--- A Helpful Adversary, Part 1 --- Dana stood before the massive door with her hands on her sexy hips. Her huge, beautiful breasts thrust forward, the nipples erect and beckoning. Moisture trickled along the lips of her exposed pussy. She gazed at the forty-foot-high door, which was set into the base of a sheer vertical rock face that rose up for hundreds of feet, and licked her lips. She knew the door was at least three feet thick and made of solid duranium, the strongest metal currently known to scientists. She also knew that her incredible body could tear right through that door with practically no effort at all. As much as she desired to do just that, she continued to just stand there, hands on her hips, totally nude and looking so very delicious, and waited. Finally a deep booming CLANK erupted from somewhere behind that door, and it began to open, slowly and ponderously. Dana slid her hands underneath her massive mountains and lifted them up. Her fingers curled around the front of her titanic torpedoes and played with the inch-long nipples. Between her amazingly sexy thighs, more moisture trickled along her pussy lips. As soon as the massive door had opened enough to permit them passage, the first of the battlebots appeared. Dana’s eyes widened with surprise. The bot that had just emerged was at least thirty feet tall – much taller than the bots she had tangled with during her last visit to Dr. Mulmann’s fortress. The tank treads upon which it traveled rose up higher than her head. The bot’s torso was at least ten feet thick, and Dana had no doubt it was also made of thick duranium, as were its very strong-looking arms which ended in enormous, powerful claws. Perched upon its shoulders was a lethal-looking array of projectile, beam, and missile weapons. As the battlebot thundered slowly toward her, another emerged through the door. Peering past it and into the fortress, Dana could see many more of them lined up. A moan escaped her lips as she gazed upon the hulking menace that approached her. Her fingers clenched into fists, sinking deep into the soft flesh of her massive melons. “Mmmmmmnnnggghhh,” she breathed to herself, “get ready, breasts, for the time of your life.” As the battlebot closed in on the voluptuous blonde beauty, a chain gun mounted next to its squat, bug-like head opened fire. The rounds raked up and down her body, impacting against her thighs, her pussy, her torso, her massive melons, and her face. Her big soft breasts flailed wildly from the impacting slugs, each of which was three inches long, an inch in diameter, and made of depleted uranium. Then she tensed her chest muscles, and the thin webbing of muscle underneath the skin of her breasts greatly thickened, making each breast stick out straight and harden into a vast ball of unbelievable solidity, with a super-erect and solid nipple on the end. The heavy slugs no longer had any effect on her breastflesh -- they simply flattened against her humongous chest and rebounded in all directions, just like the ones that hit the rest of her body. Between her thighs, the hail of slugs made her pussy lips dance and wiggle. Despite the softness of those lips, nothing could force its way in between them unless she so desired it to. The feel of all that ammo impacting her body, and harmlessly bouncing off, felt so incredibly fucking good. Dana just stood there and took it, moaning and sighing with great pleasure. After a whole minute of intense fire that would have obliterated an entire army platoon, the chain gun stopped, its supply of ammo apparently spent. The battlebot was still slowly moving toward her, now about twenty feet away. Another weapon on its shoulder, some sort of new beam weapon, took aim and fired. Dana raised her arms above her head and thrust out her chest even more. The brilliant beam of intense disruptor energy stuck her left breast and spread out across her chest, head, and torso. A smile formed on her beautiful, kissable lips as she enjoyed the pleasant warmth of the beam that was trying to annihilate her delicious body. She relaxed her breasts and shook them slowly from side to side, letting the beam play back and forth across them. As the bot came within ten feet of her, the beam moved down her body until it blasted against her wet cunt. The moisture which had covered her pussy lips immediately flashed into steam. Dana reached down and spread her pussy open with her fingertips, allowing the beam of incredible destructive energy to blast against the juicy pink flesh in between them. More steam erupted, and as her horniness quickly grew, more juices flowed out of her vagina to be instantly blasted into steam. She did not even notice the slugs that were now impacting her massive chest, being fired by the second bot that had rolled up behind and to the right of the first one. The beam abruptly switched off, and the closest battlebot now reached out with one mighty mechanical arm, its claw opening up. The four extremely thick and strong “fingers” closed around Dana’s waist and hips. “Oh no!” Dana shouted as she brought her hands to her mouth in mock terror. “It’s got me!” As the mighty mechanical hand started to squeeze, the bot reached forward with its other arm, opening that claw and then clamping it around her incredible chest (where every man who ever laid eyes upon her wanted to put his hands!). That hand started to squeeze too, and her big soft breasts were mashed against her chest like great big pancakes. At the same time, the bot’s massive arms started to move away from each other, trying to tear her wonderful body in half. “Unnnngggghhhh!” Dana cried as she felt those mighty duranium claws squeeze her chest and hips and thighs with many thousands of tons of atomic-powered force. The huge battlebot meant to crush the life right out of her! Dana moaned with pure pleasure as she felt her insanely powerful body resist the squeezing and tearing forces with absolutely no strain