Dizzy Heights

By L.King

This had never been on film, let alone television. Tabs was 31, she had
a lucrative background In powerlifting and competed In bodybuilding for
a short time, until dedicating herself to strength competitions. Her
challenge today was to prevent a 2 seater helicopter from taking off. A
huge scaffolding had been constructed, and the helicopter would sit on
the top, down the middle and at the bottom would be tabs, holding onto
an adapted steel rope pulling down as the helicopter would be pulling

The day was set, and the crowds gathered. Tabs began her walk to the
tower. Her thick muscles jumped out as she picked up the heavy rope,
normally used on ocean liners. The helicopter started up, suddenly a man
ran over waving, It was the fire chief, he was going to stop the event
as the tower was deemed unsafe and a fire hazard. The promoters were
getting ready to tell everyone that the show was cancelled, when tabs had
an idea!

The helicopter was moved over to the south field, the crowd followed,
nobody knew what was going on? The helicopter started up, the pilot was
highly skilled and had reluctantly agreed to accept the adjusted
challenge. It was announced over the tannoy that there was a change to the
plans. Whilst the crowd were being moved a team of engineers had added a
thick steel across the landing feet of the helicopter, tabs was going
to hold onto this bar underneath the helicopter and try and keep It from
rising Into the sky. Tabs stood underneath the helicopter which was
hovering above at arms reach, It was going to be amazing! bicep power
against B.H.P (Break-horse-power) Her thick powerful arms clamped around
the steel bar, the competition started. The pilot was given the go ahead
to Increase the power slowly, tabs huge 17 biceps erupted with power,
the was a noticeable dip In the helicopters height as Tabs tried to
bring her arms down, the engine tune also changed from the strain the
pilot started to Increase the power but It was just too much.

The steel bar welded underneath the Helicopter was giving way, not
bending upwards to the Helicopter, no! the strain from Tabs was too much,
her grip was so tight that her hands had crushed Into the 3 solid bar
like It was dough! and the bar was starting to shape like a U. So again
the feat was stopped. That was It, all over....or was It?

Again the helicopter took to the sky, but the plan was to hover at Tabs
shoulder height, even with her protective goggles on, her blue eyes
sparkled. The helicopter was In position, Tabs grabbed the landing rail on
the side, GO! Tabs started to pull down, even her calves were bulging
with power as she was standing slightly on her toes, the engine tone
changed, and the Helicopter tilted as Tabs was pulling down, her biceps
like volcanoes on a landscape, erupting with power, the pilot Increased
the power and nearly pulled Tabs from the ground, but their was a huge
yell from the muscle women.

With pain on her face and arms shaking she pulled harder than before,
again the helicopter tilted, her arms were level with her shoulders now,
Instead of being overhead, the pilot couldnt believe It, the power
level that he was at, was normally enough to lift cars Into the air, But
this 31yr old women of super strength was preventing It from taking off,
her bronzed muscled body was shaking with power, she managed to get the
helicopter lower so that the landing rails were at chest level, Instead
of pulling down she was now pushing down! The pilot desperate with
embarrassment and amazement Increased to 3/4 power, surely this would pull
her off the ground! Tabs looked across at the pilot, she gave a sexy
smile In between a grunt of power, her sexy blue eyes looked at him then
glanced to her left bicep, shaking with power, her two arms more
powerful than a Helicopter, she felt so turned on.

Now she was pushing down on the landing rail, the engine was making an
awful sound, and smoke was coming out of the engine compartment, the
landing rail started to groan as Tabs force was pulling It away from the
chassis. It was too much. Tabs gave one final push and the landing rail
was just below waist height, just right for her to put her foot on,
this was a treat. First bicep and power now calve and thigh power, and
just one leg! As she pushed down her diamond calve formed, almost bursting
out of her skin, her toes en Pointe, and her arms on her hips. The
engine of the Helicopter was cutting In and out, surely It couldnt take
any more! Tabs continued to push down with her leg, the material In her
shorts burst as her thighs expanded to bursting point, she flexed a
double bicep as only her right leg was keeping the Helicopter from taking
off! She hoped the cameras were not focusing too much on her shorts as
she had become wet from her own power. Her leg began to straighten the
helicopter was at full power, but It just wasnt enough, It touched
down a sorry state, bellowing smoke from Its engine.

The rotors stopped and the crowd cheered as the pilot got out, Tabs
then crouched down and grabbed the landing rail, she was In the squat
position helicopter started to rise up as she stood up, she was now
standing up with the helicopter tilting over, she gave a glance to her biceps
and a final scream putting all of her power Into a thrust which pushed
the Helicopter right over, It crashed over onto the rotors.

With a grin as big as her strength and a double biceps pose to die for
the crowd cheered! Girl, sorry Women power had overcome machine.