The first chapter - The Origin of Mighty Maid
By an anonymous author

Ten years ago the planet Zorian a huge Red Planet three times the size of Juipter with an earth like atmosphere,but of course due to it size the gravity was 10,000times greater than on earth.Despite the heavy gravity life took hold on the planet and indeed an advanced cilivsation far in advance of our own lived on the planet. Maureen(her Zorian name is not readable in English) was just an average 17year old girl who worked in her home town as a traniee hairdresser,with light brown hair and blue eyes.

Her father was a great scientest who had hardly seem his daughter since spliting from her mother spending all his time in his lab with no time at all for his family,suddenly called her on her xwag(a sort of moblie phone super-computer with 3inch digtial tv screen and told her that the they home world under-by destroyed as there was was going to Super- nova in 24hours and she must hurry to her father lab were he had built a rocket that would carry her beyond her own world and through the vast regions of outer space to Earth.

As maureen hurried to her father lab she wondered about what would happen to all her friends and the rest of her family and even  about the boy she meet down at her local disco the saturday before.

As she got to her father lab he begged her to and told her that the inboard computer had been set to planet 200light years way and the only way she could reach there was to use her father craft fitted with an expermental hyper-drive that fly her many times faster than the speed of light.

finally maureen with a heavy heart agreed to go and took of in her father craft with only mins to go before the sun started to get bigger and building up to it explosion once in the reaches of outer space maureen pressed the hper-drive hear goes she thought as the stars seemed to flash by her then every was black as travelled faster than light through the vast regions of space to Earth.

A month later her rocket came out of hype-drive just outside Mars as it cont on it way to earth still travelling far fast maureen came too as the month had seen like she had just closed her eye for a sec thanks to the law that when you travel at speed of light time relative stands still.I feel different i feel so strong and poweful maybe i am imaging it as the rocket went hurtled towards the earth before crashing into a remote countryside of Yorkshire.

Maureen got out of the space craft and thought wow i feel great i feel i could jump for joy with that she took off like a guided missle going 10,000ft straight through the clouds in one second,wow how is this possiable she thought as then came back down to earth there was a huge tree in the field,she leant on it and it came root up and fell to ground as if were nothing,her now super-hearing had heard earth names and with her super-vision had seem that the earth people did not process this powers that she now possessed and that thanks to her now super-brain as well she could understand English in less than a min and had decided to adopt a human woman name as just looked like any octher 17year old and after hearing names of all the girls in England she thought Maureen Easson sounds like a good name.

Over the next few hours Maureen Easson got used to powers she could find that she could run an earth mile in less than one second flat,and had bent the metal called steel in her hands with the slightest effort and there seemed no object too heavy too lift.Maureen had found a boulder the size of small building weighing many tonnes,and put her sexy hand underneath the blouder and it just came up in her hand as if were light as a pair of knickers!

The next day Maureen Easson as now called herself saw where a huge amounts of building and lights were and of course people she had reached the town of Halifax.Walking down the street she saw a bank and changed this metal which earth people gold for local earth curreny pounds,and went in dorothy perkins as her zorian clothes looked a bit out of place so to speak.After buying some earth clothes she sae an advent in a hairdressing saloon for a trainee hairdresser,the managress they she could take her own but couldn`t pay her much she accepted and was happy that she had got the job on earth she wanted and was looking for an Earth place to live when suddenly there was a robbery across the road in another bank. maybe i can help,but i don`t know if i can risk my brand new id just then she saw a picture of girl in a costume across at thing called a sience-fiction shop,and in the store a repica costume.

Moving faster than the eye could see Maureen went into the shop leaving 50.00pounds put the costume in a pack alley in one second flat and ran the half mile to scene of the robbery where the crooks who had now raided the bank where about to make there getaway in of course a hot car(stolen one), Big Joe put his foot on the accelator as his boss Little John said step on it with got the 250,000in bonds let go before the cops rise,but the car wasn`t moving,maureen had just brought her hand against the bonnet of the car and then lifted the car before putting it down.

Little Joe started to fire his gun as he got out of the car went Maureen just smilled at him as the bullets just bounched off her lovely chest of steel,as mere bullets against Maureen soft breasts,was like a loveling touch that turned the superwoman,oh my that feel good,but i can`t let  you boys have all the fun can we as just then maureen moved faster than the eye could see and in the blink of the eye pulled iron rallings out of the ground and then twisted the heavy metal around the robbers hand as if it were made of soft-putty. Then, she took the guns off the two and picked the bonds out of the wrecked car.

Just then the cops turned up.

"Miss, can you make a statement?"

"Sorry boys - too busy!"

"What can we call you?"

"Call me Mighty Maid!"

With that, Maureen Easson flew off into the night.

To be continued...

Please email me if you want to get in touch with the author.