or effort. I am so incredibly fucking strong and indestructible, she thought yet again with glee. Nothing can hurt me, nothing can destroy me. With those delicious thoughts in her head, she reached out around the giant mechanical hand that was squeezing her chest, pressed her hands against each side of it. She decided to give it some help with its attempt to squeeze her to death. Her arm and back muscles flexed as she started slowly pressing her palms together into the super-strong duranium. The metal screeched and squealed as it buckled under her hands. Loud pops and cracks ensued as Dana’s hands punched through the outer layer of “skin”. Her fingers encountered the thick, heavy elemantium rods that formed the bot’s muscles and tendons, and slowly pressed against them. At the same time, she tensed her chest muscles again, causing her breasts to harden and swell into massive balls of super-hard flesh. That mighty mechanical claw, which had been trying so hard to squeeze the life out of the deliciously sexy young lady, suddenly swelled in size as its fingers and palm were forced outward by her swelling bosom. Elemantium tendons and joints ripped loudly, and Dana’s fingers dug into the maze of rods and gears, effortlessly squishing the super-hard metal into bizarre twisted shapes. Her inch-long, super-hard nipples cut through metal-sheathed cables carrying ten of thousands of volts of electricity, sending delightful torrents of crackling energy through those sensitive nipples. Flames erupted within the giant mechanical hand as it was wrenched apart by the unstoppable strength of Dana’s arms and hands and tits. With a shriek of delight, Dana flung the now-useless hand away from her. It tore right off the battlebot’s arm and went flying for hundreds of yards until it impacted against a boulder, shattering both hand and boulder. Dana reached down and effortlessly pealed the bot’s other hand away from her sexy hips and thighs. She continued to bend the fingers back, until she heard the delightful sounds of tearing, ripping metal. Her big tits, once again relaxed, swung and jiggled as she ripped the fingers off the hand, sending sparks and flames shooting all over her thighs and cunt. One sparking cable pressed against her pussy, and she forced it into herself with her fingertips and enjoyed the feel of 30,000 volts crashing throughout her wet love tunnel. Then she squeezed it out of existence with her vaginal muscles, while crushing the rest of the bot’s hand into a ball of twisted metal with her own powerful hands. The battlebot, desperate now to destroy its target with whatever it had left, unleashed a salvo of missiles from its shoulder-mounted launchers, while at the same time hitting her soft, sexy body with the energy beam again. The missiles, not having very far to travel, impacted against her chest almost immediately and exploded in great balls of fire and energy, making her huge breasts jump wildly and flatten briefly against her chest. The beam, as before, had no effect other than to provide her with a pleasantly warm sensation. She stuck her tongue out into the beam and enjoyed the hissing of her saliva as it erupted into steam. Then the force of the explosions crashed back against the battlebot and sent it reeling backward. Dana just stood there and watched the battlebot start to roll forward again. She held her breasts up with her hands and sank her fingers into them. “Mnnnnnggghh, come and take me,” she tainted. “See how helpless I am…” The thing didn’t stop trying; she had to give it credit for that at least. It increased its speed and barreled right at her, intent on crushing her with its many tons of weight. The front of its body, between the thick tank treads, was heavily armored with thick duranium plating. This armor plating slammed into Dana’s sexy body at high speed. Dana just stood there with her arms hanging limply at her sides and watched with lusty delight and amusement as the metal wrapped itself around her luscious body with a great cacophony of shrieks, crunches, and pops. “Mnnnngggghhh,” she moaned, “this feels so good…” She suddenly rammed her hands forward, plunging them right through the thick armor into the bot’s mechanical innards. Each hand grabbed hold of something that felt thick and solid, and then she yanked outward. The bot’s body suddenly ripped in two from its base up to the base of its “neck”. Sparks flew, and waves of electrical energy crackled up Dana’s arms. Powerful sparks even flew between her nipples. Dana shrieked with delight and continue to manhandle the bot’s innards, grabbing and squeezing and ripping and tearing whatever her eager fingers could find. Finally the bot, now totally inert and mostly mangled, toppled over on its side. Immediately, the second battlebot let loose its own salvo of projectiles and missiles. Explosions and powerful impacts wracked Dana’s delicious body. She just stood there with her hands on her hips and smiled. A third battlebot trundled up next to its buddy and hit her with its energy beam and a fussilade of projectiles as well. “Unnngggghhh,” she cried as she held her breasts up with her hands, so the beams and missiles and projectiles could slam against them. “How can you be so mean? Look at these big soft breasts. All they need is a long sucking…” Then she dropped her hands to her sides and tensed her chest muscles again, swelling her boobs up to great big rock-hard balls. Her nipples swelled out to their full super-hard length as well. “But since you won’t suck on them and give me pleasure that way,” she pouted, “I’ll just have to use them to utterly destroy you.” Tucking her hands behind her sexy butt and thrusting her mighty chest out as far as she could, Dana strode to the nearest bot and plowed her fantastic tits right into its armored belly. Dana’s boobs crashed through thick metal struts as well as pipes, gears, control rods and wires. She heaved her chest to and fro, left and