Introducion To Heidi, Chapter 1
By Belial (
Heidi's a one-woman crime-fighting machine.

Iīm here to introduce you to a girl ,a girl ho has a confused mind ,she
doesnīt know from were she came from nor what she is.She knows her name is Heidi
she knows many languages, almost all in the world,and could be considered a
erudite person in all fields of knowledge but she doesnīt remember her past ,if
she has any,nor know noghting about herself.Heidi lives in this world in a
future not very far away from ours.

Heidi is a reather inusual girl ,if we can call her a girl,becouse one
thing she isnīt is human, but she looks like a girl so we will call her a girl
for sake of simplicity.Heidi look like a 19 year old girl ,is 2,01m height,
weight 2170kg and has a perfect body with no pile except for her hair end
eyebrow ,which are fire red.Talking about her hair it is very short, a very
smooth hair. Her musles placed perfectly to make her a litle bit muscular but
not androgen , realy heuge boobs crowned by big red niples,a but with a round
chape foloued by long turned legs,a very beautyfull face with freckle,eyes blue
as the sky and a white skin making her worthy of being any nordic godess
,altought this isnīt a comon feature her looks isnīt what makes her inusual, but
her abilities.With her mind she can move things,control peoples thoughts and
actions she can fly,fly realy fast, in a few seconds she can achiev almost light
speed,she can see in almost all lenght of frequence been able to see through
tinghs ,not to mention her total invulnerability and great strengh,itīs kind of
hard to say how many times stronger she is in comparison with a normal human
being but we can conjecrure that she is at least 10**15(this means a one folowed
by 15 zeros in programing languages or a quadrilion) times stronger than a
normal person.
To have all this power is hard sometimes dispite the fact that Heidi
also has great dexterity,agility,vision,hearing and reflexes to mach her strengh
she already destroied many things and killed many people without wantig.She is
also hard to classify because ,in my opinion, she is nor good nor evil acording
to the current moral,she donīt care for people ,well, she care as much as people
care about ants she give a damn she doesnīt need a great motive to kill, toture
or criple people but she also has her days as "girl scout". Donīt trust my
judgement ,let me tell you about one of hers "girl scout" days so you can make
your own mind.

Sunny day in some big city in the former 1st world

Heidi is flying with her costume borowed from the comic boocks a blue
red and yelow spandex that cover her like a second skin ,very tight on her, with
a big "s" on the midle of the chest and a red cape and she hears some shots a
few miles away so she goes there to check it out.A few moments later she reaches
the turbulent spot and sees what is happening:The police is fighting a few
"civilians" and the civilians are wining.The police has already 5 men down and
has worses weapons than the civilian phalanx.

