Strip Down!

by L. King

With the clock started, Nikki had just one hour to dismantle the ageing
Ford Cortina. Her challenge was to strip the car of Its major
bodyparts, the bonnet, boot, doors (4), bumpers, wings, and last but
not least the front seats, with her bear hands and brute strength. It
was going to be tough on the 21 yr. old, but she felt up to the
challenge. Her 5ft 6 frame stood at the front of the car packed with
muscle, her biceps were not far off 16, she flexed for the cameras and
her biceps looked like they were going to erupt. 3-2-1 Nikki grabbed
the front of the bonnet and heaved upwards, the metal groaned as her
strength easily ripped the catch from Its fixings, with the bonnet up
she jumped up on to the engine and went to the left pivot arm, It
looked like she was pulling a weed out of a garden, but the young
powerhouse was slowly ripping the support pivot away from the bodywork,
now the first arm was free she could twist the bonnet off the other
weakened support. Then she approached the drivers door, lifted her leg
and kicked the door, it was like a sonic boom and the force of her kick
made the whole car shake, not to mention crush the metal. The door was
then opened with the handle, Nikki laid down on her back near the door
with her feet against the inside of the door. She began to push the
door, I began to groan as Nikkis legs pushed the door further than the
hinges would allow, metal crushed against metal as her muscular legs
forced the door flat against the wing, she got up bent down and ripped
the door from Its stretched hinges. The other doors followed In
similar fashion.

Nikki walked to the back of the car and grabbed the bumper, her hands
grabbed the rusted chrome tightly and the muscles stood out as she got
ready to tear the bumper off. She roared loudly as her amazing strength
kicked In as she tugged upwards, to Nikkis amazement the bumper didnt
come off, but the rear of the car started to rise she lifted the car a
good 12 Inches clear off the ground. Whilst the rear of the car was off
the ground Nikki walked forward with the car and pushed as though It
was a wheelbarrow. After the car had been pushed forward 12ft Nikki
released her grip and the cars suspension sunk with the impact, she
then approached the bumper with the side-peel technique. Nikki put her
right hand on the corner of the bumper and began to pull, the chromed
metal cried out as her delicate hand was ripping the bumper from the
car, once free from the security of the fixings It remained no problem
for the muscle-girl, her biceps swollen with power.

The boot was going to be an Interesting challenge, she decided to punch
her way through the metal, protection gloves were allowed, but nothing
else. She drew her fist back and let fly with an almighty punch, the
battle scarred car shook with the force of this 21yr old muscle girl.
Her first punch had creased the metal inwards so much that It had come
away from the sides of the car. Again she punched, this time her hand
went right through the metal, her hand at first was stuck, Instead of
tugging her arm out, she began a manoeuvre like a curl, with her right
arm trapped In the boot she started to curl her arm upwards. The metal
sung out, groaning as It was being stretched, a big grin appeared on
Nikkis face, It was clear she was enjoying this display of strength,
the boot began to stretch and was being pulled/stretched out of shape.
Finally the hinges could take no more and the whole boot was ripped
from the car, whilst holding the metal cover In the air Nikki began to
bend the boot cover Into a u shape. Suddenly the hooter sounded the 1
hour time limit, Nikki had failed but looking on the bright side a 21yr
old bodybuilder had just trashed a car using physical strength and bare
hands. Another win for girl muscle power.