The young kadet was sent to earth, together with 50 of her classmates to Raise as much hell as posible, On this a plannet whose strongest males are about as tough as the creme filling in cake. No dicipline on this mission, on the starship they were called "at ease" and kadets were offorded every luxury, It was like a headgame after years of intence training. Even the last meal abord ship was a rich spicy one; similar to mexican coocking on earth. Sandra was looking forward to her assighnment, is was like a holideck fantasy, Imagine being a georgous unobtainable, invulnerable goddess. Arron men are like earthmen in that they usualy dominate in relationships, money, politics etc. Manny Arrion girls "though in the minority" harbor fantasy's of feminine dominance, many Arrion boys do to for the girls doing the Intimidation of Earth. and the boy's whatching, this is a fetishistic dream come true. So As Sandra has been tearing up a small town, knocking down buildings crushing automobiles and raping men and boys till they literally "POP OPEN", eventually a fearless deputy drinks enough currage to challange the Girl. He walks up behind her while she taunts a croud 'Drunk on power" herself The deputy grabs her long brown hair in one hand and puts his handgun against the back of her neck with the other. "Show's over missy, I'm not gonna take anny crap from a young girl, just because she's some kind of alien freek" says the deputy. "NNNmmm!" coohs Sandra, The spicy Arrion coocking not staying put in this wimpy Earth gravity and pressure. "Crap Hu, well GO AHEAD AND SHOOT ME WITH THAT LITTLE TOY and ILL BLOW YOU IN HALF!" says Sandra, feeling the deputy's week flabby belly against her perfect hard buttocks, the thought of this inferior being threatening her made her even sicker to her stomach than lunch already had, as she heard him pull the hammer back, Sandra releaved the millions of tonnes of presure in her bowels, what felt hot and just a little wet to her, was 100,000"s of degrees and not only blew her outmached chalanger in half but compleately vaporised him as well as 30 ft of street behind her. "Serves you rite weekling, I WARNED YOU!" Sandra said ACIDLY. With that the croud wearaly accepted her supremecy.