“P-please have a seat. Make yourself comfortable!”

The bearded, bespectacled, physically diminutive man hesitantly indicated the thickly-stuffed chair next to his desk. Cherie complied with his request, crossing her legs and clasping her hands together on top of her bare thigh. She looked around the room at the various books, pictures, and diplomas, then directly at him with an amused expression on her amazingly gorgeous face.

Dr. McMann could not help staring at his stunning new “patient”. They had spoken on the phone just a few hours ago, and when he had admitted that he had a free hour in his otherwise busy schedule for the day, she had insisted on coming to see him. And now she was here in his modest office. The door, having been ripped right off its hinges, lay outside in the hall, along with several pieces of the doorframe.

The doctor turned his gaze from the blonde goddess to his mangled doorway, then back to her. She gazed back at him with an air of supreme self-confidence, a smile widening across her amazingly full lips.

“Was that really necessary?” he finally managed to ask.

“Sorry,” she responded, not sounding sorry at all. “I didn’t know I was supposed to push it, not pull it.”

“Um, okay,” he said with a sigh. As his eyes took in her long, muscular, lusciously curvy legs, as well as her massive chest that seemed ready to tear right out of her stretched-to-the-limit blouse, he found it even more difficult to reconcile the gorgeous female form before him with the problem she had described on the phone. The crumpled door, however, lay there in the hall as mute evidence that she had not been telling him a tall tale.

“So, do you think you can help me?” she finally asked in that husky, throaty voice that had sent pleasureful shivers down his spine when they had talked on the phone.

The doctor snapped out of his brief reverie, steepled his fingers, and rested his goateed chin on them. He collected his thoughts before replying.

“I must say, you regaled me with an amazing story on the phone. You seem like a nice, charming young lady, and I admit I am finding it difficult to accept that you alone bear the responsibility for the, um, wild events that have dominated the news these past few days, my poor door notwithstanding.”

Cherie leaned forward, mashing her humongous chest between her forearms as she placed her hands on his desk.

“It definitely wasn’t just a story! I made all that destruction happen. It felt so good, so amazingly good, and I don’t see what’s to stop me from doing it again, and again, and again.”

Dr. McMann gazed down at her hands. They did not look like the hands of a wanton destructress. They were really quite lovely hands. He had to resist the impulsive urge to take one of them in his own hands and kiss it.

Instead, he reached over to one corner of his desk and drew out that morning’s newspaper from underneath a stack of file folders he had lain there an hour ago. He spread it out flat on his desk and looked yet again and the unbelievable pictures of destruction underneath the screaming headlines. He shook his head and slapped one hand down on the newspaper.

“Okay, I guess we need to go over this again. Now, you claim that you leveled this town. How? With a bomb? A great big crane with a great big wrecking ball? Yes, I saw what you can do to a door, but that’s a long way from, well, this.” He jabbed at a picture of a flattened supermarket with his index finger.

“That was no more difficult than ripping your door out of its frame,” she said smugly. Then she stood up and faced him, her fingertips resting lightly on the desk and her chest proudly thrust out.

“Look at this body,” she said lustily. The doc did so, and his cock stiffened even more, achingly pushing against his pants zipper. “It is totally, completely invulnerable. I can walk right through anything without a scratch. And look at these fucking tits!”

Her hands suddenly whipped up to her chest, took hold of the fabric of her blouse, and tugged outward. The blouse ripped right down the middle, revealing two incredible globes of pure sucking pleasure that rolled out and flopped down. They formed two titanic torpedoes pointing to either side of the amazed psychiatrist’s face.

“Watch this,” she said as she picked up the large red Swingline stapler from his desk and tucked it down between her melons. Then she stood up erect with her hands on her luscious hips, and slowly tensed her chest muscles.

Dr. McMann watched, wide-eyed, as her huge tits rose upward and pressed together. He heard the crunching and snapping of tortured metal as the poor stapler was utterly crushed between two now very hard globes. Cherie moaned with pure delight as she flexed her chest even harder, and the stapler, now crushed by millions of tons of unstoppable force, was instantly liquified. The super-hot metal dripped down from between her tits and onto the desk, where it immediately burned a hole right through the thick oak. The doctor quickly scooted his chair backward to avoid having the superheated metal pour onto his lap. It ended up on the floor instead, burning the carpet to ash and sizzling on the concrete beneath.

Cherie relaxed her chest. Her boobs flopped back down, returning to their jiggly soft torpedo-like state.

The poor doctor never wanted to suck on something so badly in his life! He wanted to bury his face in those incredible mounds, mash them, squeeze them, suck on them for hours. His cock was now a throbbing, fiery shaft of steel.

