Turnabout is Fair Play by Ace191 CHAPTER SEVEN Their orders taken, Mark the head waiter and wine steward returned to their table. “I would like to tell you what an honor it is for me to serve you and your special guest tonight, Superwoman. I had been saving this Lafitte Rothschild 53 for a special occasion, and I cannot conceive of any occasion more special than this.” Lois had always enjoyed the taste of fine wine, but she could never afford it. The price and the calories were just too much for her and she did not handle alcohol very well either. None of these would be concerns tonight. She was definitely starting to enjoy her new celebrity status. Mark decanted the wine after displaying the cork to her. She took a sip and said “this is absolutely divine Mark, thank you ever so much. Perhaps sometime I can do something extra special for you.” Mark could not believe what she had just said. He tried to be professional but could not hide the emerging grin on his face. At a loss for words he finally managed to get out “I am so glad that it pleases you, Superwoman”. As he walked away from the table, he started to imagine just what sort of extra special treat the most incredible female in the world might have in mind for him. Lost in his fantasy thoughts, he promptly tripped on a step and embarrassingly crashed onto the floor. “Really, Superwoman, flirting with the help?” “Is there someone else here that you would prefer me to flirt with” she asked coyly. Smart and incredibility sexy Mxy thought, what a combo! Might as well find out what’s on her mind. “Why did you ask me here tonight Superwoman?” “Several reasons” she answered. “First, I wanted to thank you for giving me a chance to turn the tables on Clark. For years he has been using his superpowers to take advantage of me. He has taken my heart without ever having any honorable intentions. He has lied to me for years and has consistenly used his powers to gain a professional advantage over me. I can’t thank you enough for giving me this opportunity to see him so much more clearly and provide me with a chance to teach him a much overdue lesson.” “Second, I have always been somewhat of an adventurer. Clark’s idea of a good time is to go to a barn in Kansas somewhere and cut hay or do whatever it is they do there. I on the other hand, am thrilled by visiting new places and experiencing new sensations. You are probably one of the most well traveled individuals in the Galaxy and the truth is, I had hoped tonight that you might share some of your adventures with me.” She knew from his files that he had a big ego and she really hoped he would take the bait. “Who really wants to know, Superwoman or the Daily Plant?” “Whom ever you wish to tell it to Mxy.” Great he had taken the bait Lois thought to herself. The dinner was fabulous, but even better was Mxy’s stories of all the places and dimensions that he had visited. Lois could not believe all the things that he said he had done with his magic. Could any one being really possess that much power she wondered? She had to admit to herself that she was becoming very attracted to him. Power was a definite sexual attraction, as was his tremendous knowledge of the Galaxy. Talk about being a man of the world! He was a man of the Universe! Abruptly, one of his most fantastic stories was interrupted by a flash of intense white light. Lois turned her head as the man with the camera said “Now how about one of you two cuddling together for the Weekly World Enquirer? “ Before the camera could flash again Lois’ eyes did. A burst of her powerful heat vision sent a glob of molten plastic and metal along with several charred fingers to the floor. Before he could take a breath to scream, a small puff of Superwoman’s breath sent him flying across the room crashing into a beautiful picture window. Unfortunately, Lois had been just a little too perturbed by his rude invasion of their privacy and the window exploded as his cart wheeling body shot through it. Seconds later, his shattered lifeless body lay on the sidewalk as a shower of broken glass rained down on it. I bet Madonna and a few other Celebs wished that they could do that Lois chuckled to herself. Mxy looked at Lois. What an incredible female. In all his travels he had never encountered another like her. Beautiful, sexy, alluring and yet she had a balanced sense of right and wrong. She would stand up for the weak and helpless, and yet one crossed her at their own peril. Unlike the Boy Scout who was afraid of hurting a flea, she was not afraid to flex her super muscles if the situation warranted. And there was something else that he just could not explain. She had a certain fire that he was finding extremely attractive. Mike watched this scene with horror. How could the staff have let a Paparazzi come into the restaurant and disturb an otherwise wonderful evening for their most important guest ever? And how was this going to affect Superwoman’s feelings toward him? Damage control time Mike. “Superwoman, I am terribly terribly sorry for that rude intrusion. On behalf or Rocco’s please accept our sincerest apologies”. Lois looked at Mike closely. She could tell that he was sincere and he really was pretty cute. “Apology accepted Mike.” She knew that guys just loved it when you remembered their names. “Now who is ready for dessert? May I suggest our famous hot chocolate chip frying pan Sundae?” “That’s very sweet of you Mike, but I think that we would just like to just sit and talk for awhile. Could you bring us two cups of your best coffee?” “Right away Superwoman”. “Now Mxy, you were saying?” CHAPTER EIGHT Clark was just about to leave work for the night when the call came in. Some man had crashed through a window and fallen to his death at 23rd Avenue and Belmont. Wasn’t Rocco’s