Hi folks...

This is Anterion and this is my first attempt to write a decent story in English. It is meant to be a continous story in several chapters. Every comment or critisism is welcome. Please mail me at: anterion@gmx.net

And again, please be kind about my grandma, eh.. gramma :-) This part doesn't contain any adult stuff... YET!!! Be patient for one of the next chapters. And now, let the story begin.

"A Kind of Magic..."

Bianca was on the run. A bunch of guys had intercepted her on her way home. The way they had talked left little doubt about their intentions.

Although she never would think so of herself, she was a good looking girl. She stood 5,6" tall and was slightly more curvy than the average. Her dark brown hair reached her shoulders in the rare times, when she didn't wear it in a mousey pony tail. Her face was cute with a little nose, dimples and green eyes. A lot of people wouldn't recognize this because of her thick glasses.

The boys had her now cornered in a dark alley. Looking for an escape all she could do was to hide behind a large dumpster. A few seconds later she heard the footsteps of the gang. She dared not to look, fearing to reveal her hiding place. "Ok baby. We know that you are in there. Better be a good girl and come out now. Perhaps we hurt you less then. Or.... maybe not." The loud laugh of the gang made her shiver. She was just about to leave her place when she heard a new voice. It was a voice like she had never heard before. Rich, melodius and soft. She wasn't sure, if it was a man's or a woman's voice. It would fit to both sexes.

"Greetings, oh small minded ones. I'm afraid tonight is your unlucky night, for you have chosen the wrong person to bully around this time." Bianca still stayed put but the self confident voice raised hope in her, that someone was about to help her. "You better leave no in peace or else..."

"What 'else...' wise guy?" shouted the gang leader. "You want to stop us all alone?"

The gang laughed again, but Bianca could have sworn that there was a hint of nervousness in their laughter.

"Or else... ", the voice continued, "I have to leave you to the mercy of the one you were chasing."

"What?" The shout came from Bianca's mouth as well as from the gang leader's. "Are you insane. And what about this outfit? It isn't Halloween, you know."

The voice sighed. "Well, then it has to be done. You know, I don't like violence, but the comming events will be quite spectacular." Suddenly everything was quiet. The city's sounds had vanished and a breeze was now blowing through the dark alley. Then Bianca heard the voice again, but this time louder, filled with authority and might. It talked in a language she had never heard. "Anel Natrach, Utas Betad, Oswel Dien Weh!".

The last syllables seemed to be shouted with unearthly loudness. Suddenly a strong wind blew through the streets some of the distant lamps died and some dogs could be heard, howling in the distance. Then everything returned back to normal. The distant sounds of the cities returned.

"Hey, where did he go?"

"He just blinked out of sight."


"Who cares. Come on lets get the girl."

Bianca felt tears welling up in her eyes. She had hoped that someone would help her. But this someone turned out to be totally mad. And here she was now. Squeezing herself even further in the space between the wall and the dumpster. Perhaps that guys couldn't get her there. They were too big to reach her and the dumpster seemed heavy enough to withstand the gang. Now she heard the gang searching for her.

Her fear took her breath and it felt to her as if the dumpster moved closer to her. No, it didn't only feel so but it was not the dumpster that moved. It was her who filled the space more and more. Her fear of the gang was suddenly replaced by the fear of what happened to her. She felt her shirt geting thight as her bust swelled, trapped against the cold metal of the dumpster. Then she began to feel something new. A feeling that slowly pushed away the fear. It felt like a warmth spreading through her body, starting from her chest. Filling her with energy and new courage. And suddenly her vision became blurry as if she had lost her glasses. She struggled to take take them off. Her vision instantly cleared. In fact it seemed even clearer than it had ever been. Amazed she dropped her glasses. They broke as they hit the floor.

"Hey. She's over there."

Bianca instantly forgot about her strange changes. Although the feeling of confidence was still inside her, the fear had come back. She struggled, nearly in panic to get free. All of a sudden she felt room to move. Instantly she hurried away from the dumpster.