He gingerly reached one hand out and pressed his fingertips against one huge hanging mountain. The flesh was soft and warm, yielding easily. His fingers sank several inches into the delightful flesh. Cherie just stood there and gazed blissfully down at this, her lips parted.

“Um, they’re so soft. How can they do what I just saw them do?” He continued to probe at the delicious breast with his fingertips. They were as soft and squishy as he had imagined such enormous melons would be.

“I think there are a whole bunch of muscles in there,” she said huskily, “kinda like a web, just under the skin. When they’re relaxed they’re really thin and you can’t even feel them. But when I tense my chest...”

She started to slowly do so, and her breasts began to lift up again and become more rounded. The doctor felt his fingertips being pushed right out the formerly soft flesh, as if some sort of metal plate was pushing against them from inside that swelling breast.

“When I do this, I think the muscles swell up and completely surround the fat. Now my tits are totally rock-hard, unnnnhhhhhhh...”

She had a look of pure pleasure on her face as she flexed her chest muscles hard and her boobs grew bigger and rounder. Dr. McMann probed at them again with his fingers. They felt like skin-covered bowling balls.

Wondering just how much he could get away with here, he slid his fingers to an engorged nipple. It, too, was like a steel shaft, one inch long and half an inch thick, wrapped in bumpy flesh.

“Mmmm hmmm,” she breathed, “even my nipples have muscles, unnngggghhhhh...”

She relaxed her chest, and her breasts became soft torpedoes again. The fingers with which he had been examining the nipple were now buried deep in that pleasure pillow, pressing the now-soft nipple deep into the surrounding titflesh.

“My god, lady...” he moaned as he brought his other hand up so it could join in the probing and fondling. She just continued to stand there slightly bent over, her fingers on the desk and her huge tits hanging down between her arms, swinging gently from side to side. She watched her massive melons being fondled with undisguised lust and pleasure.

“Mmmnnngggghhh, play with them, yes, unnnggghhh, they’re just big fucking toys...”

Suddenly the doctor was crawling onto his desk, one knee getting momentarily caught in the jagged hole caused by the melted stapler before being roughly freed with the accompanying sound of ripping pants fabric. His glasses fell off his face and were crushed underneath his other knee. Dr. Joseph McMann was hornier than he’d ever been in his life. He could think of nothing but the total devourment of the masses of titflesh that were now clenched firmly in his fists.

Cherie completely gave herself to the ravenous man, letting herself be turned around and lowered onto the desk on her back. Her huge mountains spread out like pancakes, which found themselves quickly mashed against the hungry doctor’s face. Seemingly tireless fingers mashed, squeezed, kneaded the soft flesh, and he opened his mouth and shoveled delicious tit deep inside to suck on with pure breast-crazed lust.

For nearly an hour she just lay there on her back, purring delightedly as the doctor poured out his pent-up lust on her massive melons, sucking and munching and kneading and twisting until finally those tireless fingers and mouth muscles turned into tired, aching ones. He just lay there on top of her with his face half-buried in one delicious breast.

Finally he got to his feet, and only then did Cherie notice the stain on his fancy trousers. He had cum right in his pants at some point while devouring her tasty titflesh. She reached out and brushed her fingers against his crotch and smiled.

“I’m sorry, I guess I’m not going to be good for much else...”

“Mmmmmngggh but you are so wrong,” Cherie interrupted. She sat up on the edge of the desk and brought her hands to Joe’s somewhat nerdy and professorial, yet really quite cute, face. Her fingertips pressed against his temples.

“What are you...?”

“Shush, just stand still a moment. Mmmmm yeah, I think you’ll do just fine...”

Cherie closed her eyes and concentrated. Joe stared at her rather nervously. Then he began to feel a pleasant sort of heat at his temples where the goddess’s fingers were touching him. The heat seemed to spread outward from there, enveloping his head, then flowing down his neck and torso, and outward along his arms and legs.

The heat turned into something else: bolts of white-hot electricity, raging back and forth in his body, zapping from limb to limb. Instead of being painful, however, it felt incredibly wonderful!

Joe looked down at himself, and his eyes widened in amazement. His dress shirt and slacks were ripping apart. After a moment of confusion he realized why: his body was growing larger. Formerly small and flabby muscles now bulged with new-found strength and size. His back formed a widening “V” shape that popped all the buttons of his shirt. His neck muscles bulged and utterly destroyed his shirt collar. Down below, his thighs and calves bulged and ripped right through his hopelessly trashed slacks.