right, up and down, smashing her rock-hard tits through everything they could reach. She especially loved it when they ripped through high-voltage wires and shorted them out with huge sparks and small explosions against her nipples. Her sexy legs propelled her forward, making her whole body penetrate into the battlebot’s torso. Once fully inside, she twirled around on her toes, slashing everything around her with her tits and hips and elbows. Then she came up against something that glowed and radiated a lot of heat – the bot’s power-generating reactor. Dana relaxed her chest muscles just long enough to press her tits against the small reactor, wrapping her big soft tits almost completely around it. Then she tensed her chest again. Her boobs swelled up into hard globes again, and the reactor was instantly crushed between them. Blazingly white-hot radioactive metals jetted out from top and bottom, gushing against her face and cunt and cutting through metal parts surrounding her. She relaxed her chest, pulled more of the bot’s innards in between her tits with her hands, and crushed them into molten slag with another tensing of her infinitely powerful chest muscles. She repeated this delightful activity until the bot had been complete cored out, existing now only as a ruined, battered shell. Then she tore her way free of the defeated metal body and gave its treaded base a kick that sent it flying against the third bot. Together they tumbled in a heap until they crashed against the side of the mountain next to the open door. The fourth battlebot let her have it with every weapon it carried; this one had two beams which raked her body with plasma destruction as it fired missile after missile at her, battering her with powerful explosions. This was cause for some concern, because Dana was becoming so incredibly horny that she was afraid she was going to climax very soon. A really powerful orgasm at that. And if she did, she did not know if she could stop herself from destroying the entire fortress and everything in it. She did not want that -- at least, not yet. So, willing herself to ignore the incredibly pleasurable sensations of the mighty forces that sought to destroy her sexy body, she held one hand out toward the attacking battlebot and reached out to it with her mind. An invisible force flowed out her hand to the bot, completely enveloping it. Closing her hand into a fist, she willed that force surrounding the bot to contract. It did so, crushing the now-helpless behemoth into oblivion. Not only was Dana’s body so incredibly powerful, but also her mind could command a force of equally immeasurable power, to bring to bear upon whatever she chose to lift, toss, crush, rip, obliterate, whatever she desired. The only difference between using her mind and using her muscles to exert her super strength was that the latter had the “side effect” of being extremely pleasurable, bringing her to incredible orgasm over and over again if she let it. Feeling metal being crushed against her body or rent into useless shreds by her fingers (or her nipples!) was the most pleasurable experience she could possibly feel. So her mental powers were generally used only for certain special occasions when she really needed them… Yet another battlebot appeared in the doorway and rumbled out to greet her. Dana felt that she had her horniness back under control, at least for the moment; so she stood her ground and let the bot have its way with her body as it blasted her with its full complement of deadly weapons. This one was shooting something new at her: flaming discs of pure energy slammed into her body and spread out tendrils of energy that encircled her, then hardened into rings of some kind of super-light yet super-strong solid matter that gave off flames and crackling blue sparks. Dana let the rings build up around her until she looked like a fiery Michelin Man with a beautiful blonde female head. Two of the rings had her big soft breasts squished in between them, and her nipples were visible sticking out between them. Dana moaned with delight as she slowly puffed out her chest and raised her arms. The encircling rings could not resist her incredible strength and they stretched until they reached the limit of their elasticity. Then they were blasted apart, pieces flying in every direction. Some of the pieces crashed into the approaching battlebot, tearing through its armor and causing significant damage to its robotic innards. One of its tank treads froze while the other picked up speed, and the poor thing started to spin uselessly in a circle, its weapons still firing, sending missiles and faming discs flying every which way. Dana did not like the look of that; she wanted to do the destroying here! So she hopped onto the bot’s tracked base and slammed her hands deep into it, grasping at the still-moving tread’s drive gear and ripping it right out. The gear must have weighed half a ton by itself. The giggling Dana slammed it against her tits, mashing it into the valley between them and then crushing her soft relaxed tits against it with her hands, squeezing, squeezing until the gear was a super-hot mass of goo that flowed down her body, across her moist cunt (oh how she loved that!), cutting right through the bot’s base and onto the ground. When there was no more gear to crush, she forced her way into the bot’s torso and used her tits and hands and thighs to obliterate everything around her. Soon that battlebot was just a smoldering, sparking heap of twisted metal scattered around the feet of the most beautiful, sexy, big-breasted Dana. “Bravo!” a male voice shouted. Dana looked up to see a man emerge from the open doorway of the fortress. He clapped his hands and shouted “bravo!” again as he approached. The sexy superwoman folded her arms underneath her breasts and watched her archenemy, the man who had sworn to destroy her at any cost, approach. “Hello again, Dr. Mulmann!” (to be continued…)