Secrets Revealed - Part 1 By Kent The girls show the boys their incredible strength and a bit more. Authors note: If you are not of legal age, please do not read. If the ideal of young girls and women, capable of extreme feats of strength bothers you dont read, If things of sexual nature bother you, dont read. All characters are fiction. I do not promote any illegal acts or immoral behavior. Any stories following are for entertainment only. Email - with comments. Secrets Revealed - a Society of Strength story - Part 1 Characters Steve Star - Age 17, Brown hair, Brown eyes, 5' 11", 180lbs, Solid build. (Lead role) Don Franklin - Age 17, Light brown hair, Gray eyes, 5' 9, 165lbs, Average build. Jill Franklin - Age 16, Blond hair, Green eyes, 5' 4", 114lbs, Ave Build, 36-24-35. Becky Young - Age 16, Dark brown hair, Brown eyes, 5' 0", 96lbs, petite, 38-21-34. Shannon Oneil - Age 16, Blonde hair, Green eyes, 5' 1", 106lbs, shapely, 35-24-36 Don Franklin and I have been friends for a few years now; he was always easy to get a long with so it seemed a natural friendship. We did lots of hanging out together had lots of good times, but Ill never forget last year when I got to know his little sister and her friends. It all started out on a Friday about a week after school got out for summer. I had gone over to Dons house early that morning to hang out with him. I rang the doorbell. When the door opened, I was greeted with a bright smile from Dons sister Jill. "Hi Steve! Come on in" a long with the smile was a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Don is in the Kitchen, Eating again" with a laugh. "That figures! never misses a meal" and I chuckled too With that said I followed Jill into the Kitchen, I couldnt help watching her as we walked. Of course it seemed everyone always noticed her. She was a classic, very pretty, well styled hair, always dressed just right, Cheerleader, gymnast, and into several clubs at school. I was looking forward to next year, Id be a senior and she would be a sophomore. Maybe Id get to know her better, maybe even have a class or two together. Don and I decided to go down to the lake and go fishing for a while. He seemed distracted by something today. Finally I had to do something " Don whats up? your really quiet this morning, you havent hardly said a word" "Just a little nervous I guess, my sisters have a bunch of friends over tonight, and Becky Young is going to be there" he seemed more that just nervous. "Becky Young?... " I thought a moment "Tom Youngs little sister? Little brunette, very well put together?" "Yeah thats her" he whistled "she is hot! I mean really hot! Do ya think she is too young for me? I mean Id really like to get to know her, I mean she is so damn fine" "Maybe we should just sorta be around your house tonight, maybe you can talk to her" "I dont know" he seemed to look even more nervous if that was possible "my Mom always sends me away someplace, to my grandmas or aunts, when ever Jill has friends around. And I dont want to piss off Jill" Jill had always seemed pretty tuff for a girl; she was into sports and worked out with the other girls at school. Id seen her take Don down a couple times fighting, even though he out weighed her by a good 50lbs. I remembered she handled him quite easily, really easily. "Jill seems pretty tuff for a girl her size. How strong is she Don?.. I mean I think its pretty cool for a girl to be kind of strong" "My Mom says Im not suppose to talk about stuff like that Steve..." "Come on Don... Im your best bud, you can tell me. Dont you think its kind of hot when a girl is tuff?" He thought I minute. " OK but you have to promise never to say a word" "I promise, just between buds" "I think its real hot went a girl is strong, except when its your sister, and believe me, you dont want to piss off Jill. I dont know how strong she is, but she can take me without hardly trying. I think thats why I have to get lost when her friends come over. I think they go down to Jills workout room in the basement. Its locked all the time and Iv never even been in it." He looked nervous again "Im starting to wonder if they are all tuff, and we just dont know It." he paused "Iv said to much already and I dont want to piss off Jill or Mom" This was too much to believe all of them tuff? but now I was getting more interested in knowing Jill better. I had to convince him to drop in on the girls. "Don.. Stay over at my house tonight and then later after your folks go out, we can drop by and see the girls" "I dont know..." "Becky is going to be there. You can get a chance to talk to her and Jill isnt going to start anything if Im there or in front of her friends" "OK, but Its your Idea, Im not taking the rap" Just then he bobber went under the water "Hey Don!.. You got a bite!" * * * * * * Later that night Don arrived at my house and eat supper, cant miss a good meal. At about 7pm we headed over to drop in on the girls. We came in the back door and could hear music playing and voices from the family room. I motioned for Don to stay quite as we approached the open doorway, he didnt looked pleased about that, but did go along with it. As I looked into the room there were 3 very attractive girls sitting around a