Turnabout is Fair Play by Ace191 CHAPTER TEN As he finished dressing, Clark thought to himself "this has to be a better day." While putting on his watch, He thought back to the story Perry had made him write last night. One would think that Superwoman had performed a humanitarian service by sending that photographer to his death the way the story read in the Planet. He thought about the last line of his story. "Let's hope that Superwoman's actions will allow celebrities everywhere to enjoy a little privacy which they are all entitled too." Oh well, as Perry pointed out, it wouldn't be smart to piss off a woman with that kind of power and have them both end up like the photographer. He walked down the stairs and noted the comfort of his new air sole shoes. He now finally understood why people had made such a big fuss when they first came out. Stepping outside his apartment complex, he looked to his left and saw an empty cab coming his way. He flagged it down and the cab came to a stop right in front of him. Yes, this was going to be a better day. He opened the rear door and got in but before the door was closed, a large man got in behind him with another getting in the front seat. He started to protest, but before he had gotten a word out, he felt two cold steel prongs against his right side. An instant later, he felt horrible pain as his body began to spasm uncontrollably. "He is coming around. Hit him again" An instant later Clark again felt the terrible pain and spasm and slipped into unconsciousness. A quit flip of Lois' wrist sent the lasso tightly around Mxy. "Now that you are bound by my magic lasso you must answer truthfully and completely any question that I put to you without doing anything to try to return to the 5th dimension or regain your powers. Why were you diving towards your clothes?" "My hat has its own magic and my suit is a magic amplifier. It is what makes me the most powerful wizard in the universe." "Is it part of your magic that makes you have to return to the 5th dimension if you say your name backwards, or is that just something that you made up to give Superman a chance?" "It is something that I made up that also serves as an emergency escape in case something like this happens." "So if I used MY new powers, I could take that ability from you?" Mxy struggled as hard as he could not to answer, but it was no use against the power of the lasso. "Ye Ye Yes, damn you!" Lois smiled and with her free hand, she gestured at Mxy and snapped her fingers. Mxy felt the last of his magic leave his body. "And how does your suit work?" "You just put in on, but you must not do it! No female could ever handle that much power! You don't have the knowledge or the experience to handle my full powers. A stupid bimbo like you would end up destroying the entire universe!" "My my, you have an incredibly sexist viewpoint. I am really going to have to do something about that." Lois gestured at Mxy and again snapped her fingers. Mxy's face suddenly took on a blank stare which gave way to dazed fog. "What, what just happened? What did you do to me?" "Oh not much" replied Lois. "I just transferred all you knowledge and experience in using your powers from you to me." "Nooooooo!" "Oh yes Mxy, yes yes YES! And now, let's see how your suit fits me!" Lois released the lasso after commanding Mxy not to move or try to escape. She tossed his attire into the air and snapped her fingers. Suddenly, she felt the most intense pleasure she had ever know. It was as if every cell in her body was having its own orgasm. The pleasure was too intense and her knees buckled as she collapsed to the floor. She was lost in her ecstasy and on the verge of passing out. Summoning every last amount of her will power, she wished to be able to tolerate wearing the suit. Almost instantly, she felt the super strength return to her legs. She felt absolutely wonderful with power beyond her wildest dreams. Lois stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She now was wearing knee high purple high heel boots with opera length purple gloves. Her little purple hat was tipped to one side of her head and was held in place "as if by magic" she giggled to herself. She admired her form fitting "Mxydress" helmed well above the knee. She turned and grinned at Mxy who now for the first time looked scared and afraid. Lois picked up the lasso and said "now can you think of any other way to get your powers back?" Mxy answered "The only way would be if several wizards came over from the 5th dimension and some how managed to defeat you." "Is there any way I could prevent that?" "Yes, by sealing the dimensional barrier from this side." "You mean like this" as Lois gestured in the air with her hand. Clark awoke only to find himself bound to a large wooden chair. "Well Mr. Kent, it was so gracious of you to accept my invitation." "Luthor! Have you lost your mind? You don't really think that you can get away with kidnapping a reporter in broad daylight, do you?" "Oh I plan to do a lot more than just kidnap you Mr. Kent. While this modern device is handy, when it comes to torture, I guess I am just old school. Do you know what those two devices over there are?" Clark looked over at the Iron Maiden and Rack. They both looked out of place in what otherwise seemed to be a modern lab. He said nothing. "What's the matter Mr. Kent? You never seem to be at a loss for words when you are criticizing me or my company in your newspaper. There are a few things that I would like to know and I am sure that sooner or later your will tell me. And to be sporting about it, I am going to let you choose which device I use on you." "What is it you want to know" Clark asked. "Who Superwoman really is" answered Luthor. The way Lois had been acting towards him lately he didn't really care if he kept her secret or not. He sure as hell wasn't going to be tortured for that information. "I think we can be civilized about this without resorting to extreme measures" Clark said. "Then who is she?" Clark tried to open his mouth to tell Lex what he wanted to know but he was unable too. Great Scott, thought Clark. Mxy must have put a spell on him to prevent him from disclosing to anyone Superwoman's true identity. Clark broke out in a cold sweat as he thought about being tortured to death by Luthor to reveal a secret that he could not. As much as he hated the thought of having to call Lois to rescue him once again, it seemed infinitely better to be humiliated than to be face horrible torture and certain death. With great reluctance, he activated the ultrasonic signal on his watch. "Now Mxy, we are going to need to work on your sexist attitude, and I know just the girl we need to help us." Lois released Mxy from her lasso and by pointing a finger at him, she moved him in front of the mirror. Lois snapped her fingers and said "Mxy, I would like you to meet Mindy." Mxy opened his eyes and knew instantly that something was very wrong. He usually wasn't so tall and the person in the mirror looked nothing like him. The person in the mirror had long blonde hair, a beautiful face, long legs encased in white high heeled boots, a short white leather miniskirt and a shimmery form fitting long sleeved pink blouse. She looked down at her new chest which appeared the same as it did in the mirror, absolutely stunning. "Now you are going to learn first hand what's it like to be a sex object and be thought of as a stupid bimbo." Mindy was at a loss for words. She knew that with the power that Lois now possessed she could do anything she wanted to her. She tried to think of how She could get out of this, but nothing came to her mind. She looked at Lois who seemed to be staring at the wall. Lois heard Clark's signal watch and quickly located him with her Super Vision. "Well Mindy, it looks like Mr. Kent has gotten himself into another jam. We will have to continue our little talk later. Time for you to do your Sleeping Beauty impersonation." Lois pointed her finger at Mindy and moved her to the bed. She snapped her fingers and instantly, Mindy fell asleep. Now what to do about Clark? Lois pondered this for a second and then snapped her fingers. She reappeared in her Superwoman outfit hovering just outside the LexCorp building. "Should I go in through a window and then down the halls and stairwells or take a more direct and destructive approach to the basement lab" Lois asked herself out loud. Seeing how the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, Lois snapped her fingers once more and headed for the wall.