in the 2200 block of Belmont? He knew he should have gone there tonight, but the truth was, he had been afraid to. Now he had to go. He ran outside and hailed a cab. It was not much more than a 10 minute ride but by that time most likely reporters from every news outlet in the city would be there. When he got there, the police already had the area roped off. He asked one of the gawkers what happened. “Rumor is that Superwoman got mad at some guy and tossed him out the window.” Great Scott, this just couldn’t be true could it? Had Lois broken his most sacred code? Had she deliberately taken a human life? What could the man have possibly done to her that would warrant killing him? He had to get to the bottom of this. “Oh Mxy, you are just too much” Lois said. “I just hope that you will use a little discretion as to what appears in the Planet Superwoman” “Mxy, let’s go out for some fresh air.” “After you Milady” Lois rose from their table and took his left hand in her right as she walked across the room with him floating just behind. Mxy could not help but notice the sway of her hips and the rhythmic to and fro motion of her skirt in perfect rhythm with her gait. She stopped in front of the huge hole in the picture window and gave Mxy an alluring look that would have melted any other male on the Planet. She flexed her arm until her hand and his just touched her Right breast. Arm in arm, they slowly flew out the window and rose into the night sky. Clark was trying to get through the police line when the motion above attracted his attention. He looked up in disbelief as he saw the pair slowly flying off in close formation. “Great Rao! That looks like another disaster in the making” thought Clark. Lois was flying in a position that she had practiced earlier in the day. Her left arm was extended as she held her stomach in tightly. Her speed and angle of attack were such that her caped billowed and the wind filled out her hair making it seem to come alive. Her skirt clung tightly to her hips while it gently swayed in the breeze. Her efforts were not lost on Mxy and he was excitedly taking in the view. Within a few minutes they arrived at her apartment. Lois flew in though the sliding glass door that she had left open earlier. She closed the door and silently walked over to her couch. She smoothed her skirt with her left hand and sat down putting her right hand onto her right thigh. Mxy sat down beside her. He spoke first. “A superwoman like you should live in a palace, not an apartment like this. Please let me fix this for you” “Anywhere can be a castle as long as a Queen has her King” and with that, Lois bent down and kissed him firmly on the lips. Her kiss was thrilling and exciting, but there was something more as well. There was an exotic fragrance in the air that filled Mxy’s senses. He had heard tales of Kyptonian females giving off powerful pheromones when sexually excited but had never believed it until now. And if ordinary Kyptonian females gave off these scents, what type of chemical signals would a Super Kyptonian Female give off? He was pretty sure that he was going to find out shortly. Mxy responded to her kiss and kissed her back. He gently stroked her right breast which began to excite Lois. Mxy knew from her ever stronger scent that she was becoming more and more sexually aroused. Her intoxicating pheromones were the sweetest dessert that any male had ever experienced. Lois broke off their kiss and looked at him lovingly. She gently cradled him in her arms and slowly flew him into her bedroom laying him carefully on her bed. Hovering just over him, she gave him a big passionate kiss. “Can you give me a minute or two Mxy?” “Of course Lois” She slowly flew backwards and returned to her feet. She turned and walked to her bathroom while Mxy again took in the view of her swaying Skirt and hips. In her bathroom, she took her cape off, unbuckled her belt and let her skirt slip to the floor. She stepped out of it and placed in on the counter. She then stepped out of her leotard and ran her hands down her panty hose to her boots which she quickly removed. She peeled her panty hose off and then put two ankle high nylon footies on. She steeped back into her boots and skirt and snapped her belt buckle closed. She looked at her now scantly clad incredible super body and thought to herself “not bad Lois but you need one more thing”. She reached into her jewelry box and pulled out an old large gold necklace. She focused her heat vision on it and working at super speed molded it into just was she wanted. She picked up her cape and secured it with her modified necklace. She looked at herself in the mirror and touched up her makeup more out of habit than need. Perfect she thought. Her cape was held on with her new gold necklace. Over her right shoulder was a clip with the famous “S” shield, over her left was a clip with a “W” shield both connected by her round gold necklace. Her incredible perfect breasts stood at attention as her chest tapered down to her tiny waist. Her red miniskirt just covered what it needed to while her high heeled boots enhanced her gorgeous legs. She slowly walked back into her bedroom. Nearing her bed, she gently rose into the air while rotating forward to a horizontal position. With her body out straight, she hovered three feet above Mxy and paused for a few seconds to allow him to take in the full effect. She then slowly rotated down as both her nipples just touched his chest as their lips met. Like Johnny Cash sang about, Mxy had been everywhere, but he had never seen anything like Lois hovering above him. Her incredible scent filled the room and he wanted her more than he had ever wanted anything in his life. When her lips and breasts touched him, he felt more alive and excited that he