very sturdy looking coffee table. Jill sat facing toward the door, but her attention was directed to the girl sitting opposite, arms on the table. They seemed to be locked in a heated arm wrestle. I suddenly noticed that Jill arm seemed much larger. I figured the girls were just fooling around and she had shoved something in her sleeve. As I continued to watch I realized it were all the muscles in her arm. It was no wonder she could man handle her brother. Slowly at first, then faster her arm was being driven backwards toward the table. At one point with a surge of strength, she held steady, maybe even gained a little back, then the dark haired girl she was wrestling applied more power and flattened Jills hand to the table. The table seemed to be straining against the pressure being applied by the victor. Jill looked up toward the door and I said "Hi Girls! What ya doing? Checking your nails?" She smiled as she saw me "just deciding what to have on our pizza, what are you guys doing here?" "Just stopped by to see what you girls were up to. Do you always decide on your pizza by arm wrestling?" She laughed "Its safer than a knife fight" then she gave that mischievous smile "you know its not polite spy, I saw you watching from the door." she placed her arm on the table again. "You want to try?" Suddenly all the girls burst into giggles. "Sure I guess, I know your in pretty good shape, but Ill try not to hurt you" that brought more laughter from the girls, in fact the shorter of the two blonde girls rolled on her back with giggles. Don then broke it "Steve I dont think thats such a good idea, pick one of the other girls" "No Ill take Jill" and with that I sat down across from her. Becky the small brunette then offered to go get a round of sodas from the kitchen. Don followed her to help carry, and I figured to get a moment alone to talk to her. * * * Don followed Becky toward the Kitchen; she was so tiny, only coming up to just below Dons shoulders. Yet she was quite a package, slender yet with a more than ample chest, maybe a little too big on top to be a good gymnast, but otherwise she fit the bill. Don wondered at her ability to overpower his sister Jill. He didnt think anyone was strong enough to beat her, especially not a much smaller girl. If she was that strong..., Wow she was hot! A great body and massive strength, more than he could dream of. "Becky, how did you manage to beat my sister? She is so strong and I know! Iv scraped with her" "It was no big deal" she shrugged "She isnt so tuff, I can hold my own" with that she turned around to face Don and pulled back the sleeve on her short sleeve shirt and made a muscle, a big round bulge that might have torn her sleeve if had not pulled it back. "W-w-wow Becky, thats amazing" now his heart was pumping. She smiled "Iv noticed you have been checking me out and Iv always thought you were cute. I hope the fact that Im stronger than Jill dosent bother you. Most guys cant deal with powerful women" "No, no its Ok, I mean I think its Hot!" he was nervous and excited all at once. "Then this shouldnt bother you" She reached out and placed her hands at his waist and started to lift him off the floor. She moved slowly raising him an inch, two, three, four and the paused a second and gave him a grin as his eyes opened wide. Becky then careful set him down on the kitchen counter "what do ya think of that?" "My god Becky.. I think that is SO HOT!" his heart was thumping away "I love to get to show off a little, and I hardly get too. You cant tell anyone, I guess its kind of a secret, most people cant handle it. I dont know it all, but I guess a small percent of women are much stronger than you would think. Shannon is pretty strong too and a bunch of other girls at school too, But you cant tell anyone. Beside we all would just deny it. Nobody would believe you." She looked up at him with sultry look "Promise me you wont say anything" "I Swear, I promise, and you can show off for me anytime. Honestly Id love it if you would" "Really? Its fun and it can be pretty exciting for me too, working my body and all" She started looking around the room "maybe I can give you a little sample before we take the sodas back" Becky walked over to the refrigerator, dropped to one knee, hooked the fingers of her left hand under the front edge; the right hand grasped the hinge side of the door and tipped the unit forward for balance. The brunette then with one fluid motion straightened her legs and lifted it from the floor, its top just slightly below the ceiling. She turns her head toward Don and gave him a smile of triumph "How is this big boy" her voice was stiff betraying the fact all her muscles were held tight, but otherwise showing no strain. "That must be 200lbs, thats amazing" if was excited before he was about to burst now. "Yeah only 200lbs, but its pretty awkward" with that she gently set the refrigerator down. Stood up and stretched. As she thrust out her chest, it looked as if her bra might break from the strain of containing her ample bosom. "Man your stacked, Becky your so Hot!" "You keep saying that.. Maybe you should show me how hot you think I am" She pulled him back to the floor and strained up to kiss him tenderly. Continued...