"Hey guys. She's getting away."

Bianca ran like she never had ran before. To her surprise she quickly lost the gang. Her feet seemingly light as feathers. "Must be the adrenalin." she thought.

Not knowing where to run, she found herself at the backdoor of a house. Hecticaly trying to open it she almost fell back when the handle suddenly came loose. There had been a loud "twang"

"How did this happen?" she talked out loud.

"Well, how indeed."

Bianca froze. That voice. It was the voice from the alley. Slowly she turned around. She had not known what to expect, but she was nevertheless surprised by what she saw. On the end of a fireladder sat a strange man. He was tall and slender. He wore black leather trousers, brown leather boots, green shirt and a black vest. He had long blonde hair that reached his shoulders hold back from his face by a black bandana. His face was handsome in a fragile way. High checkbones and slightly asian looking eyes. Then she became aware of his ears. They were pointy, almost like Mr. Spock from Star Trek. He had a devilish smile on his face and his green eyes seemed to flash in their own light for moment. With a fluid motion he jumped down and stepped up to her.

"Are you afraid?" His melodic voice engulfed her and for a moment she couldn't move.

He took her hand, that still held the doorhandle. Slowly he closed her fingers around it. Like in trance she followed his motions. "Well, personaly, I couldn't imagine, why a beautiful and likewise powerful young woman like yourself should be afraid of a weak and gentle person like myself."

"Me?" Bianca said. "Beautiful and ... powerful?"

"Of course, only someone with at least the strength of an ogre could do, what you have just recently done with you small and delicate hand."

He pointed at her hand. Following his hand, she looked at her own hand. Without her noticing it, his fingers had left hers. She opened her fist. The doorhandle hand been mangled in her grip. Her imprints of her fingers were left in the metal. Then it occured to her, that her own strength had done this. The handle hit the floor a few moments later. Bianca stared at her own hand in complete disbelieve. The strange man had walked around her in the meantime.

"Do you believe me now?", he said. "And if you should have any doubt about being beautiful..." He made a quick gesture and slowly the air in front of them began to whirl. It got thicker and slowly became silvery and shiny. After a few seconds some kind of mirror had appeared in front of them.

Bianca took in her breath as she saw herself. She had grown one or two inches. Her bust also was now a lot bigger. Without her glasses even she herself saw her pretty face. With her enlarged breasts her shirt only came down just above her abdomen. Her stomach was flat and showed heavy hints of abdominal muscles.

"You see now my Lady, I tell the truth. Yours is the beauty of a nymph, and the strength of a titan."

"How ... "

"This is possible you ask my Lady? Simple. Magic."

He shook his hand and the mirror disappeared. Bianca felt his hands around her waist as he hugged her gently from behind.

"And the power you posses now is only a fraction of what is to come my dear."

She slowly turned around in his arms. A smile crossed her face. "So, my oh so gentle mysterious friend. Are you going tell me more about you and why you gave me this gift? Or do I have to squeeze it out of you?" With that she gripped his belt and slowly lifted him up, with only one hand. She was amazed at how little effort it took her. His smile never faded although he was now floating one foot above the floor.

"I see you already get a feeling for your abilities. Very nice. So where shall I begin? My name is Anterion Tiralassandria. I am what you would call an elf. You think of us as a legend because we wanted it to be this way. Our magical powers allow us to alter reality to our whishes. We have a feeling for hidden beauty, so I saw your potential a while ago. And all I did was unlock it."

"If you decided to stay hidden, Anterion, why have you now revealed yourself?"

"Because I myself think, that it is time for some... fun!" His smile widened. "And you looked like someone who can appreciate fun as much as I do."

Bianca had to laugh. Here she was, holding a man in the air with only one hand. Feeling stronger and sexier than ever before in her whole life.

"And if you would release me now, my invincible queen of beauty, the fun can begin and with it the further development of your powers..."

To be continued in "Born to be wild"