Heidi seats on a bilding and decides to watch the fireworck.The fight
goes on as other policemans go dawn with a few bystanders.The criminals manage
to repel the police troops enough to get away ,they enter in four cars under a
rain of lead and run away.Our litle heroine decides to folow the cars but they
start to split up so she chooses one of the cars by chance and keeps folowing
this car.
Heidi decides to do what is "almost" politacaly correct and kill all the
criminals so she lands in front of the ranaway car,the driver has time to see
just a blur before the car hits Heidi.Of corse she doesnīt move a single inch as
the front of the car squirm to adjust itself to the cotorns of her body.One of
the four criminals,the driver, is trown out of the car by its own inertia while
the others who had been more sagacious and puted their seetbelts stood inside
the car.
She sinks her fingers on the bonnet and with no efort Heidi splits the
front of the car in half walcking slowly twards the man in the front seat.She
seats on the leap of the now regainig awerness man ,she lightly press her
gargantuan mounds into the confused man chest breacking a few ribs and taking
out his breath ,she caches his wrist also very lightly but still breacking his
bones and she puts his hands behind his head keeping them there with one hand.
The men struggle to relese himself but he is pinned there by Haidi
breasts and hand.The man tries to scream from the scruciating pain caused by the
vise of her hand smashing his wrists, the pressure of her breasts breacking his
hibs and her already grown niples that feels like nails carving into his
flesh,but he canīt get air in his lungs to manage to howl.
"Now litle man you shall tell me where can I find your budies from the
other cars."Sais Heidi not even noticing his fleeble eforts to desingage her.
Heidi scans his mind until she finds out where they should gatter after the
scape, than knowing where to go next she grabs him by his hair and gives him a
nimble kiss breacking his jaw and tooth with her lips.She breacks the kiss,
gives him a litle smile and trusts her boobs a litle bit foward easly crushing
the rest of his ribs.
Standing up she leaves the agonizing man spiting blood barely moving
,looking to the other mans in the hear seat she walck slowly twards them, they
have now recovered from the crash but are now astonished by the demise of their
friend,specialy by the way it hapened.
"What the hell have you done to him?"Sais one of the mans drawing his
machinegun.The desperate man starts to shot in Heidi while the other one starts
to run.The bullets coming out of the weapon leave a trail of smoke and distorts
the density of the air that sourrounds it due to itīs intense heat. Heidi sees
the bullets coming slowly(1Km/s) twards her although he shot from less than 0,5
meters from her she could easly dodge the blast but she donīt even bother.The
bulets feels like a very soft and smooth rain on her that she barely feels
it.She stops and wach as the run away man get some distance while the other man
empty his machine gun on her.When the runing man is about 20 meters away Heidi
lightly spits on the direction of the runing man ,her saliva go through him like
a bulet through toilet paper.The spit hits him in the midle of his schest
resultring in a jet of blood and a dead man.
Heidi than turns to the man in front of her who is stil fireing his
weapon at her and in one fast movment she grabs the gun and takes it away of the
man ,the gun already manglin in her light grip.She licks the barel of the gun
that melts like warm icecream,puting her tong inside of the barel easly opening
it she gives the terified man a one side smile.Heidi dominates his two arms with
one hand,breacking his wrists, and stuck one of her proud 3 cm niples in his
mouth breacking his front teeths and comands him to suckle.The man tryes to
shout from the pain but is mufled by her boob.Tired of the histerical man that
isnīt obeing she she just smash the mans head betwen her brest and her hand.
Tree man down ,one to go.She turns around and sees that the driver is
injured but is concient enough to know that he will be savagely beaten, she
walks twards him under the vision of many bystanders.He is in the grownd and
canīt get up but he pulls a pistol and starts to shoot at Heidi ,again she
barely feels the bullets.She mounts him with him still shooting her.She puts her
mouth on the barrel of the gun and just with her tong she cuts the weapon in
half leaving the man with just half of the gun in his hand.Heidi chews the
metal like buble gum and even pop a baloon of mangled metal,while she rips his
shirt.Pining his both wrist in the ground with her hands,been extremely carfull
not to breake the wrist of this one,Heidi starts to lick his chest very,very
gently.Heidi sees that even been so gentle his chest is becoming severely
"Please donīt kill me!"Says the man between his sighs of pain.
Heidi gos up leveling their faces as she lustly licks her lips and
wisper: "Keep on the beging puny one."Heidi gos down to give him a kiss but her
boobs touch his chest and feeling that his ribs are being cracked by her mounds
she retreat,she donīt want him dead yet,but when she back down her reuge niples
cuts deeply his chest .The man starts to shout in pain.
"!!Freese!!"Says one of the policemans who just arived.
Heidi didnīt notice their aproach but that is no problem."Ok Mr.
policeman."Responds Heidi while the injured man keeps yelling.
"!Put your hands in behind your head and lay down!!"Comands the
Heidi obeis the orders.She put her hands in her head and nodle smashing
the mans body between she and the ground,reducing the man into a pool of blood
and gore.The man barely had time to give one last shout.
"What heapend there!?"Ascks the intrigued policeman.
"He just melted."Answer Heidi gigling.
The policemans starts to walck closer to her.Heidi now knows that there
are 3 of them.They keep pointing their guns to her and walking twards her while
the peasants who saw the onslauth donīt dare to come closer.They reach her and
she still didnīt move.
"!!Put your hands behind your back!!"Yells one of the officers taking
his handcuffs while the other two keep aiming at her.Heidi obeis and the
policeman cuff her.The 3 are puzzled by the scene but they keep doing their jog
as they were taught.The policemen who cuff her grabs on the arm of the 7 foot
godess and tries to lift her up,but for his amazing she didnīt move a single
"Do you want me to stand up Mr. officer?"Ascks Heidi.
"Please mīam."
Heidi gets up.The 3 policeman become astonished when they saw the rests
of the murdered man and that the asphalt was marcked whith her contorns.They
loock back to her in disbeliev.She just breacks the chain of the handcuff and
says:"You are a bunch of naughty cops and you shall be puniched."
In a faster than eyes can folow movement Heidi bury her midle finger in
the forehead of one of the policemans.She keeps her pose for a moment while the
man debates himself and than loock to the other two policemans whith a evil
smile in her face.The 2 cops panic and donīt move for a moment until she licks
her lips and takes her finger of the mans head leting him fall,blood spurt from
his head while he agonize.Sudenly one of the remainig cops starts to run she
just loocks at him and using her mind she makes his head expload in a rain of
blood.The last cop aims his weapon at her face and shoot.The bullets bounses
harmlessly in her body until she picks the weapon and smashes it like putty.
Throwing away the mangled weapon she grabs the 2 arms very lightly
crushing the mans arms and starts to slowly move her hands twards ech other
crushimg the man torax in the midle.

to be continued.....