The Sith Goddess An alternate story that takes place when Leia is learning to be a Jedi by Avalian Leia Organa Solo was frustrated. She was a member of the Skywalker family, and therefore was expected to be powerful in the force, but she just couldn't seem to apply the lessons her brother was teaching her. At least, not as well as he could. It probably had something to do with the fact that she simply didn't have the time for the rigorous training her brother said was required. She was always being called away on some matter of state that needed attending to. Her position in the New Republic made it impossible to book week long sessions of Jedi training. Eventually the conflict of her dual nature as Jedi and Stateswoman came to a head and she was forced to abandon her Jedi training. Luke cautioned her that it was a dangerous time to stop her training. When he saw that she would not relent, Luke had asked her to pursue a different avenue of training, instead of Jedi training, focusing on resisting the temptations of the darkside. She politely thanked him for his concern and gave him a little kiss on the forehead. "You worry to much Luke. It's not like I'm in a position where those temptations are likely to arise." As she walked away, Luke mumbled to himself, "I have a bad feeling about this.". After she'd turned a corner out of site, Luke's mind returned to the task at hand - finding additional force sensitives for his Jedi Academy. Time passed and Leia's statement seemed true - she had not faced any temptation to turn to the darkside. And so, the matter passed into memory, until a curious package was left on Leia's desk. Security teams confirmed it was not a bomb and Leia openned it to reveal a crystaline box. It resembled the relic Luke had found called a Holocron. She was going to take it to him when it began to glow. An image of an elderly woman appeared. "Greetings daughter of the force. I am Sierra Elena Xenas, keeper of this holocron. This holocron is intended for female students of the force alone and should not be shared with male practicioners for it's secrets are dangerous for them. For a moment Leia felt a dark presence, but her untrained mind thought it must be her reaction to the warning - and so, she took it very seriously. She could not show Luke this holocron. She found how to shut it off and stowed it away for later study. It was nearly a week before she excitedly removed the holocron from it's magneto-safe in a private meditation chamber that had been allocated to her. Activating it, Sierra again gave her greeting and warning and then Leia began her study. She was surprised to find that this holocron, effectively just an ancient recording device, proved to be a very effective teacher and she learned much more quickly than she had under Luke's tutelage. Sierra indicated that this was because a female student required a female teacher. Several weeks passed as Leia managed to balance her State activities with her studies of the holocron and her skills advanced - something which she kept hidden at the instruction of Sierra. Finally, Sierra had important words for her. "Now, daughter of the force, it is time for you to learn those abilities that will help you most. The force is very powerful and it does not take much of it's vast potential to transform the body. I will teach you how to use the force to make yourself stronger and faster." Leia had witnessed Luke's amazing feats of strength, speed and agility and couldn't wait to learn how to do them herself. He'd told her it was the force guiding his actions, supporting his strength and quickening his pace, but Sierra made it sound like something totally different. Over the next few days Leia learned a ritual that Sierra said would strengthen her muscles. After her first successful use of it she felt wonderful. Stripping down she looked at herself and saw that she looked more fit than she ever had, and as she moved she could see sinewy muscle flex and relax beneath her skin. She went over to a metal bar Sierra had told her to have ready, and following Sierra's instruction placed a hand at each end then tried to bend the bar. Leia was stunned when the bar bent to the strength of her body. She didn't need to actively use the force to do it - the force had reshaped her body to have amazing strength - strength greater than Chewbacca, by far. Certainly on par with any display of strength Luke had performed. Leia kept this new strength hidden as best she could, but her husband noticed that she seemed to be doing certain things easier than before. "I've been working out to keep in shape, hon.", Leia told Han. "Guess I'm actually in better shape than I was when we got married." Han couldn't complain. His beautiful and fit wife's sex drive had increased and she looked sexier now than she had when they'd first met. Leia didn't repeat the ritual again for a number of days, waiting to see if it would fade. When she finally did, she took hold of the metal bar and bent it like so much Chuba plant. When she set down the bar she saw that her fingers had indented the metal without her even noticing. She reactivated the holocron, intent to learn more. "Congratulations daughter, you have now strength to more than match any man. You will find you have incredible energy and resilience to go with it. Stun bolts will not affect you, and a blaster bolt will barely faze you. If you repeat the ritual a second time, no simple blaster will be able to harm you." Leia was shocked by this news. She knew she felt good, but she'd never considered she'd be that powerful. Perhaps she'd go back to the front lines again. After all, if she could simply shrug off blaster fire, and she seemed to be as strong as any hundred men... "Now, daughter, strength is an excellent way to defeat men, but it is not the only way. The male is ruled by his desires, by controlling them you can vanquish him just as easily." This sounded strange to Leia. What on Coruscant was Sierra talking about. "I will now teach you an exercise to make yourself more desirable to males. Use it, and learn the true power women possess." Leia switched the device off before the instruction started. What Sierra was saying sounded wrong to her somehow. It was as if Sierra had something against men. And it sounded as if she wanted Leia to make herself more beautiful to control men. Leia put the holocron away and went off to think on it. It was nearly a week before, overcome with jealousy, she returned to the holocron. She'd spotted Han checking out a female spec ops recruit. If Sierra's exercise worked Leia could fix Han's wandering eye. Back in the meditation chamber she