Secrets Revealed - Part 4 By Kent The girls really turn up the heat Authors note: If you are not of legal age, please do not read. If the ideal of young girls and women, capable of extreme feats of strength bothers you dont read, If things of sexual nature bother you, dont read. All characters are fiction. I do not promote any illegal acts or immoral behavior. Any stories following are for entertainment only. Email with comments to Secrets Revealed - Part 4 - a Society of Strength story Dons room was a pretty standard guys room, a pin-up poster of busty girl, a WWF poster of Chyna, a sports car poster and several others. It was neat and tidy. As Don entered Becky was right behind him and she pulled the door closed behind her. He turned around and she was walking slowly toward him, her eyes locked on his. "Donnie, my little stud, you know Iv wanted you for a long time now" She moved closer. "Really Becky I didnt know. I did always think you were attractive, but I never thought you would be interested in me" Becky moved much closer, till she was toe to toe with Don. She grabbed him by the front of the shirt with her left hand and lifted him from the floor. "Well, I want you Don Franklin and I normally get what I want." she tossed him backward on to his bed. Becky looked down on him and ran her hands from her waist down over her hips and back again. "Do you think Im sexy?" "God, your incredible" "Do you want me?" she ran her hands up to cup her full bosom. He was breathing hard "Oh yeah, more that you can imagine" Don started to get up and move toward Becky. She placed two fingers on his chest and gave a light push. He flew back all the way to the head board, his shoulders hitting hard against it. "Not yet baby, Iv got something to show you." She moved body in a sultry way. She turned and raised an arm and flexed it. At the same time she thrust out her chest and tightened her sweet ass. Don watched with growing excitement and Becky started showing off her sexy body. Apparently her strength wasnt all she liked to show off. She hit several poses, each showing off her muscle and her ample assets. Slowly she started pulling off her T-shirt, leaving her in a pair of tight shorts and her bra. He moved closer and she pointed back to the bed. He learned quickly to comply. Don Stared at her chest, the bra was straining to contain her breasts. It was loosing because flesh was swelling out the top and sides and looked about to burst at any moment. She reached up and started to remove it in a very sensual way. "Whoa Beck! your chest is incredible!" Becky looked very serious and very into this. "I hope its not too much. Its starting to be a hassle, cant hardly find a 32DD bra, not at Wal- Mart anyway, and besides I could probably stand to go up a cup size." Then she removed her bra. Her breasts were so round and full, no sag, and even though they were huge, she didnt need a bra. Becky then cupped her breasts and pushed them up and together and massaged them a moment. "Really, I love big boobs" His manhood was a full attention and staining now. His breathe coming fast and hot. Becky motioned him forward with a finger. "Come here baby." Don slide to the foot of the bed into a sitting position. Becky pulled him close and kissed him twice very tenderly. She reached down and slid a hand down into his pants and began to fondle him. Becky then started to kiss him more aggressively and he responded by reaching up and began to rub her breast. She moaned softly as he did. He started to trail kisses down her neck and into her cleavage. "Harder" she said hotly and Don began squeezing her. Don could hardly believe how firm and full her breasts were. He moved both hands to try to encircle one. He squeezed hard and was amazed at the way it resisted the pressure. Her breast barely gave any. They were extremely firm yet soft. She moaned louder and began clamping down and pumping his manhood. It was more than he could stand and his excitement peaked like it never had before. Suddenly before he could stop the floodgates of passion, he realized he was finished way too soon. "Oh god Becky, Im sorry, I didnt mean to finish so soon." "Dont sweat it lover, you just were so cranked up, We will just keep going and you will be fine" She dropped to her knees and undid his pants. "Its isnt like that, it takes a long time to be rrrRRrready" he squealed with pleasure. Becky had taken his limpness, placed it in her cleavage, and started to pump it up and down. "Oh god" he said breathlessly. After about a half dozen pumps, he couldnt believe it, he was about to climax again and if it was possible he was more on fire than before. "Im (breath) loosing it again" "Oh no you dont baby!" She suddenly pushed her breasts together hard and stopped pumping. Don felt like he was climaxing, but the vise of flesh seemed to push his hot juices back to his balls. He had never experienced anything like her cleavage. He breathed hard for a moment or two. Becky stood up and pulled Dons shirt off and then slipped out of her shorts. "I dont know why, but that always works, it always does, almost too well" She pushed Don back and jumped on him. Her mouth found his and kissed him passionately. She rose up and straddled him, her breasts weaving back and forth. He found her womanhood, they began their lovemaking and it was better than anything he had experienced before. The pizza was almost gone and the girls were talking about Don and Becky. It had been quite a while since they had gone off alone. It seemed to me that they must have really hit it off. Both Jill and Shannon were flirting with me; they really seemed to get off on my reactions to their amazing strength and hot bodies. I was unsure of which girl had my interest. Shannon was so strong and had an incredible ass, Jills ass was nearly as fine and she was the total package. Both girls great to be with and I liked them both. Something in the way that Jill looked at me, a smoking sensual way that held the promise of things to come, got my total attention. I looked Jill over again, wow, beautiful hair, flawless face, full perky breasts, slim waist, tight round bottom, long sexy legs. I had to have her. Shannon must have seen the look in my eyes. "Well, Iv got to get going, Iv got some things to take care of tonight." She said a few things and made her goodnights, but she did wink at and gave me an arm flex as she went. The door closed and Jill came over to me. The look in her eyes was hotter. I placed my hands on her waist as she leaned up to kiss me. Her kiss left me breathless. "Steve, lets go back to the weight room. I have a few things to show you yet" I was lying on my back; Jill had stripped down to her panties. She stood over me with a weight in each hand, pumping with one and then the other, each short bar weighing almost 200 pounds. She would breath out with each rep. I could see the sweat moistening her skin. She seamed tireless and my heart was racing. "Your so hot Jill" I was erect and wanted her so. "How many of those are going to do? Lets fool around" She smiled "I normally do about 200 of them, I might not be a strong as Shannon or Becky, but Iv got stamina." I reached up and started fondling her breasts, a look of pleasure washed across her face. She closed her eyes enjoying my touch and continued working the enormous weight. I sat up and started kissing her flat stomach. She began pumping both weights together, now out to each side to give me room. I could hear the sounds of pleasure coming from her. I began tonguing her nipples, reached my hand between her legs and worked it. "Oh god," she cried out. Jills body shook with shudders of pleasure. She tossed the weights aside like they were toys, the floor shook as they hit. "Oh Steve!" now she squirmed with pleasure "YEES-S-S!" Jill opened her eyes "Steve honey, you devil," she grinned at him "my turn". Her hand dropped down and started working my hardness. Jill leaned down and kissed me hungrily. My breath came hot and fast. She then kissed her way lower until her lips found their destination. Just when I thought I couldnt take any more she reached out and lifted me like a child. Jill turned and lay back on the bench, still holding me. "Take me now Steve, I need you so bad". As she let me down, I started to take my pleasure. As summer grew hotter, so did Jills and my lovemaking. We spent a lot of time with Don and Becky, Shannon and some of the rest of our gang. I dont know if anything ever matched the night that we learned of the girls strength and there passions. It was a funny thing though, Don nor I never seemed to talk about their power, or the secret society of Strong girls, except between ourselves or with the them. It was like we couldnt, maybe it was meant to be secret, maybe it had something to do with why these girl were so strong, but we didnt care we were just glad it was true. END