Mighty Maid, Chapter 2
Mighty Maid gets physical
By an anonymous author

Six months had now passed since Mighty Maid(Maureen) had come to earth.  It was early one Saturday morning in August,Maureen was dreaming.In her dream there was a mighty man with a cock of steel,so hard it could break through reinforced 12inch  steel walls as if there were made of soft paper.A real superman that could satisfy and fulfill her not like these weakling here on earth as she played with herself a 1,000times stronger than any man could.Then with her super-hearing she heard a car pulling up outside her house,instantly woke up.

Checking with her super-vision it was her friend and work mate Sarah a 25year stylist who was quite pretty in her own.With long blonde hair and blue eyes and slim build who was crazy about Robbie Willams.

 I am late,Maureen thought as she at super-speed flew into the bathroom had a wash as the door bell rang i will be right down  maureen shouted as she put on her bra and panties then a skirt and top at incredible super-speed in her bedroom in the blink of the eye,looked in the mirror as put her make-up on,and picked her handbag up and combed her hair all done in less than 5secs,

 HI Sarah,

 Hi Maureen,looking forward to hitting the down tonight

 Yes let see what hunks are out in town tonight

 I think they better lock up there sons tonight laughed as they got in the car.

 At cut above the hairdresser where both Maureen(mighty maid)and her mate Sarah work there are two other girls that work there Tracy a 28year old redhead and Juile the manager a 35year old brunette.Maureen job as trainee  was start she would make sue that the girls had all the brushes, clips,scissors,hairdryer etc.In fact the most powerful woman on earth in her secret id was just general dogsbody so to speak who would make coffee and sweep the floor.

 At around noon maureen heard a plane far away engine exploding - a Boeing 747 that was going to looked like in was going to crash in Empire State Building in New York and with her super-vision with those lovely eyes of hers,i think we have run out of hairspy i just off to the shop,with that maureen went to the back of the shop and in a quiet back alley said to herself this is a job for MIGHTY MAID as she changed into her super-heroine costume and flew the 3,000miles to new york in less than 10secs with those lovely sexy arms of hers 

she got the massive 747 slowly in`s fall not too fast as to damage the plane or make passengers feel that go through g-force.The 747 felt a light as a feather as she now carried the plane and  flew to JFK airport telling the pilot to get his landing gear down but oh no,one of the wheels didn`t come down.

 The captain had lost it now help,help we still doomed he cried

  don`t worry said mighty maid and with a slight push the wheel came down as then mighty maid with grace and style landed the plane,with everyone saying thank you mighty maid,i got back back to the hairdressers they wonder were i have got too as she flew even faster back home to Halifax and when she got back to salon what were the girls doing...

  Hey you missed it maureen we just heard on the radio that fab woman with girl power that amazing mighty maid has saved the day said tracy

  I just wish i could be like here signed juile.

  Oh brother  thought maureen.

   That night maureen put on a sexy black dress and went to meet her freinds Sarah and Tracy They started going round the pubs in hailfax having a great time and letting the old man by them drinks before leaving and going to the next pub,maureen as well as her freinds liked Gin and Tonic yet while her friends were getting really merry,maureen had to put on act of course as even drinking 8bottles of neat gin she would still feel as a sober as a judge as being super human effects of drink has no effect of at all,but of course it would but at risk her id as maureen easson and besides it was great fun acting drunk along with her pals.

At the end of the night at around 1.00am maureen and sarah were walking if bit tipsey towards the taxi rank when two men said girls fancy a quicke instantely maureen droped her drunken act as sarah rested on her still way out of it from the dronk let us go guys i don`t want to hurt you

 she doesn't want to hurt us steve,come on darling get knickers off as he got his knife out

 with that, maureen putting sarah down moved at super-speed she picked one man by his trousers and threw him across the street, landing in a tree 150yards away,

what the said the nasty piece of filth with the knife said as he tried to stab maureen in the chest

hey mister that my new dress that cost 50pounds that really has made me mad as the blade although went through her dress just broke against something far smoother and of couse much harder mighty maid lovely skin,

you want me to feel these don`t you as maureen graped his manhood and squeezed he screamed as his manhood was first squashed as blood out out as his willy was crushed out of existence by might maid lovely sexy hand of steel,

leaving him there and them she put her arm round around sarah who was still out of it so to speak and went home in the taxi after droping sarah of at her place.

that night maureen cried for the first time she had used her powers to hurt someone not help them still she thought he deserved it.