ever thought possible. Her kisses were thrilling, her skin so soft, her hair so full and silky and those incredible buns of steel! Lois started to kiss him on the neck, then his chest followed by his abdomen. Oh no! She wasn’t going to continue moving down was she? Lois was getting very excited. She wanted him in her now. As she got down to his penis, it was only three inches long. This will never do she thought, time to see what a super girl can do. Moments later, they were both more than ready. Lois could not believe the 10 inch titanium like shaft she was looking at. She rose up into the air and gently floated down. It felt wonderful inside her. She started thrusting up and down getting more and more pleasure with each gyration. The faster she went, the better it felt. She tried to control herself, but she couldn’t and before long she was moving at incredible super speed. She had often tried to imagine what super sex with Clark might feel like, but this, this was well beyond her wildest dreams. And then it happened. Her rate suddenly slowed as her super vagina took over. Incredibly powerful contractions now emanated from it and she no longer had any voluntary control. Unbelievable waves of pleasure washed over her and all she could do was fall to her elbows with Mxy’s head lodged between her fabulous breasts. Mxy could not believe what Lois was doing to him. In all the universe he had never encountered a female capable of pleasing him like this. It took almost all his will Power to resist Lois’ super gyrations but even he could not handle the contractions of her unbelievable pleasure palace. With his tiny hands he gripped her buns of steel and came with all his might. It was the most fantastic, most pleasurable experience he had ever known. Yes, this certainly was turning out to be the best trip ever to the little blue planet! Slowly, her powerful contractions began to subside and she felt her super vagina griping tightly mxy’s now limp organ. Carefully, she cradled one arm around his upper back and one over his tush. She lifted up into air, rotated 180 degrees and then lowered herself back down to the bed. She was basking in the most incredible glow any female had ever known. Lois had heard of women describing the earth moving, but for her, the universe had moved! She looked at the little man who had done so much for her and she wanted to give him an extra special thank you. She wrapped her legs around him and gently rubbed his buns with the sides of her super boots. She caressed his upper back with her hand as she offered her left breast to him. Mxy had been to many dimensions, but he would always remember this as the pleasure one. The fluid from her breast was the sweetest nectar he had ever tasted. Why had he never thought about giving her these powers before? In that moment he knew one thing. He wanted her with him always. He finished suckling both her breasts and some how found the strength to lift his head and gaze at her beautiful face. God, she was incredible. “Lois, there are so many things I want to say to you, so many places I want you to see and so many experiences I want to share with you. Please come with me and join me in my travels.” Lois was still basking in her incredible afterglow. The words he spoke brought tears of joy to her eyes. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh Mxy, I would go with you anywhere. There is just one thing. The earth has always been my home. The only friends I have ever known are here. Could you please grant me just one little wish? I am afraid that if I leave, I will miss them terribly and they me.” Mxy waved his hand and said “My beautiful princess, you may have any wish that your heart desires” Lois made her wish and smiled, and then they both drifted off to sleep locked in her powerful embrace. CHAPTER NINE Lois awoke the next morning still feeling the warmth of her incredible after glow. She gently rolled over to her left and let Mxy slide off without waking him. She went into her bathroom and in less that a minute emerged showered and dressed in her Superwoman costume with her hair and makeup done to perfection. If you could put super speed in a can, every woman in the world would want to buy it she thought to herself. She paused by her bed as she gazed at Mxy. Who ever said that great things come in small packages really knew what they were taking about. Walking into her kitchen area, she noted that her automatic coffee maker had done it’s usual good work. Unsure if Mxy preferred tea over coffee, she filled a cup with water and heated it with her heat vision. In a few seconds, it was boiling as she slipped a tea bag into it. Lois was not a culinary master, but she was good at making omelets. She started to rattle around in the kitchen as she got out her large cast iron frying pan and began cutting up the meat and cheese for this morning delight. Responding to the noise, Mxy raised his head up. “What are you doing” he asked. Lois picked up the teacup in her left hand and the coffee pot in her right. “Why, making you breakfast in bed of course. What will it be? Coffee, Tea or Me?” “There is no need for you to work like a common galley slave” said Mxy. “I can make breakfast for us” “But I want to do it for you” answered Lois. She opened her refrigerator door and took out a carton of eggs. She was somewhat dismayed when she noted that there was only one egg left. “Darn, I am all out of eggs! I wish I had a full carton so that I could finish making us breakfast” No sooner had she said it than the carton was full. “Thanks Mxy” she said. In seconds she had cracked 8 eggs and had begun cooking them with her heat vision. She was just getting ready to add the meat and cheese when Mxy spoke. “This is ridiculous. I am going to set a breakfast table fit