Arden's Final Fantasy by atomicboy "I'm the janitor." said Arden. The 31 year old maintenance man was stunned to see Shawndra still at the gym. She was an African American woman with long blonde hair, 5'11 if not 6 feet even. Her body was shaped like a fine stone sculpture - cut like Vickie Gates. He worked out every since he got the job at the gym, but her were muscles huge and hard like she'd been working out for years. "I didn't know anyone was still here." The black goddess wore nothing but red thong panties and held a towels over her breast, which were huge His first thought was to ask are those real, but he decided that wasn't a good time. "My gym bag was on the bench with clothes laid out ready to be worn, how did you not know?" "I didn't pay it any attention." said Arden, "I mean I had just came in and - look, I'm sorry. I didn't expect-" "You didn't expect me. You expected to get a good peek at somebody then you figured you could play it off as an accident with." "No, not at all. Nothing like this has ever happened before. I mean-" "Shut up!" she shouted. Arden stood real still. "Look, I didn't see anything." Arden said sternly, trying not to sound so much like a wuss. "I just came in here to mop and - and - I mean - like I said, I didn't see anything. I-" She stared at him intensely. "You saw a lot, and you're going to pay for the peep show." Shawndra dropped her towel and quickly pulled a T-shirt on to cover her breast. Arden noticed she was kind of busty. A lot of the women loose their breast when they become bodybuilders. He figured that maybe she had been a D cup before possibly. He shook his head, this woman is about to break me and all I can do is think about her tits? he thought. She walked toward him, he noticed her powerful calves. He seen male bodybuilder's whose calves weren't as well defined or as huge. "I don't wanna fight you!" he said. "You should of thought of that before you decided you wanted to be a peeping tom." He took a martial arts stance, stared her down and as she got close enough he bolted for the door. She moved after him, her powerful legs carrying her as if she was flying. She made it to the door before him and slammed it as she fell against it. He stopped on a dime to keep from falling into her. He felt trapped. There was no back door down stairs, but there was away he could get to the upstairs swimming pool through the showers, but as fast as she was there was no way he could make it. He moved away. "C'mon, this was all an accident." "I'm sure it was." she responded grabbing him as he tried to rabbit, sliding her arms under his and behind his neck locking him. She broke the hold, lifted him into the air and flung him to the floor. Arden moaned. The pain wasn't as great as it could've been had she tossed him or something like that, but a body slam on a gym floor was pain enough. He moved to get up only to find to her foot meeting his face midway. She was putting pressure on his nose and mouth, he couldn't breath and when he opened his mouth to try to inhale his tongue would brush against the bottom of her foot. He flailed around trying to get air, striking her legs, but she leaned in slightly to get a good grasp of his hands. This put even more pressure on his face. "This is what you get you little shit!" she said twisting her feet around. Arden thought she would kill him for something he didn't even mean to do. She took her foot from nose and allowed him to breath. She still held his fist and tightened her grip until she heard a pop." "Owww!" he screamed. "I'm sure it's not broken. Not yet anyway." said Shawndra, turning on her heels and placing her thong clads buttocks on his face. He didn't know whether this was a fantasy or a nightmare. He could feel the weight of her heavy, muscular framed body seemingly crush his skull. He couldn't breath and struggled to get free, but to no avail, her bottom covered his nose and mouth, and once again he couldn't breath and this time when he opened his mouth to try to inhale his tongue would brush against her buttocks. Soon he found himself starting to black out. He tried to speak, to tell her he was dying but couldn't. He went light headed, then everything went black. We he came to he was in a beautiful one bedroom apartment with black curtains, and a bunk bed decorated in pink, silk, sheeting. He held his head which was slightly aching. "What the fu-." "You're awoke." he heard a voice say, turning to see a robed red head, about 5'8 sitting on the couch in the living room. She stood and her red robe fell to the ground. He'd seen her at the gym before too. She wasn't as tall as Shawndra but her muscles were huge, many male body builders would've been envious. She was dressed in leather daisy dukes and a red sports bra. "Shawndra said she had some trouble with you at the gym today, is that true?" "No, you don't understand." Arden staggered up. "I'm the janitor there. I didn't know-" "Sure you didn't." "Look, I just wanna go home." "You'll go to your eternal home, as soon as I pummel you."Arden staggered backward trying to turn to run, but the red head seemed to just walk over and grab him. She shoved him to the floor. "What'sup Laura?" he heard a voice say. He looked in the direction of the kitchen, Shawndra was walking toward him in a tight black tube skirt. Her huge arms were exposed and she sported shiry black high heeled shoes that enhanced the dimond cut of her calves. "He tried to