Suddenly the feeling of heat and lightening inside him subsided as Cherie pulled her hands away from his face. The formerly wimpy doctor stared down at his now fantastically muscular body. He was bigger and more muscular than any bodybuilder he had ever seen. Experimentally, be brought his hands together and flexed his whole upper body. What remained of his shirt and tie just shredded and fell to the floor as massive muscles bulged everywhere.

His cock was a gigantic thing, rock-hard and sticking straight out through a gash in his pants and underwear.

Cherie got down on her knees and surrounded that wonderful-looking cock with her breasts. She flexed her chest muscles again, bringing her globes mashing together against Joe’s now-superhuman manhood. Iron-hard breastflesh mashed together around it with unimaginable force, but his shaft did not yield to the pressure. Joe moaned as the most incredible sensations he’d ever felt were transmitted to the now very happy pleasure center of his brain.

Then he lost all control and grabbed her shoulders with his super-strong hands and started to ram his cock in and out, in and out, in and out of the impossibly tight valley between her engorged globes. Cherie shrieked with delight and mashed her tits even harder together with her hands, her arm muscles bulging with the effort. This was the first time since her amazing “changes” a few days ago that she had ever pressed her flesh against something which offered resistance.

Joe fucked her tits with wild abandon. He felt like he could do it forever – his muscles were not tiring at all. Indeed he did fuck her just like that for several hours. Then he suddenly yanked his cock out of there, spun the delightedly squealing Cherie around, and rammed his inflamed shaft of steel right up into her sloppy wet cunt from behind. Her upper body came down onto the desk and completely smashed through it as Joe shoved her forward and down onto the floor. Her hands mashed through the remnants of the desk, fingers digging into the carpet and the concrete underneath it as he fucked her so incredibly, unbelievably hard.

The ground shook. Books tumbled out of bookshelves and everything that hung on the wall fell to the floor. Cracks formed in the walls and ceiling tiles rained down around the incredibly hot and lust-filled love makers.

When Joe came inside her he pushed down on her so hard that her body mashed down into the concrete, making an outline of her incredibly sexy body. She flexed her chest and made her tits shove down even deeper, and as Joe continued to pound his cock into her and spurt his hot cum, her hard globes dug back and forth through the concrete, forming parallel trenches. Cherie moaned and shrieked with absolute delight. The feel of his cum spurting into her, his supercock pounding into her helpless cunt, and her engorged nipples digging their own little trenches in the concrete, brought wave after wave of orgasm tearing through her.

When he was done spurting his seed inside her, be brought out his cock and observed in amazement that it was still rock hard with his continued lust and horniness. He could just fuck her all over again, as long as he wanted. But before he could get into position again to do just that, she was standing up next to him. She squealed with pleasure as she took his erect manhood in her powerful hand.

“It’s so fucking HARD,” Cherie moaned.

“What did you DO to me?!” Joe yelled happily. His voice sounded different now, deeper, more manly. He felt so incredible good, so powerful and strong. He brought his arms up and flexed his biceps. They heaped up into huge balls of steel. Flexing them like that felt curiously wonderful.

“How strong did you make me?”

“Mmmmnnhhh, let’s find out.”

She led him by his huge cock over to the wall. Upon reaching it she just kept walking. Her body just smashed right through, not causing any change in her stride. Wood splintered and smashed down all around. Joe stepped carefully through the huge, roughly Cherie-shaped hole. She turned around to face him and laughed.

“No, you did it wrong, you don’t step over things like that. Just smash right through. Here, try it over here.” 

She led him to the end of the hallway, where they face a red brick wall.

“That’s not wood, that’s brick and rebar! That’s an outside wall.”


“You think I can just walk through it?”

“Mmmm hmmmm.”

“Um, well, okay, here goes...”

He puffed out his huge muscular chest and marched resolutely forward. His pecs and the tip of his still-erect cock made contact first, piling right into the brick. It felt like he was stepping into gritty warm butter; the crushed rock simply yielded to his flesh, crumbling all around him as he pushed through. Then his body encountered the steel rods embedded in the brick. They simply bent outward and loudly snapped as he continued onward. Wherever his body pressed against brick or steel, that brick or steel was utterly incapable of slowing him in the least. The destruction his super-muscular body was causing produced a feeling of incredible superiority and indescribable pleasure, and it fueled his still-raging horniness. His huge cock stood at attention as it tore right though an electrical conduit, sending sparks and flashes of electricity dancing across his groin.

Then he was standing outside, totally naked. He turned around to face his new lover, but she was already coming through the wall, making a new hole next to his. He watched as her massive breasts punched through first, with bits of brick and steel raining down all around them. Then the rest of her incredibly sexy body appeared right behind, sending chunks of wall flying everywhere. One large, heavy chunk smashed against Joe’s cock and shattered into hundreds of pieces. That felt so damn good that he picked up another large hunk of brick and smashed it right down on his unbelievably hard dick. The brick shattered into dust, and his cock didn’t budge a millimeter, continuing to stand at attention. Cherie watched all this and laughed.

