I gasped in disbelief at
what I had just seen. Looking me dead in the eye with a lustful grin
on her face, she pumped up every muscle in her vicious Butt to full
expansion and laughed as I had to jump out of the way to avoid being
hit by fragments of her titanium-and-steel reinforced shorts as they
virtually "exploded off her body. When it was over, she was completely
naked from the waist down; I gazed upon It: Deeply tanned (she
sunbathes nude), fully bombed, and seventy-eight inches in
circumference. More physical strength than any creature who has ever
lived on this Earth, an ability to never have had any sickness, injury,
or be affected by any disease, and" to withstand every weapon known to
Mankind. She said "Come, make love to my Butt." This is something
unique to BPA women and especially Penelope. This is a Muscle Butt
woman's variation of foreplay. It appears that the larger and stronger
the Butt gets, the more erogenous it becomes, and Penelope's Butt is as
sensitive to sexual stimulation as a man's penis! This is truly hard
to believe when one considers the amount of strength and protection her
Butt provides. This is also a "big turn-on for me, too. I do whatever
she tells me (obviously), and it usually starts with a rub down from
waist to knees. This takes quite some time, and it is hard to
comprehend just how "big her Butt really is until she allows you the
privilege of putting your hands on it. Sometimes, she will ask me to
"hug" her Butt, and I can't touch my fingers when I try to strap my
arms around it. One can easily see why Penelope's Butt has its very
own registry with the FBI as a "lethal weapon." Despite its immense
size and mass (it alone weighs over 3000 pounds), Penelope's Butt would
never be described as unwieldy or cumbersome; instead she handles that
monstrosity as if it were normal sized. "The only thing I have had a
problem getting used to" she says, "is the ever-increasing distance
from my lower back to the apex of my Butt. Whereas most people are
wider from side to side, I have more distance from front to back, and I
have had to get used to moving through tight places by just going
straight through them. The problem complicates itself that when I do
turn to the side; I'll get through anyway because my powerful Butt will
push through anything that gets in its way. I can't count how many
times I have totally destroyed walls, the front ends of cars; almost
anything that gets in the path of my extremely hard Butt." Penelope
sometimes chuckles at the incredible power she has in doing something
so "ordinary." Anyway, I continue with her lower body massage. After
the rub down is completed, her muscles are usually completely relaxed.
Now it is me who needs rest.

* BPA stands for Big Powerful Ass, a worldwide organization of women
who share the gift of very large and extremely strong and powerful
Buttocks muscles. These women no longer tolerate the word "ass" to be
used to describe their bodypart; however it was decided to not change
the name of the organization, provided that the words are never spelled
out or spoken.