run away." Laura grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his backmaking sure he didn't move. "You do anything I don't like and I increase the force. if you hear a loud snap, that'll be the bone going south." Arden was in agony. "I didn't mean to do anything. I'm the janitor dammit! I didn't know-" Shawndra slapped him. "Don't curse at her!" He looked at her then became very queit and hung his head. Shawndra lifed his face to hers, then began to tickle him. Arden broke into rigorous laughter against his will. His body moving about, jerking in all directions. Laura tired of holding him and let him fall. Then kicked him in the side. "Stop laughing!" she ordered. Then she looked down at him checking out the cut of his body through his tight T-shirt, nice bod, but no stamina she thought, then noticed the buldge in his pants. "Hey Shawn, look at this. He likes it." "No, no I don't." Arden protested. "Your manhood says otherwise." Shawndra put her foot on the buldge. "Hey Laura, what do you think would happen if I decided to stand on one foot right now." "He could start a signing career..." "Saprano." both girls said in unison then looked directly at him. Arden inhaled in fear, not knowing what these women were capable of. Shawndra pressed down with her foot. "Please!" he screamed, "I didn't do anything wrong!" Laura sat down on his bulging crotch. "What are we going to do with you you dirty little boy?" Shawndra said "Hold on." then ran into the bathroom. "You work out." Laura asked? "Y-yes, a little." "You got a nice upper build. Let's test your stamina." She bounced onto his chest and lifted his body to slid her legs around his chest and under his back. She moved so fast he had no time to react before she started to crush his ribs between her massive thighs. "Say uncle when it gets too intense." "Uncle!" he shouted almost immediately. But she only smiled and didn't stop until Shawndra came back with the thong panties she was wearing at the gym and some tape. "Since he like to peek at women in their panties." She crammed them into his mouth and taped them there with scotch tape. Laura grabbed his Arden's hand in a vise-like grip anticipating her would try to fight. He struggled but couldn't break free as the panties filled his mouth. Laura marched Him to the bedroom, snatched the phone's cord from the walljack and tied his legs to his feet. Then walked back into the hall. "Now what?" she asked. "Your call." Shawndra said. Laura smiled, grabbed a some KY gel from the refrigirator and a latex rubber glove from a hair dye kit then smiled at Shawndra. "That's gross." Shawndra said as Laura enter the room. Minutes later she heard Arden's muffled screams. She sat on the couch and put her muscular legs on the coffee table. Sometime later Laura came out fiddling with the strings on her white cotton g-string panties. She threw the stained glove into the trash. "Your turn." He's good with the tongue too." she added. "What did you do to him?" asked Shawndra. "Played protologist. Gave him a reason to do whatever I wanted. He even tossed my salad." "I think I want mine tossed too." Shawndra said, smiling wickedly, then she walked into the room. Arden was moving around responding to some kind of disconfort. His hands tied and his pants on the floor. "Having fun? Hey, I need to tell you something. I knew you didn't mean to walk in on me, but I had been planning this for a long time." "Ummp!?!" "I knew you liked female bodybuilders. You used to carry a copy of Women's Physique World or Muscle Elegance around with you. I'd see you ogling me or Laura. But you only liked to ojectify us. Turning us into nothing more than stroke fantasies. Well sweetie, the fantasy got the upper hand this time. Think about this the next time you're stroking off to your WPW or M.E. We're not just fantasies, we're people." Laura had obviously removed the thong gag, then replaced it using packing tape to hold it in place. Shawndra sat down on the bed beside him, snatched the tape off, took the gag from his mouth and stoked his chest moving her hand down to his crotch gripping it tightly. Arden's eyes buldged. "Now, I want you, do the same thing you did to my friend, though I won't fist you. I've got something that will be even more compelling. Start from the front and move to the back. And if at anytime it gets boring I'm going to pop these like like nuts under a steam roller." "Why are you doing this?" he asked as Shawndra's firm muscular, buttocks covered his face. "Don't ask questions, just get on with it, remember whose got your balls in their clutches." Laura noticed she was taking a long time. After about thirty or forty minutes Laura heard Shawndra come from the bedroom. "That was fun." Shawndra said ushering Arden out, while untying his hands. "Now you better get outta here." Arden seemed dazed and confused. "Now before I change my mind!" Arden bolted for the door stumbled slightly then ran out slamming the door behind him. "He was good." said Laura we should have him over again. "He not bad in the sack either." said Shawndra pulling his shorts from her from her cleavage." "You did him? I thought you said-" "I didn't want your sloppy seconds." "Bitch!" The two girls gave each other stern looks, then broke into laughter. "We should have him over again sometimes." said Laura. "I plan on it, we all go to the same gym, remember." Note from author: If you liked this story, write your own sequel.