Joe flexed every muscle in his body and let out a huge bellow.


Cherie waved her arms in the air and shrieked and whooped along with him:


Her huge tits flopped all around, and Joe could not help grabbing them again. He brought her nipples to his mouth and sucked both of them in deep. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his head, mashing titflesh against his face as he sucked and sucked and sucked.

People in the parking lot stared at them dumbfounded. One poor mom quickly dragged her delighted, squealing kids to their car and drove off in a big hurry.

The two naked superhuman lovers broke off their breast-mashing embrace, and they turned to face the rows of cars in the parking lot.

Cherie giggled and strode to the nearest car, an old Chevy Caprice. She didn’t stop until she was standing in the middle of the front axle. The whole front end of the car was now wrapped around her sexy hips and thighs, and the back end was accordioned against the front of the van parked behind it. She brought her hands to her face (mashing her tits between her elbows) and made a show of being surprised. “Oh! Oooops, walked too far.”

Joe stared at her with rapidly renewing lust. The sight of all that metal bending and tearing all around her sexy body as she had simply plowed into it had been so incredibly erotic. He wanted to try it too...

As Cherie just stood there in the middle of the Caprice’s obliterated engine and watched, Joe walked to the car’s rear end. He stared at the crumpled and fused metal of the car and van, then walked right into it. Metal buckled and tore all around his powerful body. His cock slashed right through everything it encountered – the hardest, sharpest edges could not make the slightest dent or scratch in his own flesh. They simply tore and buckled and folded away.

When he found himself standing roughly in the middle of what remained of the car’s trunk, he turned to face the amazingly beautiful and sexy Cherie. He opened his arms wide and said, “give me a hug!”

Cherie giggled (Joe loved the way her huge tits jiggled when she did that), then started walking slowly toward him. Joe started forward toward her. In between them, tortured metal shrieked and ripped. Glass shattered. A pile of metal rubble rose between them as they drew closer to each other. Cherie held her own arms out wide. Now they were mashing the metal between them, crushing their chests and stomachs and pelvises into the mass of destroyed automobile. Together they formed a human auto compactor, smashing aluminum and steel in between them until they were close enough to embrace. They wrapped their arms around each other and hugged tight. The remaining chunks of metal were smashed paper-thin, then beyond that into some kind of hot ooze that ran down their thighs and right across his cock and her moist cunt. All that did was excite them even more, and their lips crushed together, tongues lashing in a mind-blowing kiss.

Some sort of metal still pressed against Joe’s cock, and he pushed it right up against Cherie’s incredibly willing pussy. He shoved his cock and the metal into her, and she clenched her vaginal muscles tight against his wonderful shaft, crushing the steel all around it and then right out of existence in a jet of silvery steam. Together they sank down into the pile of rubble as Joe fucked her yet again. Cherie’s arms flailed and her sexy legs kicked, sending scraps of trashed Ford flying all about, smashing into the adjacent cars. As she lay on her back with her huge tits wobbling up and down on her chest, Joe gripped her thighs and utterly reamed her delicious cunt with his unstoppable fuck missile. Then he grabbed a long strip of metal and wrapped it around her tits, tying it up in a bow. Cherie moaned loudly, then flexed her chest, making it swell and harden, and the poor metal strip burst apart and went flying in several directions. Joe bent down and chewed roughly on her steel-hard nipple as he continued to fuck her mercilessly.

As they came together in yet another simultaneous orgasm, every bit of metal (and chunks of the asphalt beneath her) within reach was sent flying by Cherie’s hands and feet at incredibly high speed, to smash into buildings as far as several miles away.

They just lay there in the remaining rubble, embracing and kissing and enjoying the feel of each other’s incredible body.

“Cherie?” Joe finally asked after slipping his tongue out of her mouth.


“Why me?”

“Why you what?”

“Why did you come to me? Why did you call me?”

Cherie giggled again. “Oh yeah, that. I was just having fun. I picked up a phone book in the rubble of some building I’d smashed, opened it up to ‘psychiatrists’, and picked somebody at random. The next time I encountered a working phone, I called you and told you my sob story of being totally out of control. Mmmmmggghhh, I am out of control, and I love it!”

Somewhere in the distance, sirens wailed and began to grow louder.

Cherie and Joe gazed into each other eyes, then kissed again, a long hot wonderful kiss. Then she said to him, “ready to have some real fun?”

“Oh YEAH!!”