Tug of car

By L.King

Sarah looked great, her lycra cat suit was figure hugging to say the least and it looked like every muscle was bulging out. The rules for the tug-of-war had been set up, but changed at Sarah's request. Instead of pulling with a rope, she wanted a more hands on approach. Sarah walked up to the front of the car, some 2.3 litre estate car, was it up to the job?

The driver got in and started the engine, Sarah moved to the front of the car and put her hands on the bonnet, as the driver let the clutch out you could see Sarah's arms take the strain, they were shaking with power, her calves looked as hard as rock as they too took the strain. The driver was going to increase the power slowly, giving Sarah a little time to adjust to the situation. The driver proceeded with his plan, Sarah started to smile, the car's wheels were trying to edge forward, but kept rolling back, the car couldn't progress.

Sarah was now starting to introduce more power, as she used more strength her petite hands began to crush into the front of the bonnet, forcing their way into the metal, which was denting, and twisting as it was being forced out of shape. Her sneakers were digging into the tarmac, slowly sinking as her powerful calves were fighting the force of the 330 BHP car. The driver started to use more power, but so did Sarah, the wheels started to smoke, Sarah was preventing the car from moving and the wheels were spinning round, screaming out, it was like the car was against a steel wall. Sarah let out a massive yell as she started to push the car backwards, her legs exploded with even more power, her calves tearing up the tarmac as she pushed against the car whilst it's wheels were still trying to go forwards, she was pushing so hard that the front of the car lifted from the tarmac and started to crumple, the bonnet was crushed and mangled, and now the bumper she was holding was also suffering the same damage. In fact it looked like six Inches had been taken off the front of the car. The driver couldn't believe this, this call was at full power, but clearly wasn't a match for this 28yr old bodybuilder. Sarah started to get excited, the engine was giving signs that it would blow any minute, and Sarah felt she still had more strength left.

With her right hand she grabbed a twisted piece of the bonnet and started to pull upwards, all of this while still holding back the once powerful car, the bonnet started to peel off, it was like she was tearing paper from a pad, but this was steel, the sound of the metal giving way to her strength turned her on. She finally ripped the bonnet from it's fixings, with a massive smile. The car gave it's final push, that was it! She had not only managed to stop the car from moving, but she had also blown the engine, this made Sarah feel more and more turned on. The car was looking more and more like a scrap car, Sarah leaped onto the bonnet-less engine and screamed with ecstasy, she raised her right leg, a fine leg it was too, smooth, bronzed and full of powerful muscle, and brought it down on top of the engine block, WHAM! the top of the engine block compressed with the force, Sarah then jumped down from the engine to a cheering crowd, she kicked the side of the car right in the centre impact post, it was like a sonic boom, her white Nike sneaker left an imprint of her sexy petite foot, the whole of the side of the car crumpled inwards, it looked like it had been hit in the side by a truck, and the power of the kick acutely moved the car 1ft side ways, was there no limit to her strength.

She jumped around like a school girl, so excited with her power, her boyfriend came running onto the track, the grabbed him by the belt and lifted him up with on arm, she looked up to him and whispered "I'm feeling so sexy, so horny, and I need a man to take me now! are you up to this?" The look on her boyfriends face didn't say much, but his jeans did the talking. Sarah walked off the track with her boyfriend cradled in her arms, this was going be some night! GRRRRL POWERRR!