I'll rip you apart!

by L. King

Marion was nearly ready, she had just her gloves to put on and then It
was show time. The feat of strength would start off with Marions arms
at full stretch and she would attempt to pull the bikes towards her
ending up In a double bicep pose whilst the bikes engines were
screaming In defeat. Marion walked out to the arena just as the monster
1300cc bikes roared into action, all 125bhp of them, and this 23 yr.
old girl was going to over power the bikes with just her arms. Marion
walked over to where the bikes were, she smiled to herself and hoped
her strength wouldnt let her down as she bent down to take hold of the
two reinforced steel ropes, the bikes moved slowly so the ropes could
tense and would start off at low revs and then build up to full power.

3-2-1 the rope tightened and Marions body shook with a jolt, as the
battle between girl and machine began, a smile broke out over her face
as she held her own against the bikes, but there was along way to go
yet. A cut-off switch had been placed near her right foot If It got too
much, even the promoters thought this was beyond her strength. In
earlier shows she had tugs of war with five men pulling on each arm,
and even pulled a horse backwards against Its will, but this was

The bikes slowly Increased power, the smile dropped from her face, it
was obvious the power of the bikes was to much for the stunning 23 yr.
old to take, her biceps looked like they were going to explode, and her
arms violently shook with all of the counter force, the judge looked
concerned and was ready to call quits when, according to the markings
the right bike had been pulled back slightly.

There was a loud roar from Marion, you could hear it over the noise of
the bikes, her right arm had started to move, the bikes engine and
rear tyre were screaming out, as it tried to edge the bike forward.

Marion looked to her left arm, slowly but surely her arm was moving
upwards, pulling the monster bike towards her, the engine was
screaming, the tyre couldnt grip, It was being pulled backwards by the
left arm of a young female bodybuilder. Both arms had now started to
form the position for the double bicep pose, a smile had come across
her face again, as she knew that she was wining against the monster
bikes and started to smile, suddenly the engine on the right bike blew
up, Marion lost her balance and fell over and let go of the bike on her
left, but she had won. The power of the two monster bikes was not
enough to overpower Marions strength!

Marion stood up and In triumph went over to the engine blown bike,
grabbed the front forks and the rear grab-rail, she smiled for the
cameras, and roared out loudly she lifted the huge bike from the
ground, her biceps grew to a full 17 as she raised the steel beast
above her head, after a short pose she threw it to the ground, walked
over and pressed down on the steel frame with her powerful leg, the
tubular steel groaned as It was being forced out of shape by her
powerful leg. She stood in a victorious pose over the dead bike, girl
power had won against machine! The other bike came over, Marion
grabbed the rear and started to push down, there was an almighty sound
of groaning steel as the wheel began to collapse under her power,and
the rear frame buckled and groaned as It was being crushed like a soda
tin by this young bodybuilder, her face had a sweet smile as she
listened to the groaning steel bend and twist in her petite hands, she
loved being this strong..