started by repeating the strength ritual, not bothering to test the results. She then turned on the holocron and listened. This exercise proved much more difficult than the strength ritual, and it took Leia nearly a week to master it. Each time she returned with greater determination as she'd seen Han chatting with Winter, or that Mara Jade woman. Each day she'd repeated her strength ritual and on the day that she was ready to perform her beauty exercise she was pleased to discover that she could now bend the strongest corellian steel as if it were putty. Her body was very toned and showed some definition in the muscles, but not nearly giving away her strength - over 10000 times that of any human male. When she completed her exercise Leia's body began to change. Her breasts, already very firm thanks to her new fitness, swelled larger, pulling her robes tight, then ripping them open to reveal the metal bra underneath. In moments, Leia was clad only in a metal bra and a diaphonous skirt - something she'd last worn for Han about 2 years ago - an outfit she'd been given by Jabba the Hutt. She remembered how great she'd looked in it and now went to find a mirror. Her jaw dropped open. If this didn't cure Han's wandering eye, nothing would. She was far more beautiful than she'd been before, her body looking tall and sexy with long shapely legs and a large firm bosom shown off perfectly by her sexy outfit. Looking herself over she realized she did not look as toned as she had before. But, she knew how to fix that. After repeating her strength ritual she was no longer pleased with the way her breasts looked on her more toned form. So, she repeated the beauty treatment. Behind her, the image of Sierra Elena Xenas smiled a wicked smile for she knew that her pupil's jealousy, pride and self doubt had won her to the darkside now. *************************************************************** Luke and Han became concerned. Leia had not been seen for days now. Finally, they'd tracked down an aide who said he'd seen her enter a meditation room almost a week before. When pressed for when she'd left, he wasn't certain she ever had. The two concerned men went and buzzed the door. When there was no response they tried to open it, but to no luck. Luke withdrew his lightsaber and sliced the door open. When he was done they were greeted with Leia's back, she was sitting, hunched over, facing away from them. "Leia, are you OK?" Luke asked, very concerned - more by the unusual way in which he sensed his sister's presence than by how she was sitting. "Oh, I'm more than OK Luke, now that I've found a new teacher." With that Leia stood to her feet and the two men took in her new form. Leai stood 7' tall now, her every muscle a toned, firm, defined miracle of feminine shape. Her legs were the epitomy of male fantasy and her breasts were each bigger than either man's head, and sat proudly and firmly despite no support on them at all. All that she was wearing was a diaphonous skirt. While Han's jaw dropped Luke's brotherly relationship allowed him to maintain self control, and reinforce his will with his own impressive force skills. "Leia, what's happened to you?", Luke asked. "Isn't it obvious Luke, I've grown. And not just physically, I've grown in the force too. Watch." Lightning leapt from Leia's hand and Luke caught it on his lightsaber, still ignited, shielding himself from the worst of it. "What are you doing?" "Well, Luke, I've decided you aren't worth corrupting. Really, I think that's where the Emperor made his greatest mistake. Trying to corrupt you. For some reason, you seem incorruptible." "Leia, that's not you talking, that's the darkside talking." "That distinction no longer exists Luke.", Leia responded coldly, and began to approach menacingly. Luke made a dash down the hallway, hoping to find a moment to think about how to save his sister. He moved with all the speed the force would grant him and was rewarded by cold, malicious laughter as the wall in front of him burst open and Leia stepped through, her speed incredible, even to him, and grabbed hold of him. "Save me? From what? Don't you understand. You can't save me from the darkside. I'm not some little convert like our father was, Luke. I am the darkside." Luke swung his lightsaber - a blade of energy that could cut through the strongest materials in the world. It was instinct, it was survival. He had to not think of what he was facing as his sister as it so obviously was no longer her. He needn't have worried though. The blade that could slice through reinforced neutronium couldn't so much as nick Leia's flesh. "A noble effort Luke, as I expected you'd do. But, your toys are as nothing to me." With that, she grabbed the hand holding the lightsaber and began to squeeze. Luke shut out the pain as long as he could, but eventually screamed. When Leia released it his hand and the lightsaber had been squeezed together so tightly they were now fused to oen another. No one could possibly distinguish hand from weapon. Of course, the delicate electronics had not survived and the weapon was now useless, much as the hand was. "I once heard it said that the power to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the force. I'd never understood that until now.", Leia said. "I want you to observe what was unleashed on the universe because you could not adequately teach your sister." Leia leapt upwards, using the force to shield the fragile body of her brother as they tore through floor after floor of the government building on Corscant before emerging into the night sky, and then descending onto the roof. The top of the nearby observatory ripped off at a glance from Leia and it's massive telescope came to rest in Leia's hand. Luke was stunned, even after all he'd seen, to see Leia holding the 10,000 ton instrument by one end with ease. She put the end to her brother's eye and focused it on the Corellian system. With her other hand she withdrew a numbe of pins from her hair. "Observe." With a flick of her wrist she hurled the pins into space, travelling at incredible speeds, she willed the pins to enter hyperspace and then to exit in the Corellian system. With their speed the trip was nearly instantaneous. As each pin struck a planet the effect was immediately apparent. The ends, blunted slightly by atmospheric friction at both ends, transferred incredible kinetic energy into each planet, ripping them from their orbits and hurtling them into the void of space. Luke passed out to the sound of Leia laughing. Han was only just coming back to his senses when Leia was suddenly in front of him. "Hi honey. Time for us to have our fun!"