for a queen” He gestured at Lois’ kitchen table but nothing happened. Not just sure what was going on, he tried again but to no avail. “My powers, they are gone!” “How can that be?” said Lois. “You just provided me with the eggs for our omelet.” “I did no such thing” screamed Mxy. He tried to gather his thoughts to figure out what had happened. Then suddenly it dawned on him. “Lois, what did you wish for last night?” “Well, I was afraid that traveling around with you that I might get home sick. I wanted to be able to come back to earth anytime that I wanted. I also wanted to be your equal, not your floozy so I wished to have magical powers and abilities like yours.” “You idiot. You black haired bimbo, you third dimensional dimwit! Don’t you realize that magic is a type of energy and as such, it can neither be created or destroyed? The only way for you to have powers like mine would be to take them from me!” Lois was stunned. What had she done? “You planned this all along didn’t you? You are nothing but a cheap whore, a super slut” “No Mxy, it was not like that at all” “When I come back in 90 days I am going to make your life a living hell! You are going to spend the rest of your days as an ugly fat disgusting woman whose stench is so bad, even the hoses at the stable who’s shit you will shovel will find your odor intolerable. So you like new experiences and sensations Lois? That’s good because I have plenty lined up for you starting with Herpes, Leprosy and Rheumatoid Arthritis.” Lois was in a panic. How had this gone so wrong? Think Lois think! At super speed she reviewed every thing that she knew about Mxy. She knew that if he returned to the 5th Dimension everything would revert to how it had been before he came and in 90 days she would be a dead woman. I have to stop him from returning but how? “Supes was right all along about you. You are nothing but a power craving super bitch. Enjoy what little time you have left. See you in 90. Klt” The second she heard him start to speak the word she gestured at him and wished with all her will power that he would be unable to speak. He stopped in mid syllable. What he did next was a surprise to her. He jumped off the bed head first. She blinked as her mind ran at super speed trying to figure out what he was doing. He seemed to be diving for his clothes. Was there something there that could help him return to the 5th dimension? Best not to let him get there and find out. She gestured again and now Mxy was frozen in midair. She pointed a finger at him, raised him up and moved him to a corner of the room. “Now you may breathe and your heart may beat, but other than that you may not move a muscle. You also may not do anything to take my new powers from me or to return to your home dimension” Lois dictated. Mxy was furious. What the hell had he let happen here? How could he have gotten himself into this position? He didn’t know how at the moment, but when he got his powers back, Lois would be the most miserable person in the universe for all eternity. Lois didn’t really feel any different. She wondered if she looked any different. She wished for a 3 pane mirror to appear and then checked herself out in it. Same old Superwoman Lois thought to herself as she admired her reflection. Feeling a little more relaxed, Lois decided to experiment with her new powers. As she was standing in front of a mirror, the idea came to her to see if she could change her outfits just by willing it. She thought for a moment and then remembered all the comic books she had read as a kid. Perfect she thought as she snapped her fingers and her outfit changed. An instant later she was looking at a grey body suit with yellow boots and cape, black cowl and a yellow bat on a black background on her chest. Very sexy she thought, but not powerful enough. She snapped her fingers again and now was standing in 3 inch white high heeled boots with white gloves, a green mask and a glowing green ring on her right index finger. Her female version Green Lantern costume hugged every delicious curve of her still super body. She pointed her hand at a trash can and green energy shot out of her ring changing it into a flower pot. Interesting, but a little too butch she though. She snapped her fingers again and was thrilled with what she saw this time. Three inch high heeled skin tight hot pink boots. A form fitting hot pink leotard with a regal appearing large white collar. A broad in front, narrow in back white belt with a purple atom symbol. Her costume was accented by elbow length purple gloves with a hot pink domino mask. And finally, the ensemble was crowned with a hot pink tiara adorned with a huge purple Sapphire. Yes! This outfit said it all. Hot, sexy, powerful, regal and dangerous. A real potential keeper uniquely suited for her new powers and abilities. But still her mind wandered. There was one more costume that Lois wanted to try. It was the most recognized of all female comic book super heroines. Every man wanted her, every woman wished they could be her. She had to try it. A snap of her fingers later she was taking in the view. No Hollywood actress or cartoonist’s rendition could do justice to “the suit” the way her super body did. Red and white high heeled boots. Her buns of steel were covered with white stars on a blue background. And her chest. Words alone could not describe how incredible she looked in the red and gold. Gold bracelets, a gold tiara and a golden lasso at her R hip finished this masterpiece. Mxy had been taking in the view. It was a good thing that he could not move a muscle as he knew after this show which one would be moving right about now. Lois reached down to her hip and grasp her Golden Lasso. A devious grin came over her face. She knew just